Questions and answers regarding all TrainBoard and RailImages services are addressed here.
New members, introduce yourself here.
Posts relating to our advertisers.
Be sure to read the rules in this forum before using. This forum will replace our TrainStore feature.
This forum contains all weekly and special threads. Most threads will contain images so be ready to post! Only authorized members are allowed to create new topics in this forum. If you would like to be one of them, please talk to an administrator.
This forum hosts TrainBoard sanctioned contests, puzzles and games. Members are encouraged to flex their gamesmanship and problem solving skills here! To submit a new contest idea please contact any of our staff members for review.
Brewing house for special run projects that will be offered on
This is the catch-all forum for general railroad topics. Note that if a topic is specific to a particular railroad, it should be discussed in that forum (if one is available).
News and press releases.
All fallen flag railroads may be discussed in this forum. Please choose from the list of prefixes when you create a thread to indicate what road your post represents.
This forum is a showcase for railfan photos. Photos may still be posted in other forums if you choose. (Example: If you photograph Union Pacific action, you may post here, or the UP forum.)
New topics should include photos and other members may offer comments.
If railfanning is your passion, this is the place for you.
Discuss railfanning locations, railfan events, steam engine spotting opportunities, etc. Post information about railroad museums, steam engines on display, tourist railroads, or any event or location of interest to railfans.
This forum is for the discussion of photographic techniques and equipment, and relevant computer peripherals and programs.
Discuss how to create, edit, and display your photos, the type of equipment you use, and how you use your computer peripherals and programs. Share your photographic techniques and tips, and ask for advice and critique of a particular photo.
Please note: This forum is not for wholesale posting of photos. Do this in the relevant forum.
This forum is for pictures and discussion of those aspects of railroads which are, many times, overlooked. Included in this area are infrastructure, people, MOW equipment, and anything else needed to keep the trains running.
Our purpose, here, is for railfans and photographers (frequently one and the same) to look beyond the trains themselves and take note of the surrounding excitement and beauty. For modelers, this can also be a source for those many details that will bring your layout closer to perfection.
This forum is directed at all model railroaders and contains general topics that relate to model railroading. This is also an open forum for news, model railroad related events, reviews and general information. If you post information about a train show or other event, please check back often to answer any questions that others may have.
This forum is a place to discuss all aspects of 3D Printing, Laser Etching/Cutting, Craft Cutters, and CNC Machining: technologies that empower model railroaders to obtain the perfect detail item, replacement part, or impossible to find rolling stock. Show off your 3D work, share experiences, ask questions here.
A forum for DCC, computer running, signalling, animation and electronic issues.
Discussion on general layout designs for all scales.
Model railroading tutorials.
Gauge #1 Scale (and larger)
O Scale (Including all three rail) - 1:48
S Scale (Including American Flyer) - 1:64
HO Scale - 1:87
N Scale - 1:160
Z Scale - 1:220
T Gauge - 1:450
The standard gauge modeling forum for everything narrower than 4' 8½"
The latest from suppliers.
This forum is designed to enhance your railroading experience on the Internet. Webmasters who have railroad related web sites and those who want to have railroad related web sites may discuss those issues, as well as railroad games such as Microsoft Train Simulator, Auran Trainz, and others.
Feel free to post links to your railroad web site in this forum.
New postings to our resources feature