N Scale ATSF Class 3000 (2-10-10-2) Placeholder

alister Dec 4, 2020

  1. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    This is a placeholder for an upcoming build of an ATSF Class 3000 2-10-10-2 Steam locomotive build.
    I started building the boiler in 2009 and ran into problems with the driver sizes. that has now been resolved.
    So to kick things off I have acquired an ATSFNScale Models Turtleback Tender. It's not painted yet as I will have to take the shell off to install a sound decoder and speaker (if it will fit). If that won't fit then it'll just be DCC.
    Dirk has done a beautiful job with the tender.
    The picture is attached.

    Prototype picture

    [​IMG] http://www.northeast.railfan.net/images/atsf3000.jpg

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  2. Doug Gosha

    Doug Gosha TrainBoard Member


  3. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member

    Too many legs, not enough steam.

    But cool. Very cool.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  4. MK

    MK TrainBoard Member

    Oh, this is going to be good! (y)
  5. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    Looks like a caterpillar...
    Sepp K likes this.
  6. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    I have some parts on the way and this is going to polarise some people - I apologise in advance.
    I have some wheelsets of the correct diameter coming from Bachmann and some other bits coming from Atlas.
    I'm using some Bachmann bits because thy are more correct than anything else available. The whole premise of this build is that it must perform like a Kato and must be as close to prototypically correct as I can get. This will be a long build and a bit expensive but at the end of it, it should all be worth it.
    The Cab will be an ATSF style extended cab from Shapeways. The Front and rear cylinders are coming from Atlas (Lifelike) and are from a 2-8-8-2 to get the heft, The front porch / pilot is from a Bachmann Spectrum EM1 which looks close but may need to be modified. Since I have a blank canvas I can make everything fit and look correct. The front truck is from a Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 and the rear truck is from a Bachmann Spectrum 2-10-2. I have more parts to order but am waiting for some secondhand loco's to come up on an NZ auction site for the right price. When I have all the parts necessary I'll post a parts list of what it took to get this running.

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    I've always thought this was a cool steamer. Will be interesting to watch this project.
  8. drasko

    drasko TrainBoard Member

    The 3000 class 2-10-10-2s had a 57" driver. The bachmann 2-10-2s are also a 57" so those mechanisms would be the proper place to start outside of lengthening a walthers 2-8-8-2.

    Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  9. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    Yes the 3000 class had 57" drivers and yes I had considered the 2-8-8-2, I also have a 2-10-2 but I need to remeasure the drivers - my initial measurement was 54" for the Bachmann 2-10-2 and 63" for the Con-cor 2-10-2
  10. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member

    I strongly recommend the smaller drivers, as even the best model train flanges are too big. So, smaller drivers look right, and keep your wheelbase closer to scale length.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
    badlandnp and ogre427 like this.
  11. drasko

    drasko TrainBoard Member

    Bachmann 2-10-2 is your best option that has better looking flanges. The concor drivers are actually close to 67" and the wheelbase is feet too long.
    I've built a LOT of santa fe steam. Ask dirk lol.

    Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
    badlandnp likes this.
  12. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    Yes I know you have, I've been having a look at some of your builds and you also authored some articles in the N scale Steam locomotive Information Book which I have bought and plan to build. I will be using 57" drivers. :)
    badlandnp likes this.
  13. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    I received my package from Bachmann. I have remeasured my chosen drivers from a Spectrum 2-8-0 Consolidation and they measure the same size as the Bachmann light 2-10-2 at 54". I only got 3 pairs just in case I had got my measurements wrong. Now I only need 7 more pairs. I have the trailing truck from a Bachmann 2-10-2, a front pilot from a Bachmann EM1 2-8-8-4, front truck from a Bachmann 2-8-0 (I need spoked wheels but these will be a stand until until I can get some Kato ones from Japan). I also have 2 chassis halves from the 2-8-0 to make a 2-10-0 and a 0-10-2 conjoined mechanism. The Spectrum 2-8-0 was chosen for it's driver size and that it is a very good loco. If I get everything right it should be reliable and consistent running on the track. But that is a long way off yet. Pictures coming a bit later (the cat is in the way)

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    badlandnp, Kurt Moose and SP-Wolf like this.
  14. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    It looks like the 2-8-0 drivers will push out the wheelbase too far which means i need some 2-10-2's as donors. After googling for a long time I've located a source but they are pricey so I'll have to get the one at a time hopefully after Christmas. I still have some much needed parts coming from Atlas but the post is taking a long time (it is Christmas after all). So this build will slow down some more,
  15. randgust

    randgust TrainBoard Member

    I think you made the right call to go slightly small, but that 5th axle is probably going to make you a little crazy, either powered by rods or gears.

    You planning on going two motors or some kind of universal shaft between engine sets?

    When I found a picture of one in Flagstaff it was more than a little interesting to discover they had a stint of helper service apparently up to Riordan. There was a wye up there (today look at the crossing of the railroad by I-40 west of Flagstaff, about half a mile west of that and south, ROW still plainly visible) that was used to turn them. As you can imagine, anyplace they operated had to have a wye as no turntable anywhere could deal with them. I've scaled out the curvature on the wyes before and these could still turn about the same curves as a 2-10-2.

    I think the model may work better than the prototype. At least with one of these you're dealing with a hinged boiler, which was also the undoing of the entire Santa Fe fascination with compound mallets - 2-6-6-2's, 2-4-6-2, others. Not only was the firebox too small but you ended up proving that you could leak as much steam as you could produce. But they sure held bragging rights for a while. Too bad it spoiled ATSF on articulateds though. If they had put as much thought into a 4-8-8-4 as with Baldwin as they did with the 2-10-4, my, what a locomotive that would have been.

    Way cool for a model, and Dirk's tender sure will help a lot. I'll be interested to see you you simulate the Jacobs-Schuppert firebox, too.

    For those of you steam fans that care about this stuff an wonder how you could justify such a design, this is a wonderful post on just exactly how it was designed, built, etc. with a hinged flexible boiler: http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/blwmal00.Html
    Part of the problem is that you really have a rather normal saturated 2-10-2 with a real firebox and boiler tube set only above the rear engine, and the front engine is attempting to superheat and re-use the waste steam to another set of cylinders.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
    acptulsa and badlandnp like this.
  16. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    Hi Randy,
    I plan to use 2 motors with a split articulated mechanism so that will be interesting to see if I can pull that off properly. The 2-10-10-2 will be a fixed boiler but I'm also making a flex boiler 2-6-6-2 Prairie Mallet and a rigid boiler version, I have the ball joint worked out but not the pleated join part. A 4-4-6-2 is also being planned (rigid boiler). The Jacobs-Schuppert firebox will be a trick eh :), that's the one with the ridges on it as per photo's of loco number 3000?
    Other photo's I've seen like 3001 and 3004 don't have the ridges showing.
    badlandnp likes this.
  17. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    I think I can duplicate the firebox ridges with Archer resin detail transfers - HO weld seams. They should be big enough to give the illusion (i hope!)
    badlandnp likes this.
  18. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    Some parts arrived from Atlas today - Lifelike / Walthers 2-8-8-2 front and rear cylinders. I might have to make my own as these look a little small. I'll have to measure them against my scale drawing.

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    badlandnp likes this.
  19. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    Update: I now have one 2-10-2 on the way from the US. It'll take about 4 weeks to arrive. I can then start planning the mechanism. It'll take me a little while to save up for the next 2-10-2 that I need to finish the mechanism. This is starting to come together.
    badlandnp likes this.
  20. alister

    alister TrainBoard Member

    The 2-10-2 just arrived today after 49 days in transit. Glad to have it arrive.


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