The New Black Diamond & Augusta Railroad

poppy2201 Oct 15, 2012

  1. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Greetings to all! It has been a long time since I participated on this forum. I had started a layout (my Stillwater Central) while living in Oklahoma but never got past the benchwork before we moved back to Florida. We have been here almost a year and a half and I decided to get something going with the room I have available. Initially I was going to build the BD&A on a hollow core door but the project got shelved for various reasons. Now it’s time to consider a bigger plan. The schedule is to begin construction after January 1, 2013. This will give me some time to finalize the track plan and start gathering some materials that I don’t have yet.

    I have attached a .jpg image of the plan and if any of you are using the AnyRail track planning software (I’m still using version 4.26.0) just PM me and I will send you the file. I have created the plan using the Layer function so if you play around with the plan, various layers can be shown or not shown.

    Some facts about the layout:
    1. The BD&A is a fictional short line in N-scale operating in a rural area.
    2. It is set in the time period of about the mid-70’s to the mid-80’s.
    3. Control is DCC.
    4. Room has to still function as guest room/office.
    5. Walk-in closet cannot be used. (we live in an apartment and as with all apartments, storage space is at a premium)
    6. Passenger Operations: Some residents of Augustaville work in the city. I was thinking of using a RDC for this service to depart in the a.m. from the Depot and go into the city via the interchange. It will return in the p.m. I realize the RDC was 85 feet and if anyone thinks it would look odd with the given radii, let me know. Passenger service is not totally required or set in stone. Alternative plan will call for an excursion train.
    7. Grain Elevator: This is a small rural community and at any given time there will be only 3-4 grain cars operating at any one time.
    8. Sunrise Feed Mill: Will receive only about 2 cars at the most 3 times per week.
    9. Lumber Yard: Will only receive 1 or 2 cars per week.
    10. Oil Dealer: Will receive 1 car 3 times per week.

    All of this is not totally set in stone, but it represents what I would like to strive for. I realize that some of the radii are tight but I think I can make it work considering the space I have to work with. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.

    Attached Files:

  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Yes. I has been a while. Glad to see you back and busy modeling again!
  3. paperkite

    paperkite TrainBoard Member

    Charles, thanks for your service for our county ! ...Too bad you have to share the room ... but it is better than nothing . Looks like the switching chores will keep you busy .Soon as I retire this winter , my home office will become the train room, library, pc station ... looks like I 'll have about as much room as you do . as the Mrs. won't let me run it thru the wall to the guest room and back ... thats ok , not as much trak to maintain ....
  4. jimdwebster

    jimdwebster New Member

    Charles, looks like a great layout and I will be interested to see your progress. What kind of track do you expect to use? I have a room similar in size and hope to create an N Scale layout using Kato Unitrack. Look forward to seeing more updates.
  5. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks BoxcabE50, it's good to be starting something again.

    paperkite, thanks for your comment, it's appreciated.

    Jim, I'm using Atlas Code 55.
  6. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Okay, still working on the plan but I decided to try and expand the size of the modules at each end of the U. This will give me the opportunity to use a larger radius on those curves. As soon as I get some kinks worked out I'll re-post the updated plan.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    If you can somehow work out those larger curves, you most likely will me happier with the overall outcome.
  8. MC Fujiwara

    MC Fujiwara TrainBoard Member

    Some suggestions:


    At Augustaville and Black Diamond redo the sidings red & yellow) into crossings to eliminate the switchbacks.
    Cars can flow off the runarounds better with fewer moves and longer cuts.
    Switchbacks, avoided as much as possible in the prototype, can become very very tedious after awhile (especially you have to clear cars off the tail to work it).

    Not sure of the purpose of that siding in the far back right corner.
    Unless you really really need it, it will probably become a chore to reach to uncouple or rerail cars.

    Add a crossover to the yard drill track.
    Creates a pocket for the switcher past the turnout, and allows for the drill to act as another A/D track.

    On the inside of Augustaville you might want to try angling the line so it's not totally parallel to the front.
    This would ease the curve down as well.

    Food for thought.
  9. paulus

    paulus TrainBoard Member

    i couldn't read the names on your plan, so I used some fantasy names.
    By adding staging tracks your plan has a more easily seen purpose. Trains start from staging and terminate in Davis.
    The station along the upper wall is kept simple, while the complicated track issues are up-front.

