Joe and Sharon Mainz Model Railroad, San Antonio, Texas

Flash Blackman Oct 23, 2008

  1. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    I know I have covered this before, but I can't find the thread. I am just going to post photos of this H0 scale layout. It was published in Kalmbach 2008 Great Model Railroads. It is fairly small (15 x 20 feet) and is in a separate building from the residence. Joe originally modeled early diesels, but now he is moving to 1970-1980 or so. Here are some pictures.


    Caldwell, Texas.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2008
  2. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Joe and Sharon Mainz (R) discuss a point of modeling with our own Tony Hammes (L) of BN snowdozer fame.


    Low nose GP9. Proto 2000 shell; Kato mechanism.

    Lumber yard at Caldwell, Texas. In the foreground, you can see a portion of the mechanism Joe uses to operate the turnout target stands. He also has some lighted dwarf turnout indicators. Joe models these after the Espee prototype. Joe also uses flange greasers, but they don't actually operate.
  3. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Engine terminal.

    Night scenes. Joe does night operations, too.

  4. MP333

    MP333 TrainBoard Supporter

    Incredible work! Thanks for posting these.
  5. NYW&B

    NYW&B Guest

    A surprisingly modest looking layout to be featured in the 2008 Great Model Railroads, no? This is not meant as a jab but as an honest question. Are there perhaps some additional features or sections of the layout, not included in the photos above, that are really striking and complex? I haven't gotten a GMRs in several years now but I consider their former inclusions to be far more outstanding.

  6. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Joe places a picture of the prototype scene he is modeling on the fascia board right below the model.


    Prototype photo:
  7. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    It is modest. I think that is what I like about it. It's not so complex but very well done in the limited area it covers. Not too crowded, too. Tony Hammes saw it last night; he might comment if he has time.

    Every structure is scratchbuilt right down to the farm feed troughs. Joe uses flex track. He is in the process of replacing the main line or something like that. I think he is going to code 83 on the main and leaving the code 70 for the sidings. Maybe it is code 70 main; code 55 sidings. Anyway, it all seems very well thought out before he does anything.
  8. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Fantastic layout! The modesty is what I like. Is he calling it finished, or is he still going to weather up the track and such? The buildings and that bridge are wonderful. I would like to see more.

  9. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    He's still working on it. I thought the track was good, but he is changing parts of it. He decreased some superelevation on the curves; I thought that was a very minor change, but it wasn't just like Joe wanted it. I know he is still weathering various parts, including now reworking road-railroad crossings.

    I do have more photos for later.
  10. Triplex

    Triplex TrainBoard Member

    It's the light on the rails that makes this shot.
  11. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow, this is an absolutely outstanding layout! I love the night scenes, and the lumberyard.

    I am a little surprised by some of the guys must be freakin model railroading masters to think this doesn't belong in GMR. Or, you are Sellios fans. I seriously had to check to make sure the comments weren't from April Fools day.

    I wish we had that grain truck available to us in N-scale.
  12. NYW&B

    NYW&B Guest

    Again, Doug, it's certainly not my intent to disparage Joe and Sharon's layout. It's certainly well done as far as it goes. It's just that earlier on, GMR impressed me as a series intent on showing off the absolute best of the best. Some of the layouts included in the early years of the publication were absolutely mind boggling and generally well above the stature of what appeared in the regular MR layout tours. I'll admit to not having seen a copy of GMR in several years, so perhaps they've developed new criteria, or reasoning for inclusion (regionalism, trackplan, operation?).

    The layout here impresses me as being quite stark and unfinished looking, with its obvious lack of common vegetation. There seem to be a few trees and a couple of small bushes scattered about but otherwise very little sign of greenery (shrubs, weeds, grass, etc.), so much so that it appears rather unnatural to me. This becomes very obvious when one compares the modeled bridge scene with the photo of its prototype. The location depicted in the photo appears to be lush with plant life but the modeled scene is almost totally devoid of same.

