Dawson Creek Subdivision - British Columbia Railway - H0

Twist Jul 29, 2014

  1. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Wow Chris, that's a lot of change.
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    It's quite interesting following how this layout continually evolves.
  3. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Evolves, devolves, evolves, like most do.
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  4. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    thanks for the kind words. Yes, I have made a lot of changes but I think at least it´s all worth the work. It will be a lot of fun to operate I hope.

  5. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    You're doing fine, enjoy following your progress
  6. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    I made some progress last week on the new liftout and have done some basic landscaping.
    On the liftout the sharp curves are gone and I made a straight part for the it. It looks much better and I hope it will worke better when it´s finished.
    Left track is the spur to G.E.R.N. with the liftout, right track is the main heading east to Alberta. It ends in front of the wall behind the roadbridge. I´ll use it as an interchange with the NAR/CN.
    I started the basic trrain with foam and will use a hot wire cutter for more shaping and the fine part will done with sandpaper. The top will be coverd with plastercloth. I don´t know if I´ll stay with the residences or will build some downtown area on this place.I´ll decide that when the terrain shape is finished.
    Here are some more pictures of that area.
    Looking back from G.E.R.N.


    I hope to get some more work done this week with more landscaping...

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  7. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    Again I made some small progress on the liftout area. I have done more foamwork. I´m searching for a name for that section...It´s a part of the residential zone of Dawson Creek...So any ideas are very appreciated

    Next step will be finishing the corkbed and trackwork and do some painting. After that I will go on with the foreground scenery. I hope to finish this part and the liftout next to it by the end of next week....
    I´ll post more pictures soon.

  8. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Fantastic Chris, scene looks surreal with the dim light and three colors. Love the contours.
  9. TwinDad

    TwinDad TrainBoard Member

    Dang, that's nice contouring work. Hot wire cutter, you say?

    I always struggle with envisioning what it's supposed to look like, but the right tool can't hurt...
  10. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    First rough shapes were done with the hot wire cutter and than I used a tool you use for drywall work... you use it for shaping the edges of the boards.

    And after all that maybe a little bit sanding with sanding paper. I bought a cup of ready to use drywall compound and I hope to get some covering on that area this weekend.

  11. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    I was very busy during the last weeks but made some progress on my layout. First part I have finished tracks and tested them is the G.E.R.N. komplex and the liftout with the main next to the residential area. I made a small change on the Industrie with the track in front of the mill sitting at an angle of about 10 degree to the backdrop. On the other side of the track is the warehouse.
    You can see the structure above the tracks crossing from the mill to the elevator side.
    I added some tanks and another structure to the track in the front. All tracks are wired and tested during a short switching session.

    You can see the track curving around the corner. This is where it will enter the liftout in the next two pictures
    From the opposite direction. On the left side of the tracks is the residential area.

    Next part I started with is the yard at Dawson Creek. It was okay but to much for my needs. So I searched for a way to stay with most of the spots but less track and a new design.I made some plans with Anyrail and finaly found something that looked fine.

    Next step will be laying out kork and gluing down the track, wireing etc. So there is still a lot to do, but I hope to get it finished,soon.
    Thanks for looking. Any comments are very appreciated.
    RGW and dalebaker like this.
  12. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    Hi there,
    it´s been some time since my last post. Went out for vacation the last 3 weeks but have done a little bit of progress on my layout.
    I finished the new trackwork at Dawson Creek and made the connection to the helix again. I relocated the Northwestern wood Preservers Mill at the westend of Dawson Creek and added a turnout for a nwe spur on top of the helix. As things grow while building I decided to remove the last turn of the helix. There was no need for that. There will be a small village on top of it with a street and some stores and a railserved store for several supplies and another elevator. So here are some pictures of the finished parts.
    We are starting at the Dawson Creek station with two tracks, one will be for passenger service,the other for freight service.the track at the front will be used as a teamtrack.
    Following the tracks west you will find two elevators on the left side. They will be build from prototype pictures like the station. The Walthers kits are mockups.
    On the westend of the "yard" is the spur to the Alberta Pool Elevator No.3. There is also a mockup for the elevator made from Walthers kits. It will be replaced by a scratchbuild structure made form prototype pictures.
    Next to the elevator is a street with a streetcrossing and a small farmscene on the other side of the street. The track will curve around the farmscene and to the tunrout into the Northwestern Wood Preservers Mill and the main west to the helix.
    The structures are placed there for storage until I start with the final layout of the mill. The next point on the main is the trunout where the spur to the supply center and the elevator on top of the helix starts. It´s the right track on the next picture. The other track is the main west to the helix and into Chetwynd on the lower level.

