The California Wild Fire and Growth Exhibit

sams Nov 11, 2019

  1. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    I'm really glad you chimed in on this one. I have to apologize as I haven't experienced the terms of a club. If they are still paying there dues then they should be welcome to any event guaranteed ! I'll make sure to ask you If I have any more club questions. Family and work I can see being a big factor why someone cant always show up. I'm in a group of musicians and it is all in all volunteer work haha. We still make it work though and show up when we can. There is so many different miles (y)(y) Cheers !
    BarstowRick and Massey like this.
  2. Massey

    Massey TrainBoard Member


    I have yet to be able to go to a show with the club I am a part of at the moment due to the current show situation. In the past and what I described in my earlier post was set in place to prevent those guys who would just use the club name and badge to get into shows for only their own purposes and never once offer to help set up or take down. Sometimes they would only come to run trains then leave before the real work started. This was really hurting moral as there was a small group of us that would setup or take down always and a few who only used club membership for the perks, not the works. We still had great membership numbers, and we usually attracted a few new members per show in one scale or another. I used to love handing the throttle of my train to kids (I would watch them to see they were well behaved first) and see the joy in the kid's eyes as they got to control a train. That got them talking to their parents which sometimes got the dad and kid to come to the next meeting. The ones who only ran trains would not talk to the crowd, nor would they promote the hobby or the club. They just wanted to play with their trains on a large layout and really didn't interact much with the rest of us who were interacting with the people. The no show for the attendance meeting thing greatly reduced the problems described above and helped keep morale up. When those people complained about not being able to get into the show for free the president just explained the show is more than just coming out to play with your trains and buying stuff. If they didn't want to run trains and just shop then they needed to help the clubs with something to get in for free. If they only wanted to run trains they would need to help set up, or run a booth or something as well to assist the others. It didn't take long to weed out the bad apples and gain a few good ones. Also show participation actually increased as the morale of the club did.

    So far with my time back in the PNW I have prospected a few clubs, joined 3 of them and I am still active with one. The HO modular club I was a part of wanted new ideas for promoting the club, improving attendance and gaining new members. I suggested an idea that worked for the club I was in when I was in VA, and was totally shot down even before the official meeting. During the meeting I was not even able to present my idea as I was told that it was already decided as a bad idea. OK... nothing changed, people were not the friendly and good natured folk I was used to being a train club, so I left. 2 years later the club was only made of those who were too set in their ways to change, the same ones who told everyone with a good idea that it would not work. I have not seen them at shows as of late, and the last time I seen them at a show it was only about 10-12 modules total. The first show I was at with them we were the largest display.

    My second attempt to join a group had a membership requirement that was not a very good method of recruiting new members. It was more like getting into a motorcycle gang than a modular train club. I was required to visit shows all over the state, and get to know all the club members then I would be voted into the club or not... yea I will take a pass on you guys. Great looking display, and the 2 or 3 people I met in the couple shows I did attend were pretty nice guys... but...

    My next club I am still kinda a part of but I have not went to shows with them in a few turns. They are much more open about membership, more like I would expect and aside from a couple of strict by the book/timetable types they were ok. They didn't like kids much and when I would hand my throttle to a kid I would get looked at like I was punching a kitten. Then I even got talked to about doing that as I could be responsible for damage to the modules if something happened while my train was being controlled by a kid. They also didn't much like my son who was very well behaved running trains... OK thanks for playing...

    My current club is a group of guys who broke away from the club I mentioned above this one. They are easy going, laid back and very public friendly. They love when kids come to see the layout, and when there are dad's with kids interested in joining. Membership is open, so long as you are not rude or disrespectful to other members or the public you are good. Participation in the events = running trains and since it is a T-Trak club setup is really not that big of a deal compared to the other modular types of layouts. All and all this crew is what I was used to from my first club in VA. It's the perfect fit for me and my kids. I am not saying that the clubs above this one were bad, no that's not the point of this. It is illustrating the differences you may experience in different groups, how I experienced them and what can happen with some guidelines set in place. The guidelines can help or hurt membership depending on how they are used.
  3. MK

    MK TrainBoard Member

    Man, Massey, that post above is wonderful! You've hit the many nails squarely on the head.

