Rainier Great Western Const Update

RGW Feb 19, 2007

  1. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Looking great M
    RGW likes this.
  2. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Another great evening working on the RGW. Wain began his evening carving foam to begin hiding the front support.


    By evening's end he had glued the pieces together and shaped them as he wanted. He added ground foams and rock outcroppings as well.


    The area above the landform will get a cutout from the same backdrop photo used on the opposing wall. Then we will add foliage and trees to bring it all together. The final step will be to seal the area to the extreme left with more fascia board. If you look at the first photo, we will run fascia all the way to the left from where Wain is sitting and cover up that entire lower section. In theory the last thing you will see is a train going into the tunnel portal.

    Reynold and I spent most of the evening on trackwork. By night's end, we had the entire north wall, all four levels, clear of ballast interference and the tracks lubed. We still need to add the graphite.


    Reynold continued on the center island while I completed the prep for painting of the four 737 fuselages.



    I ended my evening painting the tail sections matte black and the nose cover white, per the prototype. Here is what we are going for in the tail area.


    Then for the nose section.


    Actually looking forward to seeing these done and on the layout. Well that's it, until next week. Thanks for checking in.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  3. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    That trails us flying low lol

    Looking really good
  4. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Quick recap from last night. Wain really knocked it out of the park as he continued to work on the tunnel exit in the SW corner of the layout. He fitted the open area above the fascia with new masonite. He then painted it our wolf gray color.


    Later he spackled the seam and started adding other features like trees, rocks and grasses. He also added some of the photo backdrop to cover the support beam.


    By evening's end he had trees on the foam and on the island inside of the wye.



    I continued the track cleaning project then reshaped the land form that will be the base for the Rabanco transfer station.


    This was made necessary when an elbow at the wrong angle sent the glued foam cracking and splitting apart. We reglued it in place then used the spackle to fill in and shape the areas affected. I'm happy with the result.

    The last order of business was to take the masking off the 737s. So far they made it through with only a small amount of bleed. I left the nose mask on for the evening as a couple of the nose covers are still damp from earlier painting.


    Next they will be remasked for painting the fuselages emerald green. The green one in the picture is complete.

    One last thought, Rey was making great strides on the doodlebug and I hope to have more pictures of that soon. Thanks for checking in.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  5. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    Progress as promised! Great update Mike!
    RGW likes this.
  6. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    It's a glacial pace, but we'll take it being down 3 participants.
    dalebaker likes this.
  7. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    I like the texture and colors of your scenery Mike. Those back drops are great too.
    RGW likes this.
  8. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Thx Tom. We purchased the most recent backdrops from TrainJunkies. Great selection, good prices. He was also willing to splice two together for me. Highly recommend.
    gjslsffan likes this.
  9. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    I checked that site out Mike. What a great resource. Just need to sell a kidney now to get......
    RGW likes this.
  10. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Yeah I get it, but we had a printer print photo backdrop on sticky paper and if he hadn't been a friend repaying a favor, it would have been over $400. So by comparison, he's very reasonably priced.
  11. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Last night almost felt normal as we welcomed back Doug to the layout. We put him right to work on track. He managed to get the upper level of the center island done by evening's end, no small task!

    Reynold continued his work on the doodlebug. It required some work on the underframe.


    But it eventually was upright and having no issues through the turnouts.


    Wain seems to have wrapped up the SW tunnel scene. He sanded and painted the fascia then set out to add ground cover, foliage and trees.






    I started the evening at the paint booth, finishing the final coat on each of the 737 fuselages. They look great.


    Put one on the dolly flatcar just for looks.


    I have to finish each one with wing and tail covers, put in the canopy, pull off the window masks and then apply the protective tape. They'll look even better when done.

    I also had time to work on the Rabanco scene. I'm choosing to raise the ground level to accommodate empty trash containers being placed underneath the structure, per the prototype.


    Well, that's enough for now. Another productive work session in the books. Thanks for checking in.
  12. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Looking killer Mike
    dalebaker and RGW like this.
  13. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    Yes indeed! Looks great!
    RGW likes this.
  14. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Great progress images Mike, an awesome project over-all. The brown cylindrical piece there is screaming for some of the photo backdrop paper wrapped around it.
  15. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Tom, which piece do you mean?
  16. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Hi Mike. The dark brown thing behind the drink cup. May be a fascia too. but if you have some of that tree background images glued to it down to a ground level. (not straight across maybe, top or bottom) it might look really good. I especially think it would work with images.

    BNSF FAN and RGW like this.
  17. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Gotcha, we are discussing it. Problem I have is, we've used all but a small piece of that backdrop, so I'd have to buy more. Thx Tom!
  18. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Looks great Mike little by little then you have the jet train running thru the scenes
  19. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Heck Mike a small piece would work I think. Just glue that piece on, match the sky colors, then paint you earth colored paints, use some of those inexpensive pine trees, but the limbs off on side and glue them in place and maybe finish with that clump foliage to fill in, I think that would make it pop, that is if you have the room for it.
    I enjoy your scenery, you guys have done an excellent job.
    dalebaker and RGW like this.
  20. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Your thoughts prompted Wain and I to discuss this today. We will take a closer look next Tuesday, but we originally dismissed this idea because we are dealing with a 90° turn at the post holding up the upper levels. From the aisle, we felt continuation of fascia was a better alternative to trying to scenic it, forcing us to "hide" the angle. I guess it's easiest to say, less work.

    Then there is the issue at the other end, it's all return loop there and we really don't want to scenic any of that area. So what would you do to end the scenery at that point and not make it look contrived.

    Lots to consider. Thanks for the ideas though.

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