Working the layout - time to party

rsn48 Jan 12, 2004

  1. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    I will see if I can dig up a primer for you, I will ask around. There might be something on the net, there seems to be just about everything else.
  2. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

  3. up mike

    up mike E-Mail Bounces

    Hi Rick and Guys:
    I can't wait to see what myself and you Guy's get done in the 5 weeks. This should be lots of FUN!!!!
    Ok as some of you seen my benchwork is done and now I am looking to finish my track plan. I hope to get all of my track work done so I can start running trains :D
    I plan on using Atlas code 55 for this layout. The 36X80 door that I was working on has Peco track that I will be taking off. the peco switches that I have will be used for the yard to save some $$$ I will be posting more pictures this weekend.
  4. KiwiRail

    KiwiRail TrainBoard Member

    My how this party focuses the mind!

    I got myself committed to a plan at last or at least a benchwork configuration. I built a spreadsheet and scored all my options, and all it told me was that they were all close enough that any one could win depending on how i scored it! But at least going through the process i convinced myself that i should build a 4'x12' table layout for now and start over in a year or so when we have renovated and I have my own train room. this will be my first layout since about 1974 so I could use the practice [​IMG]

    I don't have a plan worked out yet, and I figure I may just work one out with real track (or fullsize templates) on the real table. I've spent too much time on the CAD of late (CADRAIL, an excellent package).

    So I hope I get time this weekend to buy some MDF and styrofoam sheet and timber

    Good luck guys!
  5. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    Here is a list of links for you to hand lay track. If you look, you will see there is a forum at Yahoo! groups dedicated to hand laying track, techniques and questions you might have. If I were you I'd definitely join that forum if you are hand laying.
  6. Pete Nolan

    Pete Nolan March 17, 2024 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam


    I'm in. I've posted a rather complete photo story on the N scale forums both here at Trainboard and at Atlas, so I can't fudge much.

    This is an 11 x 23 nolix three-decker, with most of the real estate on the first level. Currently it's running as a single-block DCC, but I'm not going to include electrical work, such as breaking it into five power districts, in this party.

    My five-week goal is to complete the basic scenery from the north end of the yard to Downtown. When I say basic scenery, I mean to get the buildings and roads sited, and all surfaces finished with grass, shrubs, trees (except at the edges), rocks, tarmac or watever--but not water in the harbor yet. That's a lot of real estate--about 72 square feet. No detailing beyond making sure the edges of walls, roads, etc. are matched--no white showing, in other words.

    Yesterday I had a few hours, and got the rock and stone walls up in the Brighton section--these are printed on heavy paper. Since the Brighton section runs uphill at 2.5%, there's a lot of curb work between buildings, sidewalks and roads here. I'm having many problem with my use of matte board for roads and parking lots--it tends to curl if hit with oversprayed water.

    I'd like to get the backdrops up--but that may have to wait until my trip back East in May. I have some shots of New Mexico's Jemez Mountains that are very Alpine, and some shots of Alaska in summer that are--well--very Alpine, so I may use them instead.

    All for now,

  7. Catt

    Catt Permanently dispatched

    I guess I'll join the party this year Rick.If for no other reason to see what I can get done in 5 weeks.

    Aproximately 85% of my benchwork is up and half of that has trackwork done.

    The things I would like to accomplish during the 5 weeks are learn to solder and get most of the track and roadbed laid on the benchwork I have done.If I can get the trackwork and soldering done I can actually start running trains on the worlds self proclaimed largest N scale switching layout.

    If anyone is curious my layout is (at present) 10'8"x25'5'x10'8" with another 9' or so to go.There will be a rather large yard in another room with access through a hole in the wall.

    Anyway this is my party for the next 5 weeks.
  8. Pher

    Pher TrainBoard Member

    I want to get invovled, but well there is no point this time around for me. since we are selling the house. if I start to work on it I'll just have to rip it all down. No Fun in that. so I'll catch you guys on the next time around.

  9. SD70M_4300/Shawn

    SD70M_4300/Shawn E-Mail Bounces

    Just got my Atlas Flex Track today. now i need a 3 1/2 inch straight. and my track laying will be done. then i need to start ballasting and createing roads. its gonna be hard putting the Pavement on the Intermodal Tracks. how do i do that?? dont know how. anywayz. I Love the flextrack. im gonna buy more so i can have it when i expand my layout.
  10. Monon64

    Monon64 TrainBoard Supporter

    I followed your "party" last year with interest. I'd like to join in this one. I've got my benchwork built and styrofoam base laid. I haven't done anything with it since early in the summer, but maybe this party is just what I need to get moving. My six year old is after me to get things rolling. I'll admit that in the last 2 weeks I've been trying to figure out what's next, but I'm not real sure. This is my first shot at building a RR and I'm a little unsure of myself. I can't seem to locate anybody in the area to talk to either, but that's where you guys have all been great in the past.

    During the 'party' I'd like to set a goal of getting enough track laid so that my son will believe that we're gonna do it. I'll need your help. But I'm committed. Jeff

    JLN Railroad
  11. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    One thing I am an expert at is listening to "when is the layout going to be ready Dad?" Another version of the "are we there yet?" campaign. Once track is in a something is running, the lobbying will subside a bit. Remember you don't have to have all your track in to have an engine and some cars running.

    For a short term goal, like one week or two, commit to something basic like "getting the track and turnouts" or at least getting what you can afford. You will find actually laying the track to be easier than you might imagine.

