Getting Hired

BP Feb 15, 2006

  1. BP

    BP E-Mail Bounces

    Hey guys. I have a few questions if anyone can help. I went to a hiring session for train service and passed the test. Now I get to wait and see if they call. They said that you only get paid if you work, however I've heard that you get a salary and get extra for different jobs you do. So if I don't get called or I get bumpped from the board I will still get paid? Does anyone know what the union pay scale is for train service? Do you make more than the 35-40K the first year like they say you'll only be able to make. Do they get the background check done before you start training? They are saying that if it is not done you go to training and if it doesn't check out they pull you and your out. The thought of quitting my job without knowing for sure if I have the UP job scares me. They say that they can change your home yard if they need help someplace else. Does this happen very often? Thanks guys.
  2. jollysanta

    jollysanta TrainBoard Member

    get bumped from what board, salary you are not even an employee there yet, so money no. and you might have your background done before training and maybe not, but if they find something they do not like they will pull you out
  3. Greg Elems

    Greg Elems Staff Member

    Have you done the physical tests yet? What about the drug test? Once you get past those hurdles then you get to attend some class room time before the OJT. A couple of months doing that you will go back for a couple of weeks of class room time for your conductors test. Then a couple more weeks of OJT. Then you will get marked up on an extra board, which means you will be on call 24/7. That is the guarantee board you are thinking of. If you go to a regular yard job or regular pool turn you will not be on a guarantee board. If you get bumped off any of them you will be on a bump board which has no guarantee. If you can't hold any position in the terminal you will have to go where your seniority will allow you to bump somebody with less seniority. Or if the terminal you are at has extra people they can force you to another terminal for short term augmentation if they have a shortage of personnel. For example, Roseville was short of trainmen so they called several trainmen off the Sparks and Portola board for a week’s time to work in Roseville. The UP has zones which limit the distance you are required to travel to cover other boards. If you go out of the zone, you will start over with a new seniority date which will affect your ability to bid on jobs. You would keep your hire date which determines your vacation time. If you are hungry for work, you can make more than the 35k-40k they quoted you but that means giving up weekends and not taking time off.

    Good luck
    Greg Elems
  4. jollysanta

    jollysanta TrainBoard Member

    conductors have guarntee on pool turns on the UP
  5. Kevin M

    Kevin M TrainBoard Member

    I applied with UP way back in september for train service in Seattle and Spokane WA. I did this after hearing so much about how short UP was of crews, and how much they liked military members, I never even got a reply back saying they were not interested and for 6 months if I checked there website it said my app was "currently being reviewed". All worked out though as BNSF hiered me and I start in 3 weeks.
    Kevin D Mumaw
  6. bryanmopac

    bryanmopac TrainBoard Member

    I am scheduled to goto a hiring session for UP next week. What can I expect from the session? Any dos or dont's? How long will it last? If I am accepted for employment how quickly will I start? What can I expect?


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