My Second Layout: First Coast and Southern

FLG Jun 30, 2012

  1. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    its all rail joiners. I havent picked up soldering yet but plan on attempting on some small projects prior to attempting to use it on track. Thanks for the comment
  2. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Excellent work, look forward to following your progress.

    Btw, thank you for your service.

    Visitors welcome on the RGW
  3. High Line

    High Line TrainBoard Member


    Thanks for the answer, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do myself. Look forward to seeing more progress on the layout!
  4. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    RGW - Thanks

    So even though i said it didnt bother did...i tore out the river and will make that my priority to re-build and extend. Couldnt really justify a swing bridge in that small of space so im looking at doubling it. Bonus i figure for not having the fixed track plan. Now i'll be looking for most likely the Atlas 18'' truss bridge for the scene.
  5. mikelhh

    mikelhh TrainBoard Member

    Nice progress, FLG. I like the soft backscene.

  6. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    Hi all, hope everyone is having a great week.....

    The scenic crew went bak to work with the yard lead receiving some love. I cut small depressions and add small elevation changes with spakle prior to painting and adding some paver sand as a base. Then followed up with a blend of material which will hold for now until i put in the track and ballast. Once that is in i will add trees and that looks nice....and isnt too expensive hahaha. The backdrop that hids the Class1 track is pasted onto excess blue board and then held in place by L-Shaped brackets that will be covered with the shrubbery to allow removal of the backdrop if ni be.

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  7. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    I attened the recent train show here in the San Antonio area at the Live Oak Convention center about two weeks ago and picked up these box cars. I know i said i didnt like orange that much but these caught my eye and i love logging oriented and box cars period. Plus in the end i must say i prefer G&W orange over RailAmerica's paint any day....of course that might not be an issue any more.

  8. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    This pic is a result of two projects: scratch build a shed and make a light. I like the quiality of work companies for making light posts but im not going to pay $20-$40 for a light on a i put a light on a stick.....the bulb is from micro-electronics and the pole is a dowel painted with primer, washed in india ink and then i cut a grove in the back to hide the wires. Still need to add a light to the inside of the shed to complete this mini office area.

  9. JDAY

    JDAY TrainBoard Member

    Looking good!

    I got your stuff mailed out today also.

  10. mikelhh

    mikelhh TrainBoard Member

    Nice little scene!
  11. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    Been a while since i posted but im back to work (both forms sad to say) after a nice two week vacation around coastal TX and to see family in Florida.

    The river crossing at the Amelia River is the main focus right now on the layout and then continue to “move” towards Fernandina.

    The swing bridge that crosses is a Walthers kit with minor adjustments in which I took scrap styrene to make a control room and walk way at the center portion. I also attached a small shed from a Walthers office/guard shack kit with a light in it (more pics to follow) and a maintenance ladder on the right side. The actual “swing” mechanism, lead on bridge section (left approach), and the resting abutments are scrap styrene to form acceptable replications of what one might see at the real bridge. The rip-rap is courtesy of the local San Antonio River flood basin area and filled in with some ballast.

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  12. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    On Both sides of the bridge are the salt flats that one sees up and down the entire inter coastal areas of eastern Florida. I used the Silfor grass mats after seeing them on a video for T. McEwen’s Nashville and Eastern layout and I love this stuff. Cut here, pulled there, glued in place, and then dry brushed some brown paint to change up the color variety. Im still working to add some bushes along the main line as one can see on either one of the railpic sites out there and back fill the portion towards Yulee with trees and heavy vegetation (more pics to come of course).
    The backdrop is the same technique as used before but attempted a forced perspective with the tree line and added the salt flat grasses on it. Im going to re-paint this portion (the grass) a lighter green to blend the foreground and backdrop better.

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  13. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    I've been following your progress despite the lack of comments on my part. I must say I love the background and the layout progress as a whole. Picked up a few things I can use for sure. Thanks for sharing!
  14. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    thanks for the comment G&OM 3207!
  15. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    This was a small project i wanted to do to add a MOW train to operations (when i get to that point) after i saw various posts with weed spraying trains. Of course i figured it would be a great fit for a small short line in Florida to clear out the weeds.

    The first pic shows the base for the roject with a Walthers Trainline gondola ($3) and a random n-scale tank car ($2) i picked up from a local train show. I stripped the two down, painted with rattle cans, and added a few details (base for the tank car, a pump, and some small gauge wires for hoses) inside the gondola. The spray rig itself are extra parts from my Walthers bridge kit. I will add a few small details and weather later but i just wanted to get this up with the first car painted in the FC&S' colors.

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  16. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    Here is the first power for the FC&S (play on the college football FCS division, Lets Go Jacks!) is a SW1500 painted as a throw back to the Southern Railway. Inspiration came from pics of the East Tennessee's SW1200 collection and paint selection along with the Green Cross of Florida. The number 1817 is for a historical connection to the Amelia Island of which the railroad (and the actual First Coast Railroad) is based on. WARNING-----HISTORY LESSON: In the summer of 1817, an army of about 150 Americans from SC and GA attacked and seized this portion of Florida. They hoisted the "Green Cross of Florida" in an attempt to declare and create a free Florida from Spanish rule. Long story short; reinforcements never arrived, the original leader left, they beat back a Spanish force from St Augustine, annexed by Mexico, and then captured by US forces in the matter of six months. The flag is a white background with a green cross on it similar to the English cross and serves as the logo for my RR.

  17. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    It has been several weeks since i posted but i just wanted to let everyone know that progress will be on hold for some time. Orders came in a few months ago and i spent most of my time with my wife before heading over on my this deployment to the Stan. I have some more pics i will share from the last bit of work i did on the layout before i took off but again, it will be some time before progress is made. Thanks again for everyone who is following, for the comments, and there will be more to come. Keep your trains clean!
  18. FLG

    FLG TrainBoard Member

    Just wanted to load a few pics to show some changes before i left. Adjusted the backdrop near the bridge by attempting to paint/blend the marsh grass into the scene.

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  19. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member

    We'll miss the updates, but we understand that duty comes first. Keep your head down over there, and come home safe.
  20. mikelhh

    mikelhh TrainBoard Member

    Stay safe, FLG.
    You'll come home to a very nice layout!


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