    The "arrive late" and "leave early" types are at every club. They don't setup, they don't take down. They just come and run and leave. One can't say well they pay their dues so they should be allowed to attend. If everyone does that they'll be no show!
    sams and Massey like this.
  4. Massey

    Massey TrainBoard Member

    I was assumed to be one of those guys once. My first show with the group I was at the show early, stayed until all was packed up and even helped another group get their stuff done too. The guys loved me. At that show I told them I was busy with a job the weekend of setup for the next show, but I would show up when I could to help. I got the job done early enough to show for the last of the setup. They gave me crap about that, I tossed it off as good natured teasing which I can handle. I was only able to participate one day of the show, and they knew from the beginning that Saturday was my only day to be available, I had to work on Sunday. When I got home from work on Sunday I was greeted with an E-mail that stated if I wanted to come and run trains I needed to participate in the setup and take down. woo woo woo... do you not remember 2 weeks ago? Do you not remember that I said I had a job on Friday and work on Sunday and I was really limited in what I could do for setup? I was told it didn't matter I needed to help. Yea that was the too strict guys I mention above. That was also the last show I went to with them. I met the guys from my current club there and I fit right in perfectly from the word go.
    mtntrainman, sams and MK like this.
  5. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    I can only imagine how extensive setting up and setting down is. Thanks for you post by the way @Massey it really shines light into some detail of actually being in a club that I never realized. Like i mentioned I have never been in a club (though I would like to find one) and always going to train museums I guess makes me look at things differently then it does today, considering I haven't been to one since I was about 11. Growing up, and being around a little longer you have to actually figure out what it takes to work with people and get things done. Its not all pleasurable stuff all the time. You have to be willing to do the dirty work.

    You have been "club" shopping. The one your in now sounds perfect. Not to much of a demand and open minded. I would start to resent someone that never let me express an idea or at least TRY it!! If it doesn't work I'll put it back how it was. That is the whole point of the hobby isn't it ? to build, destroy, rebuild until god shows haha !! I know this can be tricky if your idea is to completely change a yard ! But you get my point.

    There should be a clause that states "If you do not plan on attending setup or dismantle for shows you are required to bring food for EVERYONE" (y):ROFLMAO:
    MK and Massey like this.
  6. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    I am at a loss.... I have this light I want to connect to a switch for on/off operation. Rally basic. I unfortunately have no clue what size resistor I should use... The kit for the haunted house didn't come with any details for the light and I was wondering if anyone here had any basic Specs for resistors.

    The light poles I used for my massive bridge did not come with any instructions as well. Before installing them I tested them out with a DC power pack and I blew quite a few of them before adding a resistor. The one I added was in a pack of 3mm leds that I'm using for the yellow track stoppers with the red 3mm LED on top.

    The bag says resistants: 470 ohm
    Resistor tolerance: 1%
    Watts: 0.25w (1/4w)

    Should I use these for this bulb ?



    If you look closely at it there is some sort of metal rail but im not sure what that is either.

    Cheers !
    BarstowRick likes this.
  7. Massey

    Massey TrainBoard Member

    The metal piece inside causes it to flicker. These bulbs usually run well in 6 to 9 volts, so I would honestly find a power supply that is closer to the rated voltage for the light instead of using a resistor to drop the voltage.
    sams likes this.
  8. MK

    MK TrainBoard Member

    Oooo, I like your thinking! I'm going to have to try this next time. Bagels and coffee for everyone!!!! (y)
    sams likes this.
  9. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    sams likes this.
  10. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    AWww That's what I slightly thought of but wasn't sure. Well that's exciting !! I can't wait to see what it looks like. Perfectly enough I ordered about 16 9v batteries for our guitars lol :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: That should suffice.

    Yes or maybe steak and shrimp lol !! Another fun one I thought of today at work was a Model railroaders version of a white elephant party haha. It would have to be set a certain amount though I think to work.

    Thank you for the website. They have a lot of things I could use. (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    BarstowRick and mtntrainman like this.
  11. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    Happy Front end Sunday !!!
    I've added some friends to the roster !



    These are going to be fun to consist. I just have to do some more research in that department. Luckily they all have the same decoder and run fairly similar.


    Well.... it should have been Friday. I wasn't able to get on the computer until today so I'm changing the day lol
    I have been seeing the post around on the NMRA facebook page. Pretty interesting membership though I wished I would have waited to get it. With all this covid stuff going on I'm sure a lot of events are not going to happen. :(

    In the mean time I have been slowly and I mean slowly making progress. I still have to sift some dirt and and really get into making some plaster rocks again. I just can't seem to find a rhythm when I get home and in the garage. It'll come but I feel I might be going through a "writers block" type of spell. Which sounds silly :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Its the best way I could describe it though haha.

    This bridge is taking shape.



