MODELING It's Monday, August 28th, 2023: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Aug 28, 2023

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend and got a lot done. I didn't do any model railroading done, see my update below. How about you? Let us know. We'll gather again on Friday, September 1st for a special Labor Day Weekend thread.

    Unfortunately my dad did not come home as he is not eating and therefore not progressing. There is talk now of putting him in rehab. As of tomorrow, he will have been in the hospital one month. I had planned to be in NH for only a month, but it is clear that this is going to take longer than anyone expected. With prescriptions running low, a Mustang that needs 2024 tags by September and maintenance needed in Illinois, decisions had to be made. There is a lot of work to be done here before Winter. After talking with the wife and dad, I've decided to leave New Hampshire early Thursday morning and head back to Illinois for the long holiday weekend. I'll then rent a small SUV, load it with a few months worth of supplies, clothes tools and this time my portable HO layout and head back here to New Hampshire the following Wednesday. I may be here for a few months depending on how dad recovers. Certainly not how I planned the late summer / early fall but as I'm oft of saving, life comes at you fast. In the next few weeks, I'll be doing my best to keep the weekend threads going, but please keep in mind, they may be latter than what I have normally posted.

    Until next time, have a good week, be safe and...

    High Greens!
    mrhedley, Dogwood, BoxcabE50 and 11 others like this.
  2. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning all. This weekend I got done what I wanted:
    • Saturday, worked on wall and backdrop touch-ups and was very pleased with it.
    • Saturday, added 80 puff ball trees to the new mountain project. I had the trees left over and just used up what I had. Will take several hundred more to cover the thing.
    • Sunday, decaled and weathered the 3 fuel holding tanks at Afton Fuel and Oil
    • Sunday, got out the Virginian Trainmaster (Atlas), tuned it up, cleaned the wheels and put it back into service.
    @Jim Wiggin Continued prayers sir for your Dad. We all are pulling for him.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
  3. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Good mornin to Y'all

    @Jim Wiggin - Sorry to read about your Father -- Continuing the prayers for Y'all.

    Making progress on the SSW F7's
    Decals are complete, hand rails and grabs have been installed (Still need paint) - next - clear coat. Then add some final details -- lite weathering


  4. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    No trains this weekend - I spent a good chunk of Saturday and Sunday helping my youngest daughter work on her Girl Scout Silver Award project - she and several of her troopmates are building a Little Free Library to install at a local park.
  5. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Good morning from sunny and mild Northeast Ohio!

    Jim, sorry no good news, but at least he is not getting worse. Rehab facilities can sometimes be helpful, I know I needed one from my hip replacement days.

    Bowled Friday night, only had one good game but the team won 5 out of 7 points. Did not get much modeling done.

    On Saturday, went to the club and had a good time, ran a train with my new Scaletrains Plastic Pellet Covered Hoppers, god those things are huge.
    Went to Dinner with some close friends and celebrated our 43rd Wedding Anniversary and we all had a real good time, after we got home I managed to decal one side of a PRR G39 Ore Jimmy and start on a 40' Trailer along with masking a roof on a boxcar so I can put the final coat of paint on it.

    Sunday, another day for laundry, also sat around for a lot of the day reading but I did manage to get the other side of the G39 decaled along with some more decals on the 40' trailer. Also painted a 50' boxcar and applied Microscale Decal Film to the decals for it as they were old Microscale ones that tend to self destruct with age.

    Rick Jesionowski
  6. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    I spent much of Thursday evening cleaning/de-seeding a big pile of peppers that had accumulated from our garden at church. After that was done, we got the food processor out and shopped them (16 cups), which led to also chopping 7 quarts of tomatoes and throwing them all into a big soup pot which then went in the garage refrigerator. There was also a trip to Staples for printer ink and shopping for the potential replacement of that printer with a "tank" printer in hopes of cheaper future ink purchases. On the way home, we made a couple stops to get eggs (because Aldi was already closed).

    Friday was a bigger Aldi shopping trip in the evening, but still only for a few things that we needed before my wife leaves to visit our Texas kid for a few days. I got some homework reading done, took a nap, I think, and stopped at Staples (after closing) in an attempt to exchange the ink cartridge that we purchased incorrectly.

    Saturday, I was up early to meet a few folks from church to work on the Habitat for Humanity house that we are building. Three of us from church, plus the new homeowners, plus a few "regular" Habitat volunteers and staff, got the entire interior painted before lunch. After lunch we cleaned up and went home early because we'd already finished what they had planned to do for a full day (or two). At home, we got that soup pot full of salsa put it on the stove to cook, and got all the canning stuff out. By the end of the day we had 27 pints of mild salsa that will last us for several years.


    Sunday was church, then my wife and I stayed afterwards to make three copies of the Bible study she'll be in with Bible Study Fellowship (it's a 400 page workbook), and then use the church binding machine. For Patti and her friends, it's cheaper to pay the church for the copies than to buy them, and the binding is nicer. Once that was done, we picked vegetables from the garden before heading home. Once home, I changed clothes, had a bologna sandwich, and headed for the Sebring Model Railroad Club where I worked on the bookkeeping for this month and briefly discussed our track laying plans for Tuesday.
  7. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    @Pastor John - perhaps the Sebring Club now needs to branch into salsa as a fundraiser?

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, here we are at Monday again......

    @Jim Wiggin prayers for you, your dad, and family. Sorry to hear that things are not progressing in the right direction. Safe travels this week as you head home and then back out to NH again.

