Layout Expansion

montanan Mar 18, 2013

  1. mikelhh

    mikelhh TrainBoard Member

    Montanan I don't know what camera you're using, but the key fob mini cameras work very well and take up very little room. I sit mine on a makeshift platform on the chassis of a 40ft boxcar.

  2. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    New cab ride video

    The camera is a Cannon HF R400. I didn't think it would work due to the size and weight, but it was a freebie. It is a bit large, but I thought I would give it a try. Here's a video going in the opposite direction. At the end, I had to stop because the camera couldn't fir going into the hidden staging area. Logan to Gallatin Gateway.

    This video shows a bit more of the uncompleted layout. One problem I had with the camera was the superelevation on the curves. A lot of my freight cars have sprung Kadee trucks and it was a bit of a balancing act to keep the flatcar from tipping over in the curves due to the weight of the camera and high center of gravity. .
  3. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Superb! Would love to run a way freight on there!

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  4. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    It can really keep you busy. From one end to the other, it can take up to 2 hours to complete switching duties. I have the room to have a long main line run, but I chose switching. I model the area I live in, and industries that either were, or could have been in the area in 1957. Railroads were such a part of every day life back then. Long haul trucking was years down the road, and most everything we got back then came by rail.
  5. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Better times on the railroads back then, and more relaxed too, I guess :)

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  6. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    A lot more relaxed. I spent many hours riding in the cabs of locomotives, starting when I was about 10, and was able to access just about anywhere in the yard also. This sure wouldn't happen today.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    So true. Back when there were actually people around you could interact with, not miles and miles of miles of bland, lifeless miles. Back when railroads went after business, instead of cherry picking or sitting back waiting for you to come begging to them. Back when PR departments actually were concerned with the "P" in their jobs, and sales departments were constantly out beating the bushes for new shippers and loads.
  8. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    'tis the same the world over Ken, unfortunately

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  9. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Some progress has been made. I haven't had as much time as I wanted to get things done, but this is what was done before leaving for the Daytona 500. I am in Daytona Beach at the present time.
    Backdrops have been put up finally, but I will need 2 more to complete this area. Ground cover has been started also.



    The first 2 pictures show where the scenery has been started. The sidings at the bottom will be a salvage yard. I also am thinking about putting a small farm in the area to the left.



    The next 2 pictures show how I am attempting to match the hardshell scenery to the backdrop. Ran out of time here.

    The last picture is of my camera car. The camcorder is a bit large, but it didn't cost anything and is a good unit, but won't fit through tunnel portals, and is a bit heavy. All of my flat cars ride on sprung Kadee trucks and it is a bit of a balancing act to keep it from tipping over as my main line curves are all super elevated. Here are a couple of updated videos with the new scenery. - - -

  10. StickyMonk

    StickyMonk TrainBoard Member

    I never get tired of looking at your work, your layout is my ideal if only I had the space.

    Awesome work :)

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  11. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    I appreciate the kind works. Still a work in progress. Hope you watched the videos to get a better idea of the layout.
  12. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    Nice I wish I could get mine looking like that. I start working in it and it turns into one setback after another. :(

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  13. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    I can relate to the setbacks. I had one that lasted almost ten years. We lost our local hobby shop, which was a of a pain to work with. They never had anything in stock that I needed and everything had to be special ordered, and I had to pay full retail price. When I started this layout well over 20 years ago we didn't have a lot of money which also slowed things down. As time passed, the economy improved and I found a great job and income went up, but then there was always something coming up with the kids, and we still had to watch what we spent. Now that the kids are grown and on their own, I finally have the disposable income to put to the hobby.

    Even with the bucks available to put into the hobby, it was still hard to find what I needed for the hobby. The closest model railroad shop is over 150 miles away in Billings, and again, I was up against them not having what I needed in stock. E-retailers finally come on the scene and slowly I was able to get the layout going again. There's still a lot of things that I need and in time I will find them. It really is frustrating not to be able to see in person the merchandise that I want. I am in Daytona Beach presently for the Daytona 500 and when we drive back to Montana, I have a few hobby shops that I plan to stop in on the way back and hopefully find more of what I need. For me, the hobby can be a big challenge.
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Your snow shovel called this morning. Said it was feeling lonely, and for you to hurry home! :)

    Thankfully, it isn't too bad these days, with the Internet. Otherwise I'd be making long and expensive drives for my needs.
  15. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Snow shovel ???? I don't own a snow shovel. There's no seat on it. I do run a plow on my garden tractor to move snow, but no steenkin chobbles.

    It has cooled off a bit, into the 70's with some scattered showers.

    I am in agreement with the internet. I have no idea of where any hobby shops are even remotely close to me that would stock what I need. I have had fairly good luck with a few retailers on the internet thankfully.
  16. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    The expansion is slowly moving along. I have been extremely busy, so all I have had time for was painting the buildings for the town section. All but three have been painted till mow, and they should be done soon. Signs and smaller details for them will be done soon so the streets can be laid down. The first picture is the Corner Cafe. In time I plan on putting an interior in this building as it is right up in the front of the layout.


    The rest of the buildings on that block is Montana Motor Supply which sell parts for cars, trucks and farm equipment. This company does exist in the valley. The building still has to be painted. Nox to it is a variety store and a barber shop with a law office in to top level. Across the street from the barber shop is the department store. There will be a park area with some of my sagebrush trees in front of the passenger station.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2014
  17. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    It looks great. I know what you mean about the slow part. I purchased a digitrax superchiefnxtra in March and just finished installing it last night.

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  18. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Being that the number of pictures in a post is limited, it will be continued here. Across from the department store is the market. Down from the market is a plumbing supply store, a saloon and a furniture store.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Across the street from these buildings are going to be a bank, a fabric store and an appliance retailer. The last pictures are the buildings at the end of the street. The small building is going to be a shoe store, Woolworths and a Sears Catalog Store. Locally all we have to this day is a catalog store. The closest retail store to us is in Billings.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The work goes on. I should ballast the yard tracks first, but I have to find some ballast that matches what I have now. The company is out of business (Johns Ballast) that made the original ballast.
  19. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Some fine work being done here. Like the paint jobs.
  20. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    What product are you using for roads?

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