Kato N scale UP 1943 SD70Ace announcement!

Ghengis Kong Jan 17, 2018

  1. Ghengis Kong

    Ghengis Kong TrainBoard Member

  2. Traindork

    Traindork TrainBoard Member

    Nice! I intend to get this one and the FVM version.
    I get the feeling these are going to be hard to find on the shelves, and I'm coming out of the closet as a collector.
    subwayaz likes this.
  3. subwayaz

    subwayaz TrainBoard Member

    I agree that they will be hard to find if you don’t Pre Order. So as much as I dislike the Pre Order deal I did so through N Scale Enthusiast. Get one while you can

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. baldylox

    baldylox TrainBoard Member

    bump. KATO screwed the pooch on this model. It was pointed out 5 weeks ago that they were missing some paint/detail on the nose. They responded today stating they couldn't get it pad printed and to make a change was going to cost too much. Yet FVM version is accurate...... Chinese are greater than Japanese for painting? wow add to that one of the KATOUSA employees started telling people to go buy another product because they only cater to the 98% of people who wont care how accurate it is....... canceled all my kato orders. 2% or not, UP1943 is ICONIC and should be accurate. OH and UP accepted that its not right.......woo woo woo......so much for their premium license. /sigh
    bremner likes this.
  5. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    Pictures?? Details??
  6. baldylox

    baldylox TrainBoard Member

    it WAS on the katousa website. they removed the post were it was brought up 5 weeks ago and then today, responded after it was apparent they were ignoring the question, that the front nose stripe is missing and we wanted to know why. ie too $$$$ to pad print it. but Matt from FVM has his corrected now...............

    so its coming to market with that stripe missing on both sides. you will have to paint it or decal it on. because as they stated, they only care about 98% of their customers and the 2% who like things to be semi accurate are considered a minority and should buy our products elsewhere. this paraphrased but its directly from one of the USA rep.

    thats what pisses me off the most. dont talk woo woo woo to your customers. i can paint or decal a silly stripe. sure id love it to be there, but its not going to make me freak out. im not a rivet counter. i just HATE poor customer service and terrible reps with terrible customer service skills.

    even more, they stated that UP approved of the "flaw" :(
  7. Traindork

    Traindork TrainBoard Member

    I think it has made you freak out. I've seen this posted on three forums now.
  8. MK

    MK TrainBoard Member

    I noticed that too! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Traindork likes this.
  9. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    I'm seeing a preproduction painted shell on Kato's twitter feed and a prototype photo on their website. I'm just not seeing this glaring error. Maybe somebody who is concerned with this can educate us a bit regarding what the issue is? (I've only seen comments on two forums, so might be missing some info).

    Edit: okay, I think I see it. It must be the continuation of the white striping in the blue field up and over the top of the nose. Is that it?
  10. tehachapifan

    tehachapifan TrainBoard Member

    These threads made me curious, so I started looking for proto-photos showing the top of the nose on this unit. It appears to me that the white stripes do not extend all the way across the top on the real unit. I see no white stripe under the windows nor on the front of the uppermost (flat) section of the nose. A white stripe does, however, extend all the way up to the uppermost (flat) section of the nose along the front edge of the blue stripe but stops there.
  11. baldylox

    baldylox TrainBoard Member

    ya, i got a bit upset. lol when i started posting i was trying to keep out the screen caps and name of the KATOUSA employee that was portraying very poor customer service skills. telling us they will do what they want, they only care about the 98% of the majority (said we were 2% minority) and that we can go spend out money on another product. which is fine. i have moved my reservations to another product, simply because of his actions.

    so rather than stir up his name, i just put my posts on the fact they didnt care to try and fix the issue as it was going to cost far too much to redo and "they cant pad print the nose" their words.

    I had never looked at anything other than N when this came up. There does seem to be plenty of discrepancies across the scales and models. some of which id expect. I'm just surprised UP Brand group is so easy to let stuff slide.

    oh well. cant wait to see the kato employee at a show so i can offer him a class at Dale-Carnegie lmao
    mtntrainman likes this.
  12. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    The real story has been posted on another forum and, not surprisingly, it is considerably different than what has been reported to us here. PM me if anybody wants the link. It was not an "error" by Kato.
    Carl Sowell, MK and Hardcoaler like this.
  13. baldylox

    baldylox TrainBoard Member

    real story? lmao who said error? i did not. YOU were first to mention an error. I said they chose NOT to pad print the stripe due to cost that it would take to get it printed.

    5 weeks ago it was asked why they were missing the stripe.
    2 days ago, another question asked. katousa responded, stating jeff was aweful adamant about a little stripe (seems condensending)
    he responded he want to see accuracy, explained that FVM was able to update their model after it was shown to them.
    Kelley (katousa rep) got involved and started talking crap about how we were a minority and to take our business else where.
    this is when it got more heated as thats basically telling your customers you dont give 2 shits about them.
    then the post was removed by katousa fb

    thats the REAL story and there are screenshots.
    mtntrainman likes this.
  14. baldylox

    baldylox TrainBoard Member

    I said they chose to not pad print for money reasons in each of my posts here and there, your "real" thread, confirms exactly what i have said. it confirms Kato said they could not and were not going to make a change. Kelley told us to go spend our money else where as well.

    what is WRONG, is that im not Jeff Gowers, but indeed Brett Isaacs :D Its also possible Kelley is not a katousa rep, thats what I was lead to believe. if that is not the case, i did apologize.

    cliff notes, KATO didnt print a simple stripe for money issues.
  15. jtomstarr

    jtomstarr TrainBoard Member

    I do not use twitter .

  16. JDG

    JDG TrainBoard Member

    Seems to me like KATO is making excuses for something they forgot and are taking the easy way out. They knew about it, cleared it with UP, and didn’t want to have to fix them. All the other manufacturers can get it right. BTW baldylox has portrayed the “story” correctly.
  17. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    You guys really ought to get your story straight if you're going to continue with this. So which is it? Were they "cheap" or "forgetful?"
    subwayaz and MK like this.
  18. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    I think this has gone on long enough. We can continue to discuss the model, but we do not have to debate the conversation with Kelly or Kato’s decision any further. Nothing else will be gained.
    (Oh, and I say this as a moderator)
    subwayaz, catfan, JoeTodd and 4 others like this.

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