    The last change I made was just a small change in the trackarrangement on the lower level entering the approach to the helix behind the canfor mill. I split the mill spur and the mainline into two seperate tracks, the track in the front is the miillspur and the track behind is the mainline to Dawson Creek.
    This is the northend of Chetwynd with the main north (to the backdrop). To the left is another customer served by rail. The structures are from Wreight´s Food service.

    I hope to get finished with the last small parts of track this week. As you can see on some pictures I have started with some rough landscaping and hope to get deeper into that stuff the next weeks. The missing backdrops are painted but have to be installed, the rest have to be painted. I´ll stay with the structure mockups for now and replace them later when I have do look for the correct footprints of the final buildings.

    Thanks for looking, any comments are very appreciated.

    dalebaker and JimJ like this.
  13. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Great stuff Chris
    Twist likes this.
  14. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    I really like flow of your track, gentle curves and easements. Looking very much fwd to seeing progress more photos.
    Twist likes this.
  15. Twist

    Twist TrainBoard Member

    Hi there,

    It´s been more than a year since I have postel here last time. Some things have changed in private life and I´m back in school now for the next to years. A lot of things to learn. also we had some hard time at the end of the last year when my mother in law suddenly died at the age of 64. But things are cooming back to normality the last months. I worked on the layout during the whole time and made a major rebuild of it. I removed the whole lower level and the helix and added a peninsula to the layout.It´s still the Dawson Creek subdivision but I have moved Chetwynd Yard into a hidden four track staging 20cm below the Layout itself with a ramp going down to it round the peninsula. Here is a picture of the work in progress of the peninsula. So I think it was the right time to start a new thread for the rebuild layout.
    I have called the rebuild official finished. Most of the tracks are glued permanent and most of the turnouts are wired. I have tested all of the trackwork a lot of times and all works fine. So let´s do a walkaround of the Layout and we will start at the end of the modelled line at the last customer in Dawson Creel, the Georgia Pacific Pulp & Paper Company. The Complex is kitbashed with parts of the Walthers Paper Mill, Magic Pan Bakery and other things.



    In the front you can see the main and a short runaround serving the mill and this is also the interchange track with the NAR/CN. The Main ends at the front of the layout. Around the edge, the Main enters Dawson Creek Yard with the station/freighthouse and the elevators. Reaching the end of the Yard there is the Elevator No.3 in front with the main cruving behind it around the next corner of the room between some small hills and a pulpwoodloading spur in the front.





    The pulpwood spur curves to the front to simulate a longer spur



    We are now enterring the next siding that flows around the next corner, partially hidden by some small hills and trees. The siding ends at Shanona. This name is a placeholder. A short story how I found this name. While I was looking for a name of a real small village along the Dawson Creek subdivision someday I said to myself that I have still no name for this place.... and so it went on. Still HAs NO NAme. so here we are S HA NO NA http://bigbluetrains.com/forum/posting.php?mode=reply&f=46&t=7835#
    At Shanona there are 4 customers, a mill, Elevator, Teamtrack and a small warehouse.




    The main follows the landscape (next corner of the room) passes the turnout to the Canfor Sawmill spur down to the hidden staging with will stand for Chetwynd Yard.




    Here´s one view of the four track hidden staging.


    And here we can see the area of the Canfor Sawmill. The trackwork here is inspired by the small n-scale swithing layout Dawson station based on the Hull-Oakes Sawmill.



    So that´s all for now. I have to finish the trackwork for the papermill and the sawmill . It is nailed down for testing the trackwork and switching and all worked out fine so I can add the kork for the tracks and install the feeders permanent. I have started with some rough landscaping and will continue with that work for the next time.
    All in all I´m very happy that I made the step to remove the lower level and the helix and build the peninsula. There are some different switching jobs, the Canfor Mill turn, a short train for the papermill, swithing at Dawson Creek and Shanona. It can keep 3 operators busy for some time.
    I have tested the Canfor Mill Turn as it appears in the youtube videos about the Hull-Oakes sawmill and it took me about an hour to complete the whole move from Dawson Creek with emptys to the Mill and back with loaded cars to Dawson Creek.

    Thanks for looking, Any comments are very welcome.
    Yannis, dalebaker and cocotrain2 like this.
  16. cocotrain2

    cocotrain2 TrainBoard Member

    First time looking at your track' very nice work. Looks like a lot of fun. Please post more.
  17. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Great to see an update on your empire. It has been too long. :)
  18. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Great update Chris, hope all is going in the right direction for you. M
  19. Yannis

    Yannis TrainBoard Member

    Great layout in the making! Looking forward to your next update. Really enjoyable work to watch!

    Thanks for posting

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