N Scale T-Trak

billmtx Oct 28, 2010

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Exactly. I noted my concerns about this concept a few weeks back, when discussing fixed in place angles. A "floating" piece will likely ease the possibility of damage, but even if it seems to work at first, eventually there will be connectivity issues, or worse.
    DeaconKC likes this.
  2. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Among other potential issues that may or may not be important to the modeler:
    1. The removable piece cannot be glued to, and its ballast blended with, the modules' bases, since it has to be frequently removed and replaced.
    2. Nearby scenery will be more likely damaged as you have to fiddle with placing and removing that floating piece.
    BoxcabE50 and DeaconKC like this.
  3. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    i dont see what all the fuss is about(n) , i really dont think it would be a problem:) . but thats just me. i try it and if i break it then i find a better way to fix at that time....(y):D
    mtntrainman and DeaconKC like this.
  4. Mike Savely

    Mike Savely New Member


    Hello everyone.
    After a 15 year break I am getting back into the hobby. In the past I suffered from thinking too big, too soon and would lose interest when I could not achieve the progress I desired in a reasonable amount of time, so T-Trak seems perfect since I can hit milestones with each module.

    My plan will be based upon CB&Q in Illinois/Iowa and currently consists of double and triple modules with custom corners.

    The grey section is based on my wife's hometown with a grain elevator, storage for empties and a track for full hoppers.

    The green section is a town with small business/industries so I can do some switching. This will be my first project so I can start "playing" relatively quickly.

    Please take a look at my plan and let me know if you have any suggestions/comments.


    Attached Files:

    Mudkip Orange, DeaconKC and BoxcabE50 like this.
  5. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    Mike the plan looks good. my change would be to extend the grain tracks longer into the pink area. other than that i love it.
  6. Mike Savely

    Mike Savely New Member

    I can definitely do that, I just want to save some space there to model a portion of my wife's family farm.

    mtntrainman, sidney and MetraMan01 like this.
  7. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Looks interesting. Some thing I could begin on in N and be movable when necessary.
    So I will be watching what you do should you continue and share.
    Best wishes.
    sidney, DeaconKC and MetraMan01 like this.
  8. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Looks like you still have some problems with getting the track joints directly over the boundaries between modules.

    They key is that ANY 15 degree angled straight piece must be in increments of 64mm rather than the standard 62mm straight increment. You can use 64mm Unitrack pieces, and/or you can use the diagonal part of a Unitrack 15 degree crossing (3x 64mm). Putting a switch on an angle quickly creates a horizontal length that is off by 6mm (3x 2mm).

    Note using a #6 switch on an angle only creates a problem if the through path leads to crossing a module boundary. The diverging (718R) diverging route will be fine.

    As an alternative, you can custom cut straight pieces to the desired length by cutting a section out of the middle of the roadbed (don't cut through the rails,) then slide the ends of the roadbed together until they meet. Then you can cut the rails flush with the ends of the roadbed. Once you have it fitting correctly, you can carefully glue the trackbed ends together (don't use too much glue and make it longer.) A fine-tooth saw and a miter box (e.g. Zona fine tooth saw & miter box set) helps to keep the saw cuts square, which is necessary for the ends to fit neatly back together.

    I have thrown together a track arrangement that reaches to the back of the module, without having to piece together collections of short pieces, which fits perfectly on the module boundaries. This is only an example, and not intended to meet all your requirements.

    BoxcabE50 and DeaconKC like this.
  9. Mike Savely

    Mike Savely New Member

    Yes, I am having some issues and need to fine tune some of the track. I am also considering using flex track where possible to make it easier. Obviously I will use Kato adapters at all module edges.
    MetraMan01 and BoxcabE50 like this.
  10. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    For reference, the 15 degree crossing is a RH. Each end's two track ends have the same relationship as a RH #6 switch. It can be difficult to tell which way is which, but the shorter straight route is identical to a 186mm (~7 5/16") straight.
    MetraMan01 and DeaconKC like this.
  11. Mike Savely

    Mike Savely New Member

    I played with the track and worked out most of the mis-alignment issues. The rest will have to wait until I can physically play with track.
  12. Hansel

    Hansel TrainBoard Member

    Looks great! Keep us posted of the progress. Are you going to do operations?
    MetraMan01 likes this.
  13. Mike Savely

    Mike Savely New Member

    I plan on having the option of doing operations while a train or two run on the outer loops.

    At this point all of my n scale locos are DC, but I have an ancient MRC Command 2000 from my HO days that I hope to get working on this layout. Down the road I am thinking about getting a NCE Powercab. So I plan to wire BWBW with the option of easily converting to BWWB if I ever meet with a club that runs DC.
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    One thing I did not want with my T-Trak modules, is the common 'parallel edges' design. So I created "Twin Bridges" on a triple:

    Am still not happy with the industry spurs, but the rest is fine.
  15. spyder62

    spyder62 TrainBoard Member

    I'm going to be releasing a straight and corner module kit this week on the web site, have a few of each in stock but need to get more plywood in which takes a week or so. But have a question since I'm a fan of the solid ply deck. Think of doing one with ply only under the track and having the deck lower so a one-inch piece of foam can be inserted. I could even supply the precut foam if there in interest.
    As it is now the straight is set up and has all the parts to add a optional back board and will have a optional spacer so they can be bolted together to make doubles or more.
  16. SD35

    SD35 TrainBoard Member

    Hi BoxcabE50,
    .....So I created "Twin Bridges" on a triple.....nice picture !

    I created also two bridges on the end of each 2 triples before the corner with superelevated track comes.

    MetraMan01 and DeaconKC like this.
  17. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Got any pictures?
    BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.
  18. Mudkip Orange

    Mudkip Orange TrainBoard Member

    So are we all just going with North Texas-spec Owl Brown as our default module color now? Is that going to be a global standard?
    BNSF FAN, DeaconKC and MetraMan01 like this.
  19. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I used what I have plenty of at hand. Left over from a home I owned a few years back. Of course when much closer to completion, scenery with cover the top.
    MetraMan01, BNSF FAN and DeaconKC like this.
  20. Hansel

    Hansel TrainBoard Member

    Industries not to scale, some tracks in spurs which cross modules are either powered on their own or have unijoiners without the locking tabs.
    BoxcabE50, MK, MetraMan01 and 2 others like this.

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