    If you are laying flextrack you will need something to cut it with, either a rail cutting tool or Dremel (or the like) with cut off wheels (and safety glasses). You will need roadbed. If you have some spare cash and can get AMI, you will find putting the track in is very fast. If you are using foam, the WS road bed will work well.

    I would try to get a basic track plan in and then make it more complex latter.

    How big is the layout.
  12. Espeeman

    Espeeman TrainBoard Member


    I built that same layout in HO about 8 years ago! Great layout. You'll have many hours of hair pulling fun!!! [​IMG]
  13. Espeeman

    Espeeman TrainBoard Member

    Hi Rick!

    It's a pleasure to join in again. The last party you threw caused me to get much further than I would have had I not particiapted. A LOT further!!!

    Since this is a new party and I'm on to a new layout the timing is right!

    This week I want to finish the details on the track plan and wiring schematic (YES, I'm STILL using DC [​IMG] )
  14. KiwiRail

    KiwiRail TrainBoard Member

    Hey Peter
    You can't go past that Model Railroader article on tracklaying. "Roque Bluffs" p86, Feb 2004. I just reread it. Iain Rice is brilliant. Explains it very well and boy he does some beautiful work. he's laying to proto87 standards but it all applies equally to NRMA standards and code 100 track

    I'm back on the CADRAIL - can't resist planning something.

    I'm gonna be pushing to meet my commitment of some benchwork built in 5 weeks: my Digitrax Zephyr arrives any day now and i haven't finished the 15V AC power supply for it (couldn't resist scratchbuilding one - I love over-engineering); there's two pallets of concrete blocks on the lawn and orange string all over the area where a new retaining wall is to go in - pretty hard to ignore; my university correspondence course papers fall due in two weeks; and I'm taking the family on holiday in three!! fancy my chances? :rolleyes:

    still not giving up. looks like most of you guys are doing good stuff so i can too
  15. Monon64

    Monon64 TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    I am using flextrack, I have the cutting tools and the roadbed. I'll probably feel stupid when you tell me, but what is "AMI"? Also what is WS roadbed? Hope I don't sound too stupid, but I'm not familiar with the terms.

    The layout dimensions are 5'8" x 8' with the mainline shooting off a 30" x 10' leg. You can read background info and view a larger pic of the design at my website JLN Railroad

    Here is a pic of the design:

  16. KiwiRail

    KiwiRail TrainBoard Member

    Well i posted my track plan for all to see. Now maybe I'll get on with it [​IMG] Since i tend to verbosity [​IMG] I put it in a separate thread SPL track plan .

    So now to order the materials. I fancy trying styrofoam sheet on top of thin MDF, instead of plywood. Does it flex as easily to form grades? I imagine it would. or is it only suited to broad flat areas?
  17. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    You will discover that benchwork is one of the fastest, easiest and most thrilling part of the layout. When it is up, its a real motivator. Benchwork can be put up pretty quickly unless you are building a very large layout.

    AMI is a product that is sticky on both sides an is the width of road bed. So you buy your AMI and it comes in 30 foot rolls. Lets say for the sake of simplicity and speed, you're doing a layout and its an oval with one passing siding. Well you take your AMI road bed and lay it down following the line you have drawn. So you layout the AMI down along the oval, and then add the passing siding. Then you gently press on it, so that it will stick more, but not totally in case you change your mind. Then you add your track and turnouts, and press the track and turn outs in with a board or roller. And voila, you are done - no spikes.
    I could probably do your average 4 by 8 layout in an hour, from laying the AMI roadbed to final install of the tracks and turnouts.

    Woodland Scenics (WS) road bed is a rubber/plastic (not sure what it is) product that is cheaper than cork and works well. You glue down one side to your base.

    I have used MDF, but thicker stuff and it had no flex.
  18. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    With your layout, if you can round all your corners, even if the rounding is very slight, it will look much more like a contemporary layout.
    In other words, no where on the perimeter of your layout should there be a 90 degree angle, all curves.
  19. Monon64

    Monon64 TrainBoard Supporter

    Are you talking about the abosolute corners of the table? If so, I agree with you that they should not be at right angles. I expected to have some curvature even along the straight lines, I think I can do this pretty easily with my benchwork. Thanks for the suggestion. Jeff
  20. Sacramento Joe

    Sacramento Joe TrainBoard Member

    Well, it's time for me to throw my hat in too!

    After weeks and weeks of forum searching, RTS'ing, and even a little bit of 3rd PlanIt'ing (with the demo version, no saves :( ) , I found a local place with insulation today!

    Two trips home in the truck (luckily it was close by) and all of the 2" "High Load", 1", 2", and 4" "Square Corner" 2'x8' foam I have... well, let's just say that I could build a foam castle at this point!

    I'll post some pics up later this weekend. I'm about ready to "finalize" my N scale layout plans with the help of some scissors and scotch tape to mock up the layout.

    My goal? To get the layout finalized, lines drawn, and start laying the cork with this fine three day weekend we have!

    I'll be "freelacing" the Northern California coastline with maybe a nice turn around point in Carmel or Monterey. Mostly passenger with some freight... a nice "running" layout that can support two or three trains at a time!

    One question for those reading this... have people used dowls to attach their foam modules together? I'm planning a 4x12x4 foot L section with 4x4 modules. My initial thoughts were to use dowls drilled through the centers to attach them semi-permanently. Good idea? Bad? I'd love to hear from the experienced railroaders with their thoughts.

    Looking forward to any replies,


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