You know you're addicted when...

J Starbuck May 27, 2005

  1. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    You spend $40 at AC Moore (large crafts store), on "stuff" you _think_ you might use. (like I did today). You kow, like craft sticks, flags, and thingys, and reindeer moss, and sheets of black and broun semi firm foam like stuff, and 3 inch balls of foam and....

    But, but, really, I just went there with a friend to keep her company.
  2. wlal21

    wlal21 TrainBoard Member

    OK, here are a few that I noticed in the train room tonight:

    1. You named your cat Chessie (true story, thats her name)

    2. You have a drawer in your workbench full of decals you`ll most likely never use.

    3. A friend buys a new house and when he tells you the location you`re overjoyed that it`s a stone throw from a heavily used rail line.

    4. You have 3 open bottles of Floquil Engine Black on the work bench.

    5. You took a day off when IM announced it`s Tunnel Motors because to you that was a National Holiday..

    Feel free to add to this list at will.....
  3. nom87

    nom87 TrainBoard Supporter

    You know when you're addicted to trains when you are caught looking up real railroad cars...
  4. N_S_L

    N_S_L TrainBoard Member

    Grey, you better be working on your framework and stuff!!! After that 40,000 post thread of "planning", I'm getting mighty anxious for something!
  5. Magnat1978

    Magnat1978 TrainBoard Member

    You know your addicted when
    1. you order a N-scale train from over seas and ring the place you order it from Daily just to check if it has arrived.

    2. Your Credit Card Debt is looming about the same cost as a Real Train..

    3. You tell your Friends you are going on a Railway journey, and spend the next 2-days in your Train room..

    4. You have a Train Room

    5.You start selling Prized Antiques and family Airlooms just to get that New Kato Train.

    6. You subscribe to Model Train Companies Price lists and Catalogues.

    7. You travel around the world just to see a new Model being launched...

    8. You tell your Boss to speed up delivery of Staples and Paper clips that he should have a Model train set up that has a station at everyones desk and it should be DCC so it stops for 30 seconds at each station....

    9. You have a train set up to despence your Medication to you at your Bed side table of a night so you do not forget it..

    When you can think up as many reasons As I have.....

    I cannot say I am addicted as it has not taken over my life, and I have no room at the moment or any time as I still have a job to do..
  6. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Come on out here and help me. I'll line up some railfanning sites. [​IMG] and we can do up the paint scheme you desgined on a couple of locos and rolling stock.

    Um, er, I mean, yes sir.

    Edit; I shall not post again till I have the framework for at least one table done.

    [ May 29, 2005, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Grey One ]
  7. William Cowie

    William Cowie TrainBoard Member

    Amen, brother! :D And your Class 1 double main track suddenly sprouts a logging line for that Shay...
  8. norco44

    norco44 TrainBoard Member

    Gee, i can relate to many of the comments!
    Have had similar experience to X600.
    Scratch built some SP HOn3 cars, sold them twice and bought them back again 3 times.
    Who cares about the cost!
    Will not part with these cars now.

    How about this one for long term addicition.
    Bought a whole bunch of On2 equipment from a friend.
    In this lot was a 75% finished SR&RL boxcar. The car was very well made but needed side ladders and roof walks. Just after adding these I sold the On2 stuff back to the same guy.
    Two years later, bought the same collection for the second time.
    During the time away the boxcar has now had the doors and brake gear finished off. This inspired me to finish off the last remaining details, paint and letter the car.
    Total time required from the original owner and myself to build this car - 15 years!
    We must all be slightly nuts. Or are we just inspired.........
  9. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    When you prefer Rocky road icecream and only your train buddies know why.
  10. Warbonnet-Fan

    Warbonnet-Fan TrainBoard Member

    I'm not addicted...really, I'm not...I could quit anytime I wanted to...I just haven't wanted to for the past 32 years. I could quit anytime, no problem here.

    (In the office and missing my trains!)
  11. MEC563

    MEC563 TrainBoard Member

    .............Your living room is painted in B&M blue, with O scale B&M engines, and rolling stock, pictures of the B&M and the whole "Theme" depicts a railway station. Yes she even found fabric for the curtains, table and chair that matched B&M blue. I'm soooooooooo lucky :D
  12. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter


    Oooops, just ran into this thread.

    For the new folks at trainboard.
  13. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    A year and a half later. um, er, well, ya see, I'm addicted to _planning_.
    Ok, Ok. I'll um, do something. Promise I'll post to the "layout party thread" tomorrow.
  14. Mad Yank

    Mad Yank TrainBoard Member

    STOP That!

    Grey, my socks are turning brown; behave yourself!

