Spiralcity N-Pire In Progress

KWE May 27, 2023

  1. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    I agree with her :) It is a LOT of orange :) But your layout, not mine or hers. Or is it partly hers :) Gold with sparkles sound great!
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  2. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Yes, @KWE should have primered it in white, then painted it orange for a brighter and more uniform color. (Running for cover!)

    Seriously, @KWE, the tables look fantastic, both in the quality of your woodworking and the color.

    Maybe later when the layout is up and running, you can paint a colorful, sparkly locomotive for each granddaughter. :love:
    BNSF FAN, in2tech and KWE like this.
  3. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Yes, it looks like a lot of orange, especially with the underside of the table painted and propped up. When the top is down only the bracing is orange and it looks less brilliant. The bracing will be trimmed a bit in places with Milwaukee Road red (maroon), so that will help with neutralizing the orange, also the table will be wrapped with about 4" to 5" inches of black trim. It will look a bit different when it is all together.
    BNSF FAN, Hardcoaler and in2tech like this.
  4. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Very true as there is no actual layout on top yet. You have to do something in Sparkly for her, don't you think, like @Hardcoaler said? Also running for cover :) I mean think about it. A lot of us had PINK foam for a very long time, PINK I said :) Some still do!
    BNSF FAN, KWE and Hardcoaler like this.
  5. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Here's a photo with the top closed. Those center braces up front will be Milwaukee Road red, so the orange will be broken up, black trim along top edge.

  6. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    That makes a huge difference. Looking forward to see the brace painted RED, your color RED. And how BIG is that thing? It looks enormous. I would imagine by it's looks, it's NOT portable :)
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  7. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    The small table is 4 x 5 the large table is 4 x 7, so I have a total of 4 x 12 with a possible smaller table to be added later to make an L shape.
    Hardcoaler, BNSF FAN and country joe like this.
  8. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    I know the feeling. Same thing sorta happened to me. I got married and a year later herstep-daughter with a 4yo moved into my living room where the trains were. I will add that that little boy, (now 14), was the best thing that could have happened to me. ☻

    Love your benchwork and progress. Please keep it cvoming.
    Hardcoaler, gmorider, KWE and 2 others like this.
  9. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Lemons may be sour, but it's up to us to step up and add a little sweetening, and turn them into lemonade.
    BNSF FAN, Shortround and gmorider like this.
  10. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Hi folks, Happy Holidays to all.

    I fixed my Kobra 2. I had to replace the power source and switch. Everything is fine for now. I do expect another breakdown in the near future. LOL!

    I grabbed a file from thingiverse. I want to make a small substation for the layout, so I found a transformer I had to resize from 1/100 to N scale. With a little effort and a couple of fails, I finely found the sweet spot and made a decent print. The detail isn't fantastic, but I think it will work. I could print the layers a bit finer, but I do think the detail is good enough as is for the layout.

    I have my fingers crossed hoping the Kobra will run for a few more prints before it begins to smoke and choke out once again.

  11. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Merry Christmas!
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  12. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    The substation print looks good. I hope your printer keeps chugging along.

    Merry Christmas!
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  13. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for taking a look, folks.

    I have been spending my day printing and it will break your heart. 3 1/2 hours for a failure. I was expecting problems with the detail parts on the top of this transformer. I actually grabbed a large file and converted it to N scale; I was hoping for the best but no such luck. The anchors that attach most of the boxes proved to be much too fragile for 1/164 scale. I was hoping to glue it back together like a model, but it was proving to be a task I didn't care to deal with.

    This transformer is truly a much more detailed print than the first one. I will see what I can do to get this thing to print properly.

    BoxcabE50 and BNSF FAN like this.
  14. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    I have no idea what a substation should look like. I see the 4 separate parts and I’m guessing they should be attached to the main piece. If that’s the case then I understand your disappointment.
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  15. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Hi Joe, yes, all the boxes should be attached. Plus, I lost two brims that had more spires on them. All looked good with the print for the first 3 hours, then came the detail work. Not good.

    A substation is basically a power grid that supplies electricity to a city or town. They can range in size. I am sure you drove by a couple in your lifetime. I am just building a small sub with 2 generators and miscellaneous control surfaces and gadgets.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2023
    BNSF FAN and country joe like this.
  16. MichaelClyde

    MichaelClyde TrainBoard Member

    Very cool. New to this thread and will read along but, in the meantime, found the following as well . .
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  17. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    I am a huge fan of sculptamold. I usually shape my landscapes with it. It does get extremely hard and heavy when it sets-up, but the ease of use and general aesthetics of the stuff can't be beat. I see others going for the lightweight option by carving foam, that's all fine and all but give me sculptamold any day. My tables are built to take a bit of weight.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  18. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Now that the holidays are over, I can get back into my train room and do some work. I have been thinking about my extension table to complete the L-shape layout. It will be approximately 6 x 2.5. It will be my papermill area, with 1 or 2 smaller industries. I have been kicking around a few ideas for the layout.

    This was the basic idea for the mill.

    This is a much busier, expanded idea for the mill. Maybe a design that meets in the middle of the 2?
    BNSF FAN and country joe like this.
  19. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    I like both plans. The first is more straightforward but could be lots of fun. The second is not easy to switch, particularly the smaller industry at the top left but that could be a good thing.
    Hardcoaler, KWE and BNSF FAN like this.
  20. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Well, I had a snow-day here in the Chicago area and decided to print a couple of fuel tanks and racks for my yard. These prints will obviously need cleaned up, perhaps a bit of filler and a good sanding, then into the spray-booth. They actually printed better than I was expecting. These are HO files resized to N scale.

    country joe, BNSF FAN and Hardcoaler like this.

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