Switching layout ideas...

Milan Jan 23, 2011

  1. Milan

    Milan New Member

    Hi guys,

    Basically as the title says I'm currently exploring ideas for a switching layout. The layout will be based in Michigan. I want to include a few different industries, so I'm thinking a rural quarry, grain elevator, etc. The board will be 5 x 1.5 feet.

    I have already done a scale drawing of a grain elevator in Milan, Michigan (hence my username).


    This was drawn entirely from photographs, so it took quite a while to get anything accurate. I'm pretty certain that this is 98% correct, though.

    Other than this structure I'm really stuck for ideas, so I'm interested in your input. :)


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2011
  2. brakie

    brakie TrainBoard Member

    Scott,There are many styles base on 2 basic designs-modern and traditional...

    Here's a traditional design that caught my fancy years ago.

    The Highland Terminal RR

    Then the modern designs that follows the prototype...

    Track Plan

    I hope this helps.
  3. jman9_91

    jman9_91 TrainBoard Member

    Geez, where was that Highland route layout when I was planning my layout?
    Good thing I'm still planning! I only bought a wye that I can't use, so not TOO much lost.
  4. Milan

    Milan New Member

    Okay, so I've come up with my first track plan for this layout.
    I've designed it as a spur off a main line, with plenty of space for scenery and buildings. However I'm stuck for industries!


    As you can see the track comes in from the fiddle yard on the right, crosses a road, after which there is a passing loop for the elevator. The line continues into a headshunt/escape track, where a spur heads off in the other direction to Industry #2. Another spur comes off the passing loop, crosses the industry track and then the river, reaching Industry #1.

    I need ideas for these two industries!

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  5. jman9_91

    jman9_91 TrainBoard Member

    Pretty common question as far as the industries, I just asked it myself about a month ago.
    The best answer I got was just look around where you live, see if there's anything that interests you. If not, what kind of rolling stock interests you?
    And get really creative, I think it's the coolest thing when I see something off the wall on a layout. Make a chocolate factory or something! I'm actually going to do a major pickle plant that happens to be down the road from my parents!
  6. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    A variation of my all time favorite layout:

    Much larger than your available space but still an idea of options.
  7. bremner

    bremner Staff Member

    The plan looks GREAT! I would look at a posible farm equipment company for one of them, and a team track would make a great universal industry
  8. Specter3

    Specter3 TrainBoard Member


    Well, these are my thoughts. Your run around track is also the elevator spur. That is going to lead to some problems. I like coal and covered hoppers. I am building a module with a large ADM elevator structure on it. I also have another set of modules with a coal transloading facility on it. I know there are lots of quarries in the midwest. Pretty easy to model. There are lots of industries that deal with covered hoppers that transport plastic pellets for manufacturing of plastic items. A simple building with a few silos next to it and covered hopper service would make up something like that. If you like tank cars you get into some pretty intricate structures to do things with the liquids or gasses they carry. But you can have a fuel oil dealer that gets it's shipments by rail if the time frame is a bit in the past.

    Have fun.
  9. Milan

    Milan New Member

    I agree - as soon as a car is spotted in front of the elevator it takes the loop out of use, and essentially prevents further switching. Unfortunately this layout plan doesn't really have enough space for anything else without crowding the scene or resorting to ridiculously tight curves.

    Although my original plan was essentially a "shelf" layout, 1.5 feet wide, I realised the other day that I still have a 6' x 2.5' pasting table at my fathers house that I bought specifically to use as a layout bench. The space where I'll be setting up the layout will be a lean-to outbuilding, with more than enough space to accommodate the table. This will also save on benchwork costs and time.

    So assuming I have an extra foot each way to play with, I might be able to expand this track plan, and include more turnouts. I'll do some thinking and see if I can come up with a revised plan.
  10. brakie

    brakie TrainBoard Member

    You can do much better with your space.

    I don't know how to say this and I don't like being harsh.

    Your plan-well,huh,oh boy,needs revamp as it stands now its worthless.

    There are much better plans available that will give you hours of operation fun instead of 2 mintues of grief.
  11. Milan

    Milan New Member

    Okay so after some of the criticisms I recieved on my first track plan, I've made a few changes and uploaded a new version, based on the 6' x 2' pasting table.

    At the moment I haven't marked out where the river will go, but I've got a fairly good idea. The large grey rectangles denote areas where an industry can go, however I haven't yet decided on what these will be. Industries will only sit on one side of the track at each siding, the remaining space will be used for scenery.

    I also moved the grain elevator to a small spur in the top right corner. It might end up going entirely, I'm not sure yet. I kinda like it though, it's an interesting old building.

    As for what industries, some of my ideas so far include:

    -Something handling cylinder cars, involving a silo - chemical/mineral.
    -Aggregate crusher/loader, ala Cornerstone kit.
    -Bottling plant, coca cola, pepsi, etc.

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