    Besides, you think YOU'RE addicted?
    My Dad, God rest him, chased the Pickens all over Anderson, SC for 20 years. Never built it, never painted an engine or car - BUT:
    He found their rip track, their junk track, he knew where their switch yard - such as it was - was at, where the interchanges with CSX and with NS were, and a lot of the crews' names.
    And then proceeded to infect ME! So now, while I primarily model whatever, my ultimate goal is to do the Pickens Railway in Anderson, SC, in the 1990's. That means I can do U18s (modified U23s), plus in & out NS and CSX locos, and just about ANY period-legit freight cars for chipwood, electronics and appliances, general freight, Fiberglass production (Owens-Corning had a plant south of town), Michelin, GE, Bosch, a couple of furniture factories, and BMW had just built their factory in Spartanburg. And if I modify reality a little bit and add a whistlestop for Amtrak, well, there you go. And Clemson is only 18 miles northwest.
    And who knows? maybe the Clinchfield is running an occasional fanrail excursion through with their Challenger, dragging a four-car 1890's pax run. Just for period fun. After all, this IS the Piedmont region of the Southland.
    Sound good to you?
  15. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Um, three things:

    1. I was born in Bethesda,
    2. You sure we didn't have the same dad, (maybe obverse uncles)
    3. You didn't mention bullet trains from Japan or France
    But sure - works for me :)
  16. maxairedale

    maxairedale TrainBoard Member

    You know you are addicted when

    1. You just read the previous 55 postings in one setting
    2. You have a “Train Building”
    3. You can only put about 10% of your locos and cars on the layout at a time, and then there is no open track
    4. You are traveling and check in to a motel for the night at 11pm and check the phone book for hobby shops, knowing you will be on the road again long before they open.
    5. Your house has more railroad related pictures then family pictures
    6. All you want for Christmas is, anything railroad related.
    7. You have had a dog that went railfanning and was not afraid of the noise.
    8. When you check the mail, you go to the train building and deliver the mail there first before taking it to the house.
    9. Your GPS has more waypoints next to the tracks then all other locations combined.
    10. You check into TrainBoard when you get up, just before going to work (30 min after getting up), when you get home from work, and every 20 minutes after until you go to bed, and then when you get up to use the BR in the middle of the night.
    11. Your website is dedicated to your layout.
    12. Your FedEx (Express, Home, and Ground) and UPS drivers know where you work and they should deliver there because the package needs a signature.
  17. tehachapifan

    tehachapifan TrainBoard Member

    You see just about any 2, 3 or 4 number combination, such as street address, and you immediately think of locomotive types that would be in that number range. :eh-goofy:

  18. thoroughbreed

    thoroughbreed TrainBoard Member

    Lol, I did read all the replies in one sitting....
    My LHS owner called me today to say that an order I sent him by email to his private account Friday, came in today.....
    I have the LHS phone number in speed dial on the phone as number #2.....
    I'm getting gift certificates from all my friends and relatives for Christmas instead of ties, sweaters, and other useless items.....
    My train room used to be the dining room.....
    I've got more shelves in my train room than in the entire house including the kitchen and bathroom cabinets....
    I've got more invested in trains than in the last 3 vehicles combined....

    But thru it all, the wife says she'd rather see me doing this than going out to bars and so forth, so its a good trade off.:tb-cool:
  19. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter


    Wishing I had the room for even an HCD layout!
    Lucky if I have the ability, and/or the room to set up a temporary 3 rail layout.
    On the floor, around my living room even.

    You also know you're addicted when:

    You start putting various collections on wall display, and realize you don't have room for everything! And yet you continue to add to the collection(s).

    A good one that took place about a week ago.
    Contractor that my folks had finish my living quarters returned to do some
    more work for them. Well, we showed him what my placed looks like now.
    He saw the stuff on the walls, and his reaction was: What he's got on the walls
    is worth MORE than what it cost to finish the basement!! May have wet his shorts when he saw what I've done, so far!

    N Scale - 200 feet of display shelves, and maybe 2/3 of collection displayed.
    O Gauge (3rail) - 14 shelves, from 8 foot to almost 17 foot. Not quite half the collection.
    G Scale - Displayed IN small bookcases under the 3 rail wall.

    Now, if I were to get rid of the 42" HD flatscreen TV, bookcases with RR books, videos/DVD's and other assorted "stuff" I could free up about another 10 feet in wall space!

    As I always say, about my "addiction", I have my somewhat good health to show for it!
    I don't drink, don't smoke, or do drugs.Can't afford it! :tb-biggrin:

    Could be worse though, so why complain?
  20. dave n

    dave n TrainBoard Supporter

    Ha :)! I figured I was the only person that did that! Even the hymn board at church :)

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