    This is another tool I'm excited to try out. Static Grass applicator from amazon. What could go wrong ? :eek:


    On top of that I added another project to my list. I recently came in contact with a customer at the shop who sold me there car for $200. Me and the Girlfriend have been looking for a small project car so I said OK ! It needs a headgasket and won't be to time consuming. It was suppose to be a car to make some profit off of but the second the girlfriend got in it she fell in love. So I might end up with another vehicle hahaha:rolleyes:o_O

    Hope everyone is doing good !! Cheers !
    MK and mtntrainman like this.
  12. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    Merry Christmas Everyone !!! I can't believe I've been on here almost a year considering I started my layout last year around this time. It's been great. It's nice to be able to connect to a community that has good vibes and has there own niche and is also willing to share it. So My appreciation is greatly given.

    The layout has faded to the background again as work and other projects have taken priority. Projects that include rebuilding a motor for an 02 elantra GT which is to be for sale very soon. Building a staggered patio fence for a friend of a friend. Some more studio time and shooting a music video and editing for the band.

    I seem to like projects haha I can say at least I finish them !!! My layout happens to be one of the projects that will never been done. I've come to realize that and enjoy it. It usually bothers me when something isn't finished. This time gave me some time to plan a few more things and order some more track and scenic objects. I'm going to re do the track on the bridge since the actual bridge is a bit wider of an angle then the current track. It has a really tight turn to so that needs to be fixed.

    Dirt needs to be added to the small yard as well to complete that area. Then I get to paint the last mountain and add some wood to the outer portal for a really nice touch. Unfortunately my thinking of it will not make it happen. hahaha Apply it to the hands and then we can start talking lol

    Until then (hopefully this weekend) my brain will keep storming !!

    I have accomplished a 3 locomotive consist I am very excited about it!! JMRI is an amazing tool. When I showed my girl and a few friends of mine I an operate my trains from my phone I got looked at funny ! hahaha Technology is a trip.

    All I can share today is a few toys I got for Christmas. Things are good today. I am thankful for that.




    Merry Christmas Everyone. Thanks for enjoying my ramble !! Cheers from "Warden Newsoms" State of California
    - Sams

    Enjoy the Christmas delivery train !

    MK and badlandnp like this.
  13. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Looking good
    sams likes this.
  14. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    "Warden"?????? Someone has to protect you Californians from yourselves...:p:p:p:whistle:

    Merry Christmas Sams (y)(y)
    sams and badlandnp like this.
  15. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    If thats the case @mtntrainman They haven't been doing a very good job lol I'd like to compare sales tax rates :ROFLMAO:
    mtntrainman likes this.
  16. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    Happy Superbowl Sunday !! Man I can't believe I never posted pictures of the static grass I've put down. Will get on the ASAP.

    Today was the day. The story of the 2 Broadway Limited models I've been in limbo with is finally over. :)

    Besides what I think were decoder issues. I was always thinking that I had an electrical pickup issue. And after both models being sent back twice I had given up.

    Tech support told me to clean the wheels many times. As funny as this may be I did exactly what they told me to do ... clean JUST the wheels. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::mad:

    When I was pulling apart the model for a decoder inspection I said to myself hey what the hell. Lets try one more time. I pulled apart it all. I cleaned it all. Then it worked. Go figure.

    The metal contact pieces in the trucks that connect the wheels to the soldered wire that goes up to somewhere ..... Were dirty. Very dirty. SMH
    I now know to clean it all. :LOL: I can't believe the techs at BLI didnt do that.

    I had to share, enjoy the game or Sunday or both !
    MK and mtntrainman like this.
  17. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    Tonight was a good night! While tidying up and making some room to paint my last mountain I was able to fill in on what they call "Track Side Tuesday". enjoy the short clips

    Soooooo nice to be able to run my BLI tonight. The Loco runs very nice and smoothly. I even was able to get around the track quite a few times with no issues. I'm STOKED! Slow speeds, High Speeds, Every section of track. Smooth sailing. It makes me want to buy another BLI. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of BLI inventory is the Locos other manufactures don't make. Yes, you can all laugh at me for talking crap on them and now wanting to get another one.... like I haven't learned my lesson the first time.... LOL. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    MK likes this.
  18. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Looking good
    sams likes this.
  19. MK

    MK TrainBoard Member

    Pssst! I think he's stoked! :rolleyes: Nice job!
    sams likes this.
  20. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    As I wait for my decoder to get here. I "patiently" have been building the second bridge which eventually will have lights like the previous one. Chopping, Staining, and gluing were all a few days work. I found a way to make grade crossings. Now all I need is a few old school signs ! Unfortunately the train and ambulance had different agreements !

    I was referred to and got some really cool stuff from them. The battery powered flashing light is one you will see in the below video. I got a few switches from them which I am going to use for the bridge lights and also the haunted hill building and a new market building I am in the process of building. Really savvy electronics and perfect for n scale.

    Short Update Enjoy and Cheers !









    Chris Hall, MK and mtntrainman like this.

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