    While I make no claims to being a master model railroader, I do pay particular attention to rendering my layout's scenes in as natural and realistic an appearance as I possibly can. This tends to make me highly aware of how others handle that situation on their layouts.

  13. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Crop field made from outdoor carpet by selectively removing rows of fiber.

    Tower 3 , Flatonia. Lighted and complete interior.

    I'm not sure of this location but it is a prototype.

    New Atlas MP15DCs:

    Me, too! For sure.
  14. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    Ahh, I think I see the've never been to Texas, have you? hehe :)

    But seriously, about the photo... It is difficult to model the common Texas-style landscape because things ARE sparse. Yet, vegetation doesn't scale or compress 6:1 really. So, you have to balance not making TOO much vegetation. If you took a slice of that photo from 100ft in front to 100ft behind like the model is portraying, the modeled vegetation is probably a lot closer than you think. I do think the backdrop could help here, by adding a little more depth to approximate the 2-D look more convincingly. So, I don't think the layout is perfect but I think most of us would be glad to have something that looks that good.

    I guess "Great Model Railroad" is such a broad term. I would bet there are layouts out there that look like a million bucks but don't operate worth a darn. And there are probably layouts that are simplistic scenery-wise but bullet-proof operationally and host museum quality locos and rolling stock. Which one is "Great"-er? And then things like night me that dimension makes this layout great...the lighting, the ambiance, the whole package.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2008
  15. Wolfgang Dudler

    Wolfgang Dudler Passed away August 25, 2012 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Yes, an outstanding layout!

  16. Lownen

    Lownen TrainBoard Member

    Yes, very nicely done. I especially like to see layouts where people use lighting effects for night scenes.

  17. AB&CRRone

    AB&CRRone TrainBoard Supporter

    I think it is a great layout. I wish it was mine. I particulary like any layout that offers an unobstructed view of the trains.

  18. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member

    I don't know about the area this NWB fellow lives in, but I agree with Doug- unless you're in the East Texas piney woods, the state is pretty much open. In a lot of areas up here in north Texas, some of the most prominent "trees" are mesquite, with some cottonwood and oak thrown in for good measure. The whole state has a lot of wide open spaces, and unless you live in one of the major urban areas, you ain't gonna see too much.

    Personally, I like Mainz's layout. Perhaps he needs to add a few figures here & there, but that's my opinion- I don't go around telling folks how to build their layouts. Will he do any backdrop work? Who knows- I've seen some backdrops on some layouts featured in GMR that I didn't really like, but that's just me- we all have our own preferences. Who's to say whose layout is better-looking, or more realistic? Certainly none of us.
  19. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, I do think we can all have our opinions about what is more realistic, and whether or not we think it should be in GMR as a "Great Model Railroad". I'm not discounting anyone's opinion...just was a little surprised by them, that's all.

    I personally think the Sellios style is over-the-top, but part of that has to do with my unfamiliarity with what he is modeling...ANY way he did it would probably look odd to me at some level. I have been to New York City and spent considerable time in the New York/New Jersey area, but of course in a much later era and I still don't think I could go there and not feel a little bit like I'm on another planet. I do still consider the F&S a great model railroad, no doubt. Just not my cup of tea.
  20. TonyHammes

    TonyHammes TrainBoard Member

    I have been to dozens of home layouts and Joe and Sharon's layout is definately deserving of it's place in GMR. Minus litter and trash on the roads and around towns it does look like the plains of Texas. And though not all of the towns are modeled protoypically, every structure is a model of a protoype somewhere out there. What stands out most is the quality of the modeling and attention to detail. Flatonia tower is lighted and has a complete interior. The rest of the structures are absolutely beautiful. Joe has functioning switch markers on nearly all switches. He also models the machinery located along mains such as flange greasers. What also stands out is Joe does not jam too many structures and features into the space. It gives the layout a good balance of scenery to towns and space between towns.

    It is a spectacular layout and I appreciate Flash setting up the tour.

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