Rainichi! (Visit Japan!) New Layout

Pfunk Mar 2, 2022

  1. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    I realized old age when I bought the first (much in need) house at age 31. With the second, 10 years later, it got even more assured. That is about the same as my Simplicity. Mine had a snowblower as well. The next bigger had only a snow/dirt plow. The third was 4x4 diesel that had a 5' rear mower deck. Great for launching boats. Lots of fun with the N scale layouts and the O scale yard layout.
    Life can be great.
    MetraMan01 and Pfunk like this.
  2. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    Have been procrastinating buying a rider for the last two summers, I already have to wear leather work gloves to hold the bail of the pushmower down and generally have to stop a couple of times on a 1/2-acre lot. I've known for a while my hands are going bad quicker than I'd like.

    I wasn't quite there yet, was going to wait until next spring, but I bought it off a gentleman from our church and believe me when I say that this mower has been cared for better than most only children HAHA so went ahead.

    Just feels odd to own a Deere now, as crazy as that sounds. I feel like I need to wear black socks pulled up to my knees with canvas shoes and learn how to play pinochle.
    MetraMan01, Kisatchie and mtntrainman like this.
  3. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Suitable attire for riding your Deere is in hot weather comfy light weight shorts with a V neck T shirt and an Aussie Bush Hat. Shoes but no socks. A cooling beverage in the cup holder of the tractor. Got to keep hydrated. And should you purchase a snow blower attachment or a snow blade then all you can layer on yourself plus a ski mask.
  4. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Nah; faded denim cut-off (unhemmed) shorts (extra points for grease and/or paint stains), well worn flip-flops/sandals, 'wife-beater' tee shirt (if a shirt at all, bonus for wife-beater tan/burn lines), and a beat-up straw cowboy hat. Hydrated or lubricated, your choice.

    Ain't 'nuff snow to plow 'round these parts.
  5. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Forgot the Solo cup (red, of course!), NO cup holder; drive one handed, or hold cup lip in teeth while two-handed maneuvering.
  6. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    so, the irony of all these replies is that I always wear the same thing whenever I mow - one of those WalMart hi-vis yellow construction t-shirts. My yard goes right up to the street and there are maybe 6 cars a day that come down it, 4 if I have the day off lol

    But, I took that for granted one of the first times I ever mowed here and walked right out in front of a couple of tweakers doing mach III in a 90-something Corolla that should have been scrapped several Presidents ago. The girl that climbed out of the well at the end of The Ring hung her head out the window and shouted across the tops of her three teeth "stay the heyyl out the dang roaaaaaad!" in a voice that I can only describe as Jon Reep trying too hard on stage.

    It's not like it's easy to miss a 6'2", 250lb man pushing a mower in an open yard on a street where the speed limit is 25mph, but to this day I still look both ways like a 3rd grader at the edge of the street before I step out.

    I do, however, always wear the same OSU hat to keep the sun off my bald head. There may be more adult beveraging now that I don't have to walk laps for an hour, but the wife-beater and flip flops is asking a bit much for me to pull off. Will have to make do with Chucks and cargos :ROFLMAO:
    Martin Station and MetraMan01 like this.
  7. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    ...back to the subject of trains for a few...

    Found this little guy in my mailbox so I decided to put it together really quick. Unlike most Tomytec kits, it actually did go together really quick.



    There will be two tall buildings on either side of it, and more behind it so may end up throwing a light in there so it's not completely lost in the scene. You can see all the scraps of plexiglass I've cut for the buildings I need to make for my Akihabara row. So much to do!

    I also cut out a few more piecesparts for my station and sanded down the cut edges of a couple. WOW does this stuff sand well. Just a couple of passes with 320 and everything is smoothed. Have worked with wood all my life, but usually oak or maple or something crazy that makes you work to sand. Am just waiting on an Amazon order then I can really knuckle down and finish this one.

    ...I think haha best laid plans of mice and modelers.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
    BNSF FAN, BigJake, DeaconKC and 2 others like this.
  8. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    On the topic of what to wear, many years ago one of my nephews was going to mow our lawn. He was wearing his Tommy Hilfiger shirt, mirrored sunglasses and was pulling on driving gloves! I asked what he was planning, and he replied "i gotta look good while I cruise the lawn.".
  9. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Looks like the bones of a nice high-rise building behind the viaduct tracks! Is that a structural column for the house? Just build a model around it!

    Speaking of support members, looks like you're short a viaduct pier. The viaducts will self support pretty well across a joint, but not with a lash-up of 6-axle diesels on 'em (don't ask me how I know this.)
    Pfunk likes this.
  10. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    That hunk of 4x4 is actually for the last building in the row, I just had a sawed-off piece from out in the garage to use to get the footprint right. I like using wood far more than styrene, so will use whatever I can wherever I can and if it's laying around and free then all the better! hahaha But that one will ironically end up being one of my fav buildings of the entire layout - stay tuned!

    The 'behind the viaduct tracks' space is where the airport goes, just haven't thrown the piece back in the garage yet lol

    I am actually 2 piers short as of right now on the elevated loop, but the viaduct joints on the opposite side will be supported by the Nobeoka(ish :whistle:) station am building now, so the plan has always been to rob Peter to pay... well, me. All my city buildings will be built inside the el loop. In time, at least.
  11. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Not gonna say it ! Nope !!!! :whistle::ROFLMAO:
  12. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.
  13. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    here's how I envision the conversation with my coworker going tomorrow....

    Him: you do anything fun with your Sunday off?
    Me: if by taking most of an hour to try to figure out how there is 3/16" rise from one side of the model I'm building to the other despite both walls being the exact same height and all posts cut to exactly the same size, then yeah - sure, it was "fun".

    No explanation for it whatsoever - simple science has ceased to exist in my computer room - so am going to have to go back through and cut all 30 posts again one at a time, measuring each one as I go.

    Was planning to get this finished today, instead am walking away for a while before I Andrew Luck this thing across the house :ROFLMAO:


    MetraMan01 likes this.
  14. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    those pictures were after I cut the opposite side on the long side of 1/4" shorter than it should be. Bubble was all the way to the side with it at the length it should be.

    Like I said, I have no idea.
    MetraMan01 likes this.
  15. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Measure twice...cut once. :censored:
    I cut it 3 times and its still to short !:mad:

    Then I always say..."Close enough for the girls I go with !!!" :whistle:

    Pfunk and MetraMan01 like this.
  16. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    You did try the level on the surface of your layout too, didn't you?

    Been there done that. Then I remembered the floor of the garage is sloped (not a model railroad incident, but the same problem).
  17. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Level is overrated anyway. What, you want your beer to just puddle up on it?
    Pfunk and MetraMan01 like this.
  18. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    I empathize. About the only thing that seems harder than getting something level is trying to renumber an n scale locomotive’s number boards.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Pfunk and Martin Station like this.
  19. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    this is precisely what I realized about an hour later as I was watching golf. Can't believe I was that stoopid :whistle:

    That one outside post got away from me a little bit, 10 seconds seems like a long time to glue something but one little shift and it's off by a mile. It's OK, though, this will all be painted anyways and both the balsa and the basswood sand so easy. Still have to get the second story up, and I'll have to use the plexiglass cutter at work when nobody is looking HAHAHA but am pretty happy with the so far. Wanted to finish it today, but I'll settle for halfway. And level LOL

    Am seriously digging the covered track on the backside, I don't care who or how old you are - trains going through anything that resembles a tunnel is fun.



  20. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    We builders weren't that picky about such things. Close enough. So long as the water stays in the tub.
    Garage floors are always sloped down to the door for drainage. (It also makes it easier to push the dead car out).

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