Staged model train wrecks - humorous or not?

EMD trainman Aug 15, 2010

  1. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    I was on You Tube fooling around looking at model train videos and I found alot of model train wrecks on video, most of the ones I saw were stages however. Although I found a few humorous, most people were upset and posted comments it was a waste of money to wreck model trains purposely. I always did have a warped sense of humor.

    Here are a few I found humurous that seemed staged

    #1 funniest a stage HO layout train wreck which seems to have way too many trains going, there is 3 trains involved in a pile up in a curve and has crashing sound effects to go with it.
    You Tube link >

    #1b another staged video from the same person above, this time santas reindeer on a flat bed are hit in front of a tunnel. The reindeer train gets rear ended and it's hit by another train, great sound effects
    you tube link>

    #1c this same guy un vid #1 and #1b seems to put out another staged train cash this time the train derails into a gourge after hitting a bus, again great sound effects.
    you tube link>

    #2 LGB G scale takes a plunge into a stream
    You Tube Link >

    #3 Going too fast with a Bachmann G scale Big Hauler and rolls over
    You Tube link>

    #4 A short video but powerful crash on a layout
    You Tube link>

    #4 G scale vs Z scale, a G scale track is set up and then someone puts Z scale track inside of the G scale track. The Bachmann G scale train chases down the Z scale train, see who wins.

    #5 A model train crash video called scariest model train crashes, features staged crashes of course, but what makes this video different is they actually stage a reporter and a investigation team to research why the wrecks happened.

    #6 This one is with little fake people, a new train driver is hired and he wrecks everything under the sun, this one features a lego train set.

    Not so humorous

    Not so funny is a kid who staged a model train crash with his Dad's trains
    You Tube Link >

    Guy stages a Lionel train wreck and uses a walky talky with his son to pose as a dispatcher as to why the wreck happened, what are we teaching our kids?
    You Tube link>


    Special Mention

    I like old movies and this one is a HO scale stop motion video of Smokey and the Bandit, it's very well done & yes it includes a train
    You tube Link >

    All in all there are a few staged train wrecks I find humorous, but most are lame featuring everything from bored people crashing purposely into toy trucks, toy buses, buildings, falling off of bridges, crashing into water and some of those trains are nice and a waste of money to crash purposely.

    One note I would like to make here is teach your kids to build and respect model trains, not build and destroy model trains.
  2. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    The LGB One is to demonstrate the quality of the LGB Trains. My Stainz and Tender took a bath. By mistake. They toppled off due to a derailment on my friends layout into the drink. I unscrewed the bodies from the power trucks, let them dry out for 24 hours and they ran like new! But my units don't have complex DCC or sound in them or Smoke. This is not recommended to play with your trains in the bathtub.

    As for the "Scariest model train wrecks." Nice. I've got that in my favorites list.
  3. phantom

    phantom TrainBoard Member

    well now then therre.... Thats about all I wil say, just some people have to much time on there hands.... hhhmmm......
  4. HOexplorer

    HOexplorer TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, funny or not, I guess I'm not a fan of this stuff. Thanks for posting though. You want funny? Yesterday my #11 Exacto rolled off the workbench and naturally went point down and into my index toe on my right foot. Now that is funny. True too. Jim
  5. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member


    Yikes, sounds like that hurt. But I noticed that with knives is that if there is enough time and depending on how they fall, most of the time it is point down.
  6. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Nut funny! If it is a $70.00 locomotive and it hits the skids...all the way to the floor. The unit can usually be found in pieces with little hopes of rebuilding it. Not funny!
  7. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I'm pretty sure most of those train wreck videos in scariest model train wrecks, at least the G-Scale (New brite anyone? It already is garbage) and the ho ones were junker trains.
  8. phantom

    phantom TrainBoard Member

    New Bright = Disposable train, With training wheels .
  9. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    You, my good sir, Have made the most epic of all comments and win a lifetime supply of Free Internets. Oh great, I've been corrupted by the internet with term usage now heh.
  10. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Ah. Been there, done that. I now have my bench set up so nothing can roll off. Which means that likely something will manage to fall off anyhow, into another toe.

    Boxcab E50
  11. PGE-N°2

    PGE-N°2 TrainBoard Member

    Well, why would anyone stage wrecks on purpose? Ultimately, it will be very hard on your equipment and there are more than enough occasions of non-intentional derailments that you don't have to go anywhere out of your way to create more of them.
  12. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    New Brite isn't the only disposable train, Lionel G scale battery power trains are disposable also.
  13. r_i_straw

    r_i_straw Mostly N Scale Staff Member

    Ewww, did it squeak when you pulled it out?
  14. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I bounced a fixed blade utility knife off my shin. Didn't hurt. I didn't notice I did it until I had blood stains on my pants. I fixed it with non-stick gauze tape and yes...duct tape. Also left a good size dent in my shin, I apparently hit a main vein.
  15. Mark Watson

    Mark Watson TrainBoard Member

    If someone wants to take their own purchased loco and wreck it, that's fine with me. If anything, it will help the hobby when those guys have to go buy replacement locomotives, putting more cash in the MFG's pockets. ;)

    As far as the way the crash videos shown here have been put together.. yuck.

    The stop-motion Smokey and the Bandit was the only one I could really stand watching. They did a fairly good job actually. But that horrible tingy shattering glass crash sound effect from the first few videos haunts me. :mwacko:

    At least it appears the makers have enjoyed themselves. To each their own I guess.
  16. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I took a new brite train, hooked up some fireworks rockets to them trying to make a rocket train. It blew up that plastic POS. I'm doing the world a favor by wrecking new brite. All that crap does is shed a bad light on G-Scale, simply because it's bad enough parents are already clueless about their kids.
  17. Flashwave

    Flashwave TrainBoard Member

    Don't forget guys, that it used to be a sideshow in the Old West to run 1:1 scale trains into each other...

    I;ve sseen a guy do Operation Lifesaver type vids with trains and scale cars that were nice. (usually the cheap-o Bachmann cars) I personally don't see the interest in raming trains, but when the incident occurs, I am more than willing to play it out with the wrecker.
  18. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    I really liked the Smokey and the Bandit stop motion too, it was great. I have to admit though I found the first 3 videos which were all HO scale crash scenes with the shattering glass effects really funny, I couldn't stop laughing. There were alot of real lame ones, such as there was alot of people trying to recreate the scene from the movie "The Fugitve". I haven't seen anything come close yet.
  19. SteamDonkey74

    SteamDonkey74 TrainBoard Supporter

    I don't see much funny about my own trains derailing. If it's someone else's train, I definitely wince, even if it is something that person wanted to crash.
  20. gmrcguy

    gmrcguy TrainBoard Member

    Worlds Scariest Model Train Wrecks

    I like #5 The Worlds Scariest Model Train Wrecks myself because its like a documentary and the way it was made is just funny. But don't worry only disposable models were harmed in the making of that video :D

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