Why Can't we Correct a Misspelled Post Title?

MarkInLA Feb 12, 2013

  1. MarkInLA

    MarkInLA Permanently dispatched

    Why is it that once we've submitted a post (like this) we don't seem to be able to correct a misspelled title word (edit it) once it's been posted ? Why is this different than going back and editing the text ?
  2. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Moved to support forum...

    The editing features are mostly reserved for moderators. Since I am not logged in as a regular member I can't recall if you can edit the post title in the advanced editor for a short time or not.

  3. railtwister

    railtwister TrainBoard Member

    Re: Why Can't We Correct a Misspelled Post Title

    Most of the other forums, with the exception of Yahoo, allow editing. Yahoo allows the OP to delete the post, at least. It appears that this forum doesn't allow any editing of the title at all (or deleting) if you post in "Quick reply" mode. If it does, maybe I just can't figure it out. Editing of the text may be possible as long as you post in full featured or "Advanced Mode" instead of "Quick Reply" mode. This forum also makes it very hard to search and find photos, or posts that go with those photos. In contrast, Yahoo's handling of photos is excellent, however. Honestly, of all the model railroad related forums I have seen, this forum seems to be the clunkiest and most archaic, but I'm not sure how much of that is the fault of the software formatting.

    Bill in FtL
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2013
  4. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    (Add Ttitle after Post, 10 mins later)

    Gee, I have been with TrainBoard since nearly day one and I am a member of lots of other forums as well and I find this site one of the easiest to use...

    As for the Edit/Delete policy here, that was put into place due to a handful a members that destroyed many topics by going back and deliberately messing them up before they left. Sure, I would love to see it lifted or altered but I also know something about the software used here that would make that difficult and still protect the topics from being destroyed by a few Bad Orders of members. One might say that you could limit this policy to just new members but the issues in the past that caused this policy to be put into place was due to members that had been here for a long time and were very active then blew a boiler and trashed topics.

    The ADMINS / MODS here are more then willing to help fix topics, just let them know by hitting the "Report Post" button and they will make the fix as soon as they can...

    (Yes, this was a Quick Reply also and I can still edited it a few minutes later to fix even after your reply below)

    (Yes, there is a time limit to get your edits done before you can no longer edit that post, I think it's in the area of a few hours)

    (One can see in this post "#322" in another topic I was still able to make an edit over 2+ hours later)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2013
  5. railtwister

    railtwister TrainBoard Member

    This message is posted as "Quick Reply" to check if it can be edited. Older posts I have made in QR cannot be edited, while those posted in Advanced Mode appear to editable, at least soon after posting, although I'm not sure if there may be a time limit for editing.

    Edit test: (Okay, I see that I am able to edit this right after posting, so perhaps my earlier editing problems were due to there being a time limit on allowed editing. As for my comment on this forum seeming clunky by comparison to others, it's just my opinion based on personal experience. I still haven't figured out an easy way to post photos, and I really don't want to be a member of an additional photo archive group to post photos here, if that's what it takes. As for exiting members re-editing posts when they leave the group, that seems to be pretty juvenile behavior, but I guess it must be planned for, just in case.)

    Bill in FtL
  6. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter


    I created a "JUNK TOPIC" over in the Cattle Car forum and was able to alter the Title using the Advanced Editor (Go Advanced Button) option that all members have access too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2013
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    TrainBoard is based upon the most popular, widely used forum software available in the world today. Constantly updated with the latest version. By comparison to others, which we have used, they are archiac, clunky, limited. If you are on other forums, most likely at least some use this very same programming.

    Posting photos is simple and can be done several ways. We seem to always have a hand full of folks, and this is true everywhere you might go.

    Past experiences with such juvenile behavior is the exact reason why there are limits to editing.
  8. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    Yes, there are a variety of ways to post photos here and you don't have to use another service to do so. You can upload directly into the topic (which I personally find clunky), you can upload to RailImages first which is part of this site then link the image in a topic here or elsewhere, or use an outside photo hosting site that allows photos to be linked in remote topics.

    Personally, I use both RailImages and Outside Photo Hosting Sites as my preference but I have uploaded directly in a topic here and there here too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2013
  9. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    Direct Upload of Image into a topic

    Via Direct Upload method
  10. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter



    Linked in from my RailImages galley here on TrainBoard
  11. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    Outside Hosting Site

    From our trip to Alaska; hence not RR so not part of RailImages...
  12. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    So I must ask, is this an HO loco?
  13. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    Yes it is, part of the D&H collection
  14. MarkInLA

    MarkInLA Permanently dispatched

    Sometimes these threads remind me of when you take a group of 30 people and tell first one to pass on a short story to the next..By the time it gets to the last person the entire story has been changed...I asked at start: Why can't thread title spelling mistake be changed after being posted ? I didn't bring up photos, other forums, or that if software is based on other software...Also, how in the past, could another member corrupt a post or title without having originator's (like me, here) password, as is implied above by someone..? Why can't I edit a poorly spelled/composed title ? Why is this seperated from editing text , which I/we do all the time...BTW (edited in), nice Camelback..guessing it's from a Bach mogul, no ?
  15. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    After a set time period (2-3 hours?) you cannot edit titles OR text. Before that, you can edit both, using the Advanced Edit. At least that is how it has worked for me fairly recently. So they're not separated unless that's something new.

    Another member was not corrupting *other's* posts. They were modifying or deleting *their* posts, (sometimes deleting all of their posts before leaving the forum altogether) such that the entire thread(s) often did not make sense. What we're not hearing is the other side of the story....the reason that was happening is there were--let's call them antagonistic--moderators that would take sides and actually MODIFY people's posts without their knowledge...such that they would not make sense or convey an entirely opposing view to what was intended. This went on for some time with the higher ups either not knowing or ignoring the problem. Regardless, things are much smoother now, and moderation is much more "even keel". They could probably relax the time a bit to 24-48 hours and it might be a little more user friendly, but I'm not fighting that battle.
  16. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    Yea some topics do make a detour now and then so my apologies for my part as I tend to take a certain amount of pride in TrainBoard and thus can get a but testy on some topics. So, my apologies to Bill too...

    Anyway, as Doug mentioned, we had some major contributors here do some serious damage to topics by blanking out "their" posts on some major topics and this policy is a result of that. TrainBoard does not control the software, it's a purchased product and to get to the Advanced Editor you need to click the "Go Advanced" button and that is where all the nice feathers can be found.

    Side Note: My D&H Camelback is an actual IHC model purchased several years ago

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