Time to run!

Keith Mar 11, 2015

  1. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    It rain some, over night here the other night.
    Couple of brief sprinkles as well. Stocked up on mud
    on my shoes today, from the minimal work I did.
    Supposed to start warming up a little bit in the next day or two.
    Hopefully, perfect timing to get locomotive wheels cleaned. Again!! And
    Get them out and running to test my track connections/jumpers!
    If decent, and dry enough, as mentioned before, I MAY try to start ballasting my track.
  2. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Weather was decent today, so I ended up doing a little bit of work outside today.
    Managed to get maybe 15 feet of track ballasted. Installed one bridge yesterday.
    And after looking at it, its gonna be yanked out!! Just isn't gonna work!! Had to
    dig down way too far to install. And that I am UNABLE to get help in building the
    bridge abutments needed, I've given up trying ti install the GMM bridges. Turns out
    those bridges are gonna become a $400 display.

    More track ballasting tomorrow, maybe.
    Have a quick trip to make tomorrow, IF I can find my way!
    May have to get some updated photos tomorrow as well!
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Ouch! :(
  4. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    That's the understatement of the day!!
    To use them, I'd probably have to LIFT the entire railroad area about 4"
    over the entire system, to MAYBE be able to use bridges. To use out front
    now, the entire railroad would probably be out of action for a year or more!!
    IF I didn't give up completely!
    The lack of help with install has not helped either!
    And no one, in G Scale, to ask for help from!! That I'm aware of anyway.
    Working another idea out at the moment as well, that might work!
  5. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Got summer off to a fair star To! Spent about 90 minutes
    this evening, running my GP40's, caboose and track cleaner.
    Stayed out front only, for now.

    Hope to figure out my tunnel project soon. Have an idea, that
    might work, and won't cost me anything! Not sure how well my
    hand will let me work this summer. Could be a lefty job all year
    this time. If I'm able, or willing, to get to it. We shall see.
  6. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Spent most of thE afternoon today, running. This time, 5 cars and the NW-2.
    Early start on the summer sunburns too!! Lower legs, and arms are kinda pink and starting to hurt!!
    Have 8-9 hours or so, combined from yesterday and today. A quick track fix was all I had to do
    repair wise, so far! Curve superelevation, was 1/4" to the OUTSIDE of the curve! Had to lift maybe 3/8".
    But, things ran pretty good after that. In both clock and counter clock directions.
    Did not try to the backyard yet. Have to clean track, and that is a challenge right now, with a messed up wrist!
    May do that, when weather clears, possible rain the next 4 days! Want to shoot video
    of entire railroad before too long!
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Ha. Sunburn. I was in our back yard yesterday, trying to do a small amount of work. I was standing with my back to the sun, yet somehow my face was turned a light red shade...
  8. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    No sun for the last 4 days. Temps in low 60's at best.
    Stuck with more isolated showers for the next 3 days.
    Not sure if I'll be able to set up and run an engine and
    caboose. Maybe an attempt to shoot an updated video.
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Video would be nice!
  10. Hytec

    Hytec TrainBoard Member

    Ken, my worst sunburns were while spring skiing, on warm sunny April days. Stripped to the waist, my poor skin was assailed from two directions, above and below. :eek:
  11. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Yes. I've had those burns as well. Ouch. But the sun in my back yard must have been reflecting off dirt and grass. :confused:
  12. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, left arm is looking pretty nasty! So to speak.
    Sunburn has made its way to peeling! So, my arm
    is looking kinda shredded right now!

    Another 4 days of possible rain. Might not make it outside to work, or run
    until at least Wednesday. Should be up to near 80* by then!
    Slowly starting to wonder IF I'll get any work done this year. If my wrist doesn't
    improve, I may not get much done, if at all. I can manage with the drooling foot.

    Not gonna worry yet, until it dries out for a while, I've got a break!
    Although, I may still try and get an engine, caboose and camera flat out and shoot a video.
  13. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    About 90 minutes running tonight.
    After the sun had set, so NO chance for sunburn!!
    Even warmer for Saturday, so I may run a bit more.
    Maybe trying a video this time.
    Video tomorrow night maybe.
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Seems as though you traded us your weather. Now we are well below average, breezy and some rain. Seems more like March. We'll take the water as we need it.
  15. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    More possible isolated rain for next 3-4 days. Setup and ran camera car today, to shoot
    new, updated video of railroad. Did NOT record!! So, if it doesn't rain tomorrow,
    I'm gonna try to record video again.
  16. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Got maybe 90 minutes running in tonight. Testing out a USAT streamline passenger car.
    Couple of high spots to adjust. Went good, until I stepped on the wrong end of a brick, and
    it went down, taking me with it. :( Lower right leg and back messed up pretty good now!
    Major pain. Until lidocaine and/or Motrin kicks in!
    Railroad club meeting tomorrow night in question now.
    What a week? Apparent food poisoning last week, now this!

    Oh well.......stuff happens.
    I'll survive, I hope!! :unsure:
  17. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Good grief. I'd thought I was the only one so skilled in dry land diving exhibitions... :(
  18. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Saved from Pinterest.

    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  19. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Had about 6 hours of run time again today..
    And NO, I do NOT fall today!!
    Fixed a couple of minor problems though.
    Have one more to deal with now. Either sand groove
    in retailer section, or remove it completely.
    Haven't decided which yet.

    Also haven't decided yet when I want to start lifting track
    on the upper half of the railroad. Want to raise track about 2"-3"
    along a section. Need to cover up a patio 6x6 the has dirt slowly falling
    out from under it. And possibly burying a switch machine in the process!!
    Also need to cover up the open edge of the sidewalk up to the front door.

    Will give me a slight grade to deal with as a result. Adding a bit more
    operational interest. Need to do a slight redesign of garden anyway. And
    it should give me the chance to test out a tunnel idea I have in mind.
    Nothing over the next couple of days at a minimum, with temps climbing
    into the mid 90's by Sunday!!
  20. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I actually do trip up stairs. :( My legs just don't work right any more, after a couple of illnesses, several injuries and needing to learn to walk again twice. Some days it sucks. :oops::rolleyes:

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