Kato Double crossover Stutters ONLY on one Route or Path

Mark Ricci Apr 24, 2021

  1. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    So glad to read this! Now you have a good locomotive to enjoy. :):):)

    I did think of one warning about the old original Kato/Atlas RS-3 is that removing the shell is the devil. There are body/chassis clips within the cab area, so you first have to insert a hobby knife between the edge of the cab floor and the frame to lift the cab away, all while taking care to not break the handrails or crack/scratch the paint. Then when the cab is finally off and your blood pressure is at redline, there're more clips between the chassis and body to fight to get the hood off. Not much fun at all. Perhaps newer generations have improved access; I just don't know.
    Mark Ricci and Doug Gosha like this.
  2. Mark Ricci

    Mark Ricci TrainBoard Member

    How I was premature and maybe someone up there does not want a train layout.. :-( :-(

    The GP7 no longer runs-only headlight functions. After writing earlier post, ran train for a little while, still seemed good. Decided to program number, went smooth. Put back on track, ran for a while. Wanted to use phone so shutdown engine, released throttle. 15 minutes later. Went to JMRI throttle on PC, and was only able to turn on light. Released. Went back to phone. same. light no motor.

    Brought GP7 to prog station. Had difficulty resetting but finally back to default 3. Used reset menu item on JMRI as compared to writing 8 in the CV table. Interestingly CV8 does not show up on GP7 CV table but appears with F3 and SD35. GP7 Back to layout. LED no motor, Called Bachmann, said have to send in. Waiting for dealer to open to see what options exist. I'm totally sick about this...
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  3. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    My goodness Mark, I'm frustrated too. On the positive side, at least it's not the stalling issue again. Hopefully it'll be an easy fix. I know nearly zero about DCC, but many others here do and can maybe help. :(
    Mark Ricci and Doug Gosha like this.
  4. Doug Gosha

    Doug Gosha TrainBoard Member

    DCC - Ugh!

    Mark Ricci and Hardcoaler like this.
  5. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

  6. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Do you have a NMRA gauge.....checked the wheels for being in gauge?

    On the GP7 is the loco is programmed to the wrong road number than what you are trying to use a lot of times the light will come on. Can you turn the light on/off? What is the road number you programmed the loco to? If it is in the 1-127 range you have to use the 'short address' . I forgot this recently when numbering my GP7's and had them on the long address and got 'light' but no run. Changed them to short address and all was fine,

  7. Doug Gosha

    Doug Gosha TrainBoard Member

    I guess I spent too much of my career "enjoying" digital "benefits" to want it anywhere near my trains.


  8. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    And that's the way we like it. ;)

  9. Doug Gosha

    Doug Gosha TrainBoard Member

    And, in model railroading nomenclature - Power pack - track - train.


    Mark Ricci and tonkphilip like this.
  10. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Life is complicated... why stop at trains?:D
    Mark Ricci likes this.
  11. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Have the same feelings. It was there in quality assurance and now in my defective bicycle. Next will be the trains. Just can't get away.
    Mark Ricci likes this.
  12. Mark Ricci

    Mark Ricci TrainBoard Member

    Thank you!
    It was the 2nd decoder mishap this week. On Tuesday, while backing up F3 in a spur, lost throttle control and by time shut off track power, the decoder was hosed. F3 unable to move. Went to JMRI prog setup, unable to fully reset decoder. However since yesterday's GP7 decoder issue, wondering now whether some issue with DCC++EX base is possibly cause however, the F3 has had no other decoder issues since running on DCC++EX base before this week. Haven't had SD35 long enough or run at any length to encounter any decoder issue.

    Luckily, BLI has the pushbutton reset on decoder board and that worked. Has been ok since Tues but shell removal is a little difficult due to how front coupler extends from point. Coupler fell apart when removing so having BLI send along with new shell. Had noticed 1 side number much lower in intensity than other since purchase. Prior BLI support replies indicated usually LED off but in my F3 it is due incorrectly finished at factory. BLI does not provide return shipping label but sending a replacement shell.

    Fortunately, the GP7 was purchased from a retailer who is standing behind the product and sending a replacement.

    Guess time will tell but honestly, getting close to the end of the line.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  13. Mark Ricci

    Mark Ricci TrainBoard Member

    Thank you Sumner. No, did not check gauge upon purchase and since still have while waiting for replacement, will do for info.

    The loco addr was set at its road number 1523 after running Thurs eve for about an hour and yesterday morning too, then changed addr to 1523. appeared to work fine for an hour or so. changed throttles and that was it.
    Yes, currently light can be controlled but only after the reset to 3. Now thinking that read somewhere that one should use short Addr on older decoders?? Also, while the GP7, by far, was best at slow speed, there was significant shell vibration and noise emitted (sounding like something stuck in flywheel) until 1/2 throttle. Initially, when programmed to 1523, as with the other locos, there is always some movement. Since the GP7 decoder issue, any sheets read-write via JMRI do not produce any movement. Whether this suggests a motor, mechanical, electrical problem, ????
  14. CSX Robert

    CSX Robert TrainBoard Member

    Some Bachmanns are very "buzzy" at low speeds. It's because of the lower PWM frequency they use compared to some other decoders. Some are not noisy, and I think part of it may just be due to how the shell and everything fits and if there is anything to vibrate or resonate to make it louder.

