Help! Problem with LH Rokuhan Switches in Yard

drken Mar 6, 2023

  1. drken

    drken TrainBoard Member

    I'm having an issue with the switches in one of my yards. It's made from one RH switch, followed by 2 LH switches in a typical, 3 track yard fashion. The issue comes up when going into the yard. The locomotives go through the first (RH) switch just fine, but if either of the LH switches are thrown, the second truck (always the second truck) on the locomotive gets hung up and derails the train (causing a short). This is a very consistent problem. Trains can get out of the yard OK (but might stall for a second), and can go through closed switches without a problem, it's just when going through a LH switch to the diverging track when I have trouble. Should I replace the switches or is there some adjustment I can make to get them working?
  2. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    We have had a few reports of issues with R039 turnouts. When the turnout is aligned to go left, the inside rail drops into a slot on adjacent straight rail. In some cases, the notch is not cut properly which is causing the locos to hit the divergent rail, instead of running cleanly towards the left. Check to see if this is happening.

    You have two options if this is happening. First, you may be able to file out the notch slightly so the rail drops in correctly. It shouldn't take much. Or two, contact your dealer to start a warranty claim. For authorized dealers in the US, we will be working with them to handle the claim.

    Rokuhan Representative - North America
    drken likes this.
  3. rray

    rray Staff Member

    It it rare or common?
    I just bought 2 of the passing track kits and already glued down to my modules without testing?
  4. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    I am still evaluating the issue. We only started hearing about it last week. So far it appears pretty limited, but we are trying to narrow down the batch these were produced. There is some indication that they may be part of a recent run of R047s (these include both a left and right turnout), but we are still researching. Rokuhan is aware and is looking into the issue as well.
  5. drken

    drken TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for the help, I knew this was the right place to ask. It seems to me the second truck is getting between the point and the rail rather than going on the inside of the switch like the first truck does. I'll have to check again now that I know what I'm looking for. Is there a batch number on the switch or the package it was sold in so I can check if it's the same batch? If I do file out the notch, should I make it deeper or wider or both? I have other left hand switches, but I haven't hooked them up yet. I'll have to watch out to see if they have the same problem.

    Edited to add: I checked the one other left hand switch I have hooked up and it was fine. The two that don't work are part of a yard and are up on a 3D printed viaduct, while the working one is by itself on the tabletop, if that means anything to you.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023
  6. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    I do have a couple of questions. How long ago did you purchase these turnouts? Were the part of the R047 track set, or the R039 left hand set? Lastly were the purchased in the US or from a vendor outside of the US? Thanks!
  7. drken

    drken TrainBoard Member

    I purchased them in Nov/Dec from Zscale Monster (US). They were part of the R039 set.
  8. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    Thanks that helps!
  9. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    Okay good news. I spent time testing and researching the issue. I found a minor tweak to the turnout is all that is needed. Here is a video showing the issue and the correction:

  10. drken

    drken TrainBoard Member

    Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try. That looks less drastic than filing down the notch.
    CNE1899 likes this.
  11. rray

    rray Staff Member


    Thanks Rob! This has been extremely helpful. The best part is no need to remove the turnout from your layout.
    CNE1899 and drken like this.
  12. drken

    drken TrainBoard Member

    I hesitate to tell you this, because I don't want to jinx it, but your suggestion worked. The yard functions very well now.
    ztrack, CNE1899 and rray like this.

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