Hog Waller Junction

John Moore Mar 11, 2015

  1. Hytec

    Hytec TrainBoard Member

    John, your left side rapids are excellent and appear to be a formidable challenge for the occasional air-headed self-destructing kayaker. Though I'm concerned the turbulence will quickly erode the trestle bents at their scour zones. Do you plan any anti-scour protection, metal sheathing perhaps?

    I hope you ultimately consider public exhibition for this museum quality creation. It is far too grand to be viewed merely by a pride of felines and their staff.
  2. Hytec

    Hytec TrainBoard Member

    That was a distinct possibility during my previous working life, considering the occasional "mistreatment" by my management, customers, and suppliers.:wideeyes:
  3. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    If I am I am about to come into a large amount of money. Actually Deekus loves salted peanuts and can here a can or jar of Planters being opened downstairs when she is upstairs. Most of the rest consider Sardines to be below their status. I have been known to partake of smoked kippers and scrambled eggs. But peanut butter figures in as a separate consumable. Nice disgusting combo though.
  4. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Actually what you are seeing is the Scenic Effects drying and still white that is giving the roiling water effect. Pilings are sunk into bedrock and the area where they are at is relatively flat. The incline line is only a temporary line that will be abandoned in a year of two when the lower line eventually reaches up and connects to the upper line. Who know by then I may model a partially washed out and collapsed trestle there. Of course that is three or four modules in the future.

    Here is a shot of the rock added to the bottom of the left side falls to get the proper looking water channel. And notice that the danged fire barrel platform here is missing its rails. I think it is my own clumsiness that has accounted for their demise. At least I haven't seen a feline with a toothpick after snacking on pine greens.

    And a shot directly over the two trestles which set on flat spots between the three falls. Scenic Effects is just starting the dry some.


    And the new Scenic Effects is definitely working better than the old stuff I had. Drying quicker and unmolding better.
    Casting some more falls using a non stick coating cookie sheet and will most likely be dry this evening.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2015
  5. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    After sitting overnight the Scenic Effects in the left waterfall has dried some. However at the rate that my experience has shown with this stuff is that it will be almost the end of this month before a complete drying has occurred if even then. At that point I will most likely apply another layer of precast water strips to the falls.

    Today with any luck I will start the 2nd falls after my morning shopping trip to get my Wife's Mother's day dinner. Filet Mignon, Lobster Tail, Baked Potato, and maybe some Corn on the Cob. However with a tropical storm lurking off the coast, and rain plus high humidity for the next week, I don't expect any faster drying time with the last falls than the first even though it is smaller.
  6. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Shopping trip done to get the Wife's Sunday feast including a breakfast of blueberry cheese Blintzes, I went at the right falls. Installed one light blue tinted layer of Scenic effects that was tacked in with some more untinted uncured Scenic Effects.


    The light blue underlayer is Moly ore veins that have been exposed. This will later get a clear rippled layer as the top layer. Seen in the bottom right is my excavation for the mill water wheel pit which will be the next thing to get installed as I need it in place to determine some track placement. Still days or even weeks away from a final spike in the lower main.

    Probably won't get much of anything done this weekend as I step away from this project to spend time with the Wife and then next week I go to get my ancient old brain looked at to see If I am holding place, getting better, or two steps away from boarding the last train at platform 9 and 3/4ths.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    All this talk of food... No wonder you are so productive. You certainly eat well!
  8. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Didn't used to. Very old memories of Baloney sandwiches, and ugly gray and dry meatloaf. Military memories of the equivalent of the green eggs and spam in a can many years old. And 1st career memories of many a missed meal while spending time on some disaster or another existing on bad coffee and stale donuts. Fifty years later or more I eat less but of far better quality.
  9. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Spent most of the day doing domestic diva chores for the Wife. Managed to have a bit of time this evening and finally decided that I would build my small train stations rather than order the ones I found. I have the material and the doors and windows so I set out to design one of about half the length of the small one pictured. It will have a small passenger waiting room and one end for freight, no bay window, just simple board and batten construction. The dimensions will be 15 feet wide by 26 feet long. The small station pictured is 15 feet wide by 46 feet long. While I found some small resin cast stations earlier I just have never been very much enamored of a lot of the resin castings I have come across.

  10. JimJ

    JimJ Staff Member

    That's going to look great. I look forward to seeing it finished. Since I started scratchbuilding structures I haven't bought any more kits.
  11. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Darn! I was looking forward to seeing what you'd do with those depots from DBJ.
  12. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    I looked at them hard and long and just came to the conclusion they were not the look I wanted. Size wise they were right for what I needed just not the look I needed. I still had a supply of styrene, old style cast plastic and some cast metal doors, windows, and freight doors, plus eave trim, and a lot of shingles. Made more sense to save my money, Shays are coming. Now if I could have ever figured out who made the stations, one is in the photo, and if they were still available, I would have gone for two of those and took a razor saw to them. I do remember that they were kits that simply snapped together and I took the roof off of the one shown and looked, but alas no name anywhere.
  13. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    After feeding the Wife a gourmet breakfast this morning, and cleaning up my own mess after, I got in a little more work on the two train stations. Managed to get the windows and doors cut out for one of the stations and test fitted. Probably going to stay with a simple white structure with green trim although a brown color is not out of the question and I may go that way.
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Green and white= Burlington Northern.... Ugh. How about a sand color such as the NP used? :)
  15. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    GN had a number of little white wood stations with green trim. But I am leaning toward light brown with a dark brown trim since I have a small house to serve as the station crew quarters in those colors.
  16. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I don't recall seeing any pre-merger GN with green. Hmmm. It's been 45 years. But I can only recall all white, or an occasional bit of black trim.
  17. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    The BNSF is painting their structures white with a reddish brown or a maroon shade on the trim now. The Madras station in Oregon originally had a white base and green trim. And pre BN like 1950s and 60s there were some small wood frame stations that had the white base and dark green trim in the western part of North Dakota.
  18. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    That would be Oregon Trunk RY. I some have slides of pre-merger SP&S family depots which show some of them in what seems like an odd light brown-ish color.
  19. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    SP&S in some cases followed NP practices and in others GN when I came to painting some of their buildings. I think it came down to wherever they got a deal on surplus paint as to what colors got slapped on them.

    Anyway all colors aside I decided on going with the light brown with dark brown trim. I dislike Depot Buff as a color. Of course as with everything Mr. Murphy was lurking around the corner when I went looking for the shade of light brown I had used on the little house. So I ended up blending and testing some paints until I got reasonably close. I think once I give it an India Ink wash it will be close enough.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2015
  20. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    The depot looks good, John. I like that they will be of two different siding types, that just says that the railroad is working as cheaply as possible. A real shortline 'feel' to it! Nice.

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