    As far as you SD35 is concerned, you may want to make sure the wheels are really, really clean. Even if they look clean, they may not be. Here's what I do when I have a balky locomotive: Take a paper towel, place it on the tracks, and put a little rubbing alcohol on it. Place the locomotive halfway on the paper towel and while holding the locomotive so it doesn't drive off give it about half throttle. Let it run for a while with each end on the paper towel (I'll also move it back a forth some so the wheels on the paper towel will move between the wet part and dry part of the paper towel - the alcohol loosens the dirt and the dry part seems to scrub it off). Using this method I've had locos, whose wheels originally appeared clean, go from sputtering and stalling when running at low speeds to able to creep along at speed step one for as long as I'll let them.
    Mark Ricci likes this.
  15. Mark Ricci

    Mark Ricci TrainBoard Member

    Hi Thanks for the input..
    Its interesting that you mention as thought it could be due to motor reaction to PWM at low speeds. Not having anything to compare, appreciate knowing that now and may provide insight to the SD35 issue..

    Not knowing the cleanliness of the Atlas test track, can only say been averaging track cleaning every 1-2 weeks along with locos and rolling stock (that had been run in that period). Loco wheels are cleaned wet (CRC) paper towel on track piece moving back and forth BUT without power, then using microbrush using 2 passes of CRC; On rolling stock, soak well q tip in 71 Alcohol, rub wheel firm, and take another q tip and dry. Can't see putting dirty wheels on clean track. lol Maybe some stray dirt?? However based on GP7 issues, at slow speed,

    SD35 info,

    First Service
    Replaced bad motor and trucks.
    Outcome - No noise heard as described earlier. Essentially same stuttering as before.

    2nd Service

    Changed starting voltage to perform better thru switches.
    Outcome - Slow speed now definitely better but sounding like rubbing noise when on mostly straight tracks.

    Possibly this noise is a tradeoff for low speed and PWM??? Assuming something did not go out of alignment during shipping, thought of restoring CV2 to default to see if noise no longer exists. If that is the case, may try to find happy medium though JMRI reports CV2 at Atlas default 3 so bit confused on what CV atlas tech changed..

    While the F3 has had a couple of issues, and does not quite run as slow but acceptable as other locos, it is whisper quiet at any speed on any place on track. Don't really care about nosier if everything else is good, but truly, both the SD35 and GP7 sound "SICK" at any speed below 1/2 throttle.
  16. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    I suppose these setbacks might await me as well. I'm just at the benchwork stage now, but my track will be Kato Unitrack with which I have no experience and I'll be providing for DCC with which I have almost no experience. Most of my locomotives are 20 to 30 year old DC and DC will likely remain my primary choice. I've been an N Scaler for 50+ years, but feel like a newbie in this era.

    I sure hope the model railroading stars align for you. It's been great having you riding with us on TrainBoard and I hope your journey continues.
    Mark Ricci likes this.
  17. Point353

    Point353 TrainBoard Member

    If you followed the saga of the JJJ&E layout, the builder used Unitrack with DCC control.
    To ensure flawless operation, he also went to the effort of soldering feeders to each and every section of Unitrack.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  18. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for the link; definitely worth consideration. My previous layouts used long lengths of flex track, so Unitrack electrical continuity has been on my mind.
    Mark Ricci likes this.
  19. Carolina Northern

    Carolina Northern TrainBoard Member

    It's been a few years, but I still miss Bob.
    Mark Ricci, MK and Hardcoaler like this.
  20. Mark Ricci

    Mark Ricci TrainBoard Member

    Thank you for the support. Everyone here have been very helpful and informative.

    From a derailment perspective, the Kato has been flawless. And, have the double crossover. Kato track, IMHO, should really be called DCC adaptable. Understand in Japan, most Kato users have a weekend setup and take down. Fine for DC.

    while wiring each segment is great practice, it really demonstrates how impractical and cost inefficient DCC is. Let's see, if following the 1 feed per section, have 49 segments, 49 feeders?? Have 11 feeders on this little 2x4 layout, twice as many as my old 11x10 HO, and need to add 38 more?? Then drilling thru plastic roadbed and soldering on top or near plastic roadbed. After this experience, while love the Kato track, would probably go with flextrack, Peco or Atlas if soldering every segment becomes a requirement for prototypical performance...

    Knew about inefficiencies with DCC and mixing power and signal on one transmission line + skin effect and IIR losses in DC but never realized how bad it really is in this use. There is alot of emphases on wiring, rightfully so, but all the feeders in my layout won't overcome loco design conduction, QC issues. I like the extra satisfaction or utility derived in running DCC but whether its worth 2x-3x cost and all this extra aggravation, ???

    Can only imagine in years to come when decoder, motor and battery technology progresses to the point in form (size) and function where signal and/or power is removed from track altogether. That will be the new frontier. No wiring... Too bad I was born too early.

    Since May, hate to be negative and have had some real fun positive moments since the BLI F3 issue was identified and suitable fix. The Steve Todd JMRI image install went perfect, JMRI runs it well and with the help of people here, found an acceptable solution for grade crossing. Have only bought a Pi4 for JMRI (could always use for something else), plastic for crossing and the GP7.

    Think after seeing the outcome of the replacement GP7 and what happens with the SD 35 before deciding whether to give up but once again will hold off moving turnouts to DCC and purchasing any other model railroad specific items further delaying things. Got a little more not so good news but can deal with. Was going to use DS64 for turnout control but DS74 just announced. DS64 allowed use of mo SPDT switches for manual control. Rec email back from Digitrax on Thurs that DS74 only supports MO pushbuttons. Preference toggles but push button probably safest bet. Can turn a MO toggle in sort of push button but not other way around.

    The dealer will ship the new GP7 next week and waiting for Atlas to call back Monday so in meantime, assuming that the SD35 didn't get damaged in shipping, going to backup SD35 CVs, then restore default to compare and hopefully achieve balance between better slow speed performance with no stutter thru turnout and motor issues via CV2 and . Maybe I'll get lucky?

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