    The weekend here definitely didn't go as planned. One errand we (and when I say we, I mean the wife) had planned took us across town so we were near my favorite not so LHS. Despite sitting in traffic an extra hour over and above the extra travel time I had planned for, I still managed to fit in a very quick stop. Got a few items to move some projects along and that's about it. We then had to try and hurry home to meet our lawn care guy. Long story short, stepped on a roofing nail finishing something the guy started but only half did. Sunday morning was booked out, got home and went to the work bench, barely got started when the wife called me back upstairs to help with something and that was it for the workbench. Never made it back down and then it was out for dinner. We won't go into how slow that was. Going for a tetanus shot later today.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  9. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Wow. Will still keep you and dad in mind, Mr. Wiggin. I am hoping rehab will help a lot. @Kitbash, since you got done what you wanted, I think some king of trophy is called for. (y) SSW F7's lookin' sharp! :cool: Time helping daughter = time well spent. :love: Decals outbound! ;) Major salsa stockpile! :sneaky: Yikes! Foot nail! :eek: Yep. tetanus booster time. :sick: The long story about the box-beam table leg extension. (Ref. N-Scale magazine, May/June 1999, p. 24.) :rolleyes: I decided that I wanted to use the box-beam table adjacent to the "variable desk" where the current module lives. This would require lowering the current desk top height or extending the module legs. Closet masochist that I am, I chose to extend the legs. :cautious: First "Brainiac" idea was to get four inch all-thread. Saw off the thread end of the extra legs on hand and screw those to the ends of the module legs. :whistle: Module legs have T-nuts on bottom. So off to big box building supply store. No four inch all-thread on hand. No idea when get. :( Next idea. Go up highway to farm store. Saw twelve inch by quarter inch stock. Next "Brainiac" idea. Get this and cut it with hacksaw. Save money to boot! :LOL: Last Friday. Begin arduous task of cutting all-thread. Follow by cutting legs to ten and five-eighths length. Next, assemble "Franken-legs". Begin cringing as assembly was unstable. :eek: More gasping as realization that legs were too long due to not measuring correct height. :mad: This was done without considering depth of tabletop. :oops: Back to the drawing board. Saturday. After thinking some more, it was decided to try fitting dowels. Eureka! :ROFLMAO: Snug fit. So snug that wood glue was omitted. Also cut legs to correct length. Final test assembly was successful. Next plans will probably be structures. I am going to do a plan drawing of the Union City, TN, union station (GM&O and NC&StL). All have a safe and fun week. :D (P.S. Four ragged cut 1/4 x 4 inch all -thread for sale, cheap.)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
  10. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    Ha! We'd definitely need a bigger garden.
  11. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    [mention]Jim Wiggin [/mention] sorry to hear about your father, glad you’re able to find a way to help support him and make everything else work.

    Saturday I met an old friend from college for skating and lunch. He plays a bit of hockey and refs in a local league and encouraged me to put on some skate and get on the ice, which I haven’t done in at least a decade. I got and kept my legs underneath me most of the time and by the end of it wasn’t hugging the wall. I did manage to fall and drive my should into my chin so I’ve got some interesting bruises.

    Sunday was chores as everyone in my house except me is sick, all with different things. But I did manage to finish one version of my track plan and start another. I need to finish it up and then I’ll have something to compare and post about.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    Never to old to get your stick on the ice!;)
  13. rjthomas909

    rjthomas909 TrainBoard Member

    Hey All,

    Not much modeling, other than that facilitated by an ATM. Spent the end of the week and Saturday at the NMRA National and Train Show in the DFW area. At least it was air conditioned....whew!

    IMG_2898 (2).JPG

    Take Care All,

    -Bob T.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2023
  14. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    and if they don’t find you handsome, they’ll at least find you handy!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Not much train stuff going on, and Sunday I went to a classic car show in the next town up. No locomotives seen, though some of the souped-up jobs are about as powerful as an Alco S-1!:eek: Even a couple of 1909 Ford Model T's with as much brass on them as an early steam loco.

    @Jim Wiggin Still praying for your Dad. Times like these make one realize that each of us has only one Dad, and it's time to take care of him. Hang in there.

    @Pastor John Your salsa looks delicious!:)
  16. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Jim- Sorry to read of your father's continuing issues. :(

    I was once again "sidetracked". Found some issues with pages on my website. So spent time going through and re-working several hundred of them. Yes. There are hundreds of pages on my site. Argh. That's what happens after adding and adding for nearly sixteen years.....
  17. Dogwood

    Dogwood TrainBoard Member

    Summer is coming to an end and it's time for model railroading again. This rusty bridge was created from the relics of my former layout. The installation follows next.

    20230829_170911_copy_1024x768.jpg 20230829_170727_copy_1024x768.jpg 20230829_170911_copy_1024x768.jpg 20230829_170815_copy_1024x768.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
  18. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    Wow, Dogwood-that's a beauty!(y)

    Gonna' be a great scene for sure!
    MetraMan01 and BNSF FAN like this.
  19. Dogwood

    Dogwood TrainBoard Member

    Kurt, many thanks.
    I have too many impressions from BC Canada. I try to realize these impressions in the model. The focus is on the old BC RAIL route along the Fraser River.
    It's summer seasons end and I keep going.
    In the spring and the summer I have a lot of work in my company. I have a fishing company with my wife, it's a hart 24/7 job. Model Railroading and Harley Davidson is the balance.

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