    The lap-connection and entrance to staging is hidden from view. Though having a road overpass enhances it, it is not really necessary.

    I also changed the direction of the yard. Generally speaking you have a lot of tracks as if you will be running 3 trains at the very same time.
    On the plan by me that number will be 2. Some more food for thought.
  10. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks MC, as always your input is appreciated. I extended the end modules by 6 inches each in depth and this has allowed me to increase the minimum radius of the layout from 8 15/32 to 12 1/2. Take a look as I tried to incorporate your thoughts. If you see anything else let me know.

    Thanks Paul for your input. It's an interesting option also. As soon as I find some time I will draw it up and compare the two.

    Attached Files:

  11. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    I liked what paulus depicted above in his post. I drew up the plan with what I think are some minor compromises, but I think I captured the gist of what he was trying to say. My goal was to keep a minimum track radius of 12 1/2. I call this iteration version 5. I really like it for the scenery aspect also and still have some scenic areas to work on yet.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2012
  12. Jerry Tarvid

    Jerry Tarvid TrainBoard Member

    Your latest version 5 is looking really good!

    In order to obtain a realistic yard and A/D track configuration and keep a minimum track radius of 12 1/2" you may need to adjust the Linville siding. Your drill track should come off the A/D track (not the main); otherwise why not just use the main for the drill track. That change will require a left hand crossover be added from the main to the A/D track. This change will correct the main from taking the diverging route (low speed leg of the turnout) and possibly add needed length to your yard tracks. An extra 12 to 18 inches added to the length of your bench work on this side of the layout would really open up your scenic possibilities. Another way to provide more room for Linville would be to slightly angle your yard.

    Just more food for thought.

  13. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Jerry, this is precisely why construction won't begin until after January 1, 2013. Gives me time to refine everything. I will study your thoughts and see what I can do. I have corrected some areas of concern in version 5 and now I have posted version 6. As always, suggestions and comments welcome.

    Attached Files:

  14. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Okay, version 6 above was not going to allow me to have a min. radius of 12 ½ . I took Iron Horse’s thought above and extended the lower module of the U by 12 inches. This is the most I can go and still maintain the overall functionality of the room. By extending the module I can maintain an overall min. radius of 12 ½. As always comments and suggestions are welcome.

    Attached Files:

  15. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    I waited too long to edit the above post, here's the same version except some more scenery has been added, most notably, the farm scene.

    Attached Files:

  16. Carsten Weye

    Carsten Weye TrainBoard Member

    I think the latest version looks great. I have a suggestion, but don't know if it will work, or if it's a good idea.
    How about moving the purple track at Linville a little down the line to make room for a wye track coming from staging into Linville.
    Then you will be able to turn an engine although its not nessesary.

  17. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Hey Carsten, thanks for the comments. I had originally thought of the wye at Linville. I am currently working on version 8 and things will be changed especially the yard (total redesign) and the track to what was representing Linville is being eliminated. As soon as some refinements are made I will post version 8.
  18. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Alright, as promised here is version 8. The yard has been totally reworked thanks to Mike on the AnyRail forum and a few other minor tweaks.

    Attached Files:

  19. paulus

    paulus TrainBoard Member

    Hi Poppy,
    matching length of the passing sidings might lead to a different view. The staging tracks are about 3,5 ft long, no need for other passing sidings to be much longer. If you want to separate the staging area visually more from the yard, its passing siding could be made shorter. The second connection to the main of the purple track could be omitted too. This is not about good or wrong but about the scenic vision you have.
    BTW more staging tracks in stead of the road seems an other option.
    Your plan is awesome IMHO, though i would try to tilt some tracks or stations a bit, to get less track parallel to the edges and walls.
    Wish you the best
  20. poppy2201

    poppy2201 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Paul for the vote of confidence in the plan. I'm pretty happy with it now but did take into consideration some of your comments. It doesn't make sense to have the road in the staging area and therefore I added 2 more staging tracks. Also, I adjusted the passing sidings accordingly and visually they do look better. I will attempt to make some of the track that's parallel to the edges/walls more angled to add interest.

    Thanks again.

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