Holy Moly!!

Chaya Aug 8, 2007

  1. Chaya

    Chaya TrainBoard Supporter

    I just got an Atlas FM H16-44 for my birthday, painted in ATSF tiger stripes--and good grief! I had no idea this thing would be so beautiful. The thing that got me the most: the incredibly fine handrails mounted with eensie-beensie hardware. This thing looks real!

    It ought to look just fine rolling slowly along my layout--when I finally get a layout on which it can roll slowly along. :teeth: I've finally got the plans all done. I need dress them up with colored pencils, then I'll be submitting them here to ask y'alls' opinions and advice. Got a little bit of benchwork constructed, too, in between everything else that has to be done that has more priority. Anyone else find it next to impossible to find time to work on layouts in the summer?
  2. Bob Morris

    Bob Morris TrainBoard Supporter

    The quality of N scale locos is such a quantum leap from back in 1973 when I got started. My Atlas Classic NYC RS3 is a work of art, and the IM FT's, F3's and F7's are beautiful locos. We live at a great time for this hobby!

    Good luck with getting your layout operational. It's all about having fun--even when the summer priorities invade :)
  3. davido

    davido TrainBoard Member

    i have a couple of atlas h16-'s. they are by far the favorites of the fleet.

  4. Chaya

    Chaya TrainBoard Supporter

    I liked the looks of these and wanted one; I just had no idea they were so detailed. I ran mine on a test track yesterday and discovered the green and red classification lights. Wow!

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    I've seen one of these run recently. Makes me think I need to justify one somehow.
  6. Pete Nolan

    Pete Nolan March 17, 2024 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    I've got four of them. They are wonderful runners! The Trainmasters are good too.
  7. Dave Vollmer

    Dave Vollmer TrainBoard Member

    MRR vs Golf... what's a guy to do?

    Well, if there were no such a thing as golf, I might be able to work on the layout in the summer...

    Although, we're just coming off a masive heat wave here. I was driven indoors by highs in the 100s, dewpoints in the 70s (we missed the all-time record high for Raleigh by 1 degree twice this week!). I managed to paint and decal a PRR X26C boxcar in the post-1954 SK scheme.

    Winter is my model railroading season, though! I suspect for most this is the case. When I lived in Florida, it was the opposite. The nice weather cam in winter, and in the summer it was too hot to play outside!

    Congrats on the new loco! What a great feeling (when it works, of course!).

    Happy birthday, too! I just turned 33 two days ago. My gifts were great, but not train related. 10 rounds of golf at the local par 3 course, a box of Spongebob golf balls, and a Titleist hat with the NC State University logo (that's where I'm getting my PhD - I'm a Penn Stater at heart!).
  8. Chaya

    Chaya TrainBoard Supporter

    We're hot here, too, but I've been feeling so lucky that the really big heat wave missed us. Still, it was 90 degrees yesterday and that was more than enough for me: I was working outside in the yard. The humidity was 72%, and to us down here that feels like we're swimming. Then, too, it's usually so dry here that to US it feels like the tropics when it's more than 10%!

    It's all good, though: humidity is easier on the plants.

    Happy birthday to you, too, Dave, and many more! I actually requested a "train birthday." I also got "Trainz." I'm still mucking my way through that software, trying to figure out how to make it all work! :teeth:

    Spongebob golfballs? Honest? What are these? I want some for my own golf nut!
  9. Dave Vollmer

    Dave Vollmer TrainBoard Member

    They're Wilsons, but yellow with Spongebob's face! A gift from my boys who love Spongebob. If I want them to last, I need to not play them on holes 7 and 18 over at the local par 3!

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