Modular HOn30

ArtinCA Aug 27, 2022

  1. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    I’ve been away from HOn30 for awhile. I still have a On3 boxcar kit half assembled and a collection of various HOn3 kits and parts. The On3 car will probably become a shelf piece or sold when it’s done. HOn3 would be fun, but diesel power is probably the biggest snag, along with radius for running. And steam is really $$$

    Which brings me to what’s on my bench….

    I bought some Atlas N 11” rad curved track to test some theories. Mostly what’s a decent radius for module ends and good looking length of equipment.


    So the tank car is about 28 feet, the gondola is around 25. Then there’s that honking big boxcar at 36 feet!! You can hear flange squeal and it goes around. Sorta.

    So one thing I’ve decided is that 30 foot is a good workable length for equipment. I’m not a fan of the 4 wheel bobber stuff, unless it’s Aussie sugar cane cars.

    The other is that I should be able to make a nice pair of curved modules that will work for a decent layout. And the size will make them portable. One tossing between on module with a 180 degree curve or two with one 90 on each. I want the layout to fit on a standard sized table at a train show so I can display the layout to the public, like TTrak.

    Okay, I’ll leave it at that and get some stuff done. Look for more shortly.

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    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Hi Art! Nice to see you post aboiut HOn30 again!

    I am (very slowly) building my HOn30 "empire" using T-Trak modules. So far it is all coming together well. The longest car I have is a 28 footer.
  3. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    I was thinking TTrak as well, but I'm gonna do slightly larger modules. More like what the guy in Germany is doing. The goal is to fit them back to back on a table at a show.
  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    You are thinking of "Waldbahner"- Gerd Ziller. I love his concept. That fellow has quite the imagination, and skills to go along with it. I am using his method for connecting my modules.

    Here are a few pictures of what I have been doing:
    ArtinCA and gmorider like this.
  5. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Thinking about power this morning. And waiting for the putty to dry on that Stewart fuel tank.


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    Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.
  6. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    That is an interesting little beast! Please tell us about it?
  7. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    It's a one off I was working on for awhile. Kinda like of of the White Pass units, it may get rebuilt. It's on an Atlas N scale RSD-4/5 chassis. The tall fan in the back was for a speaker for sound, but I may use a different speaker that will not need that space.

    I've been looking at more of the Aussie units and the GE/EMD exports that are out there for ideas. It may be freelanced, but I'd like something that looks like it belongs.
    BoxcabE50 and Kurt Moose like this.
  8. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    Cool! (y)

    More pics as it comes along, please! Love little locos like this!
    ArtinCA likes this.
  9. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Will do. I'm working on modules this weekend.
    Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.
  10. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Modules! Got 6 built, which will form my corners for the time being.

    The basic module is 9” x 16”. The smaller ones are 9” x 13”. My plan is to make more of the 9”x16” ones for sections like yards, industries and such. They are 3.5 inches tall. I want to add a river to the ends and having the elevation change will help.


    I’m still on the fence on either using Peco track or hand laying my own. Hattons in the UK offers track at a very good price with reasonable shipping. I printed out the templates of the Peco turnouts to plan with.

    More to come.

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    Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.
  11. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    I meant to ask. Are you using the same plugs he did or did you do something different?

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  12. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I will be using the same plug/socket sets. I had topic here on TrainBoard, some time back, from which several folks had suggested USA sources. I checked them and found an interesting spread in prices. Tried the one which seemed least expensive and had good service. Just a few days ago, I ordered the rest of what I will need. Then I will get started. Hoping those arrive by this weeks end.
    ArtinCA likes this.
  13. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Sounds good. I'm gonna try something different. Rare earth magnets to link the modules and cables with the small Tamiya plugs. I've got both coming and should be here tomorrow.

    Also posted a video on module construction.

    Be interested to see how it all works.
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow. You work fast!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Kurt Moose, ArtinCA and gmorider like this.
  15. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Very interesting!
    ArtinCA likes this.
  16. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Same way those house renovations you see are done. Lucky for me my wife understands time lapse.

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  17. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    First time in over 15 years I broke out the supplies and built a turnout. Not pretty but I’ll be danged if it works.

    I’ll put the throw bar on tomorrow. But I’m happy with it!

    Would have been a little quicker if I hadn’t gotten that HOn3 track gauge mixed in. .

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    Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.
  18. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Still plugging away on turnouts…..


    I’ve gotten two built with a third underway. After this I will get legs on the last two modules and start laying track. I’m finding that building them is getting quicker and quicker. I’m using a full sized Peco template to lay them out. The radius works out better for the modules. I also have enough room under there for Blu-Point turnout controls. So I can power the frogs! Excited about that.

    Magnets and small Tamiya connectors arrived and are ready. I’ll post up a video and photos on how those work. Then I’ll have to get some kinda power ready.

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    JoeTodd, BoxcabE50 and Kurt Moose like this.
  19. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Jut curious-Do you have a track plan which could be shared? (y)
    gjslsffan likes this.
  20. ArtinCA

    ArtinCA TrainBoard Member

    Lol. Picture a circle... With 3 turnouts on one end.. And just scenery on the other.. The rest will be as I go with building modules.
    gjslsffan, Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.

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