Bachmann HO GS4 SP Daylight

blvdbuzzard Aug 1, 2021

  1. blvdbuzzard

    blvdbuzzard TrainBoard Member

    I have an older DC only, long before DCC ready was a thing. Still in the very nice foam padded box. I ran it for a bit around 2002, 2003. Was wondering if it would be to much effort to drop in a DCC with sound in it? I am not sure the tender has any electrical pick up in it? I would have to dig it out and see. No one has a DC version in stock. I know a decoder, speaker will be almost what I paid for the engine. That is not the issue, just wonder how much work would need to go into it to have a good DCC sound setup in it?

    Back in the day, I did do a couple Athearn BB GP35's and a F59PHI.

    I bought it with a dozen cars for the layout that never was. I had track on a couple sheets of ply in the garage, this train was a beauty going around. It is all packed away. I may break it out just to run it around for a bit them pack it up again.

    I did see a few on flea bay. One on the jungle site for over $400, so not worth getting that one. If I did get a DCC version, I could use this one as a prop? I would like to have the sound, more than the DCC operation. It ran well on DC.


  2. Mike C

    Mike C TrainBoard Member

    Should be easy . Get a soundtraxx TSU2200 decoder a 814140 Current Keeper and an 810131 speaker . All of this should easiley fit in the tender.
  3. Mr. Trainiac

    Mr. Trainiac TrainBoard Member

    If the model runs well, then you should be fine adding DCC. Bachmann models with Pancake motors are generally junkers, but if the model has a can motor, it still has potential.

    Even if it lacks tender pickups, there is nothing stopping you from making your own from brass strip. A 6 or 8 pin jumper plug from the tender to the locomotive will allow you to get additional pickup from the locomotive drivers, and send back power to the headlight and the motor from the decoder.

    If you are new to steam DCC installations, it may be worth watching some videos on Broadway Limited or other Bachmann steam models just to see how the tender-locomotive electrical connection works.

    Sound brand is pretty debatable, as they are all pretty good in their own right. I like the programming features of ESU, but I like the BEMF of Soundtraxx. I have also heard good things about TCS WowSound for steam. TCS is supposed to have good sound files for steam locomotives. I have heard a few complaints about ESU's steam offerings, while many people regard their diesel sounds as top-of-the-line. At the end of the day, I think it will come down to which brand you are familiar with, or at least which brand you feel will deliver the best results.
  4. blvdbuzzard

    blvdbuzzard TrainBoard Member

    It did run well. I was not sure as Bachmann is hit or miss. It pulled the cars well enough, stayed on the tracks. It was better than I thought it would be. I will have to put it on the bench and see what I have to work with, sounds like a couple evenings of fun with hot melted solder, fumes, melted wires, burned fingers and all that.

    Looks like $120ish for the decoder and speaker. Cheaper than diner and a movie and it will give more hours of fun too.



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