MODELING It's Friday! 07/06/12 Weekend Modeling Plans.

Jim Wiggin Jul 6, 2012

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Another scorcher for most parts of North America this weekend, a great excuse to stay indoors and work on all things model railroad.

    Not a lot planned this weekend for me. Saturday, I'll head to Bloomington and help the club out with the new yard module then mainly get the shop cleaned and organized and work on my storage unit. I have some major track work planned for my N scale layout but have not decided if I will tackle that just yet. The heat here in East Central Illinois has been hovering around 103, so there maybe very little activity.

    How about you? Do you plan to beat the heat by drinking some sweat tea and doing some track work? How about some street work or building work? Whatever your plans are, let us know. Tell us what you plan to get done this weekend and ad a picture or two if you want. We'll all get back together on Monday the 9th and compare our progress. Until then, stay cool and...

    ​High Greens!
  2. chuckc

    chuckc TrainBoard Member

    How about some vodka and tonic and some hand laid 18" track sections at the workbench.
  3. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    Turn on the AC in the train room, watch the Tour de France, and do some modeling. I'm very close to finishing the cobbles, so all that's left is a bit of work on the structures and then some work on the vegetation. Again, temperatures in the 90s will limit outdoor activities. I've got a few small items waiting at the train shop, so that small bit of business needs to be taken care of.
  4. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    I don't have A/C or room (just a fan) in the layout room so I work in there before it gets too warm. A box fan helps, but when it gets also humid and 80-something in there it doesn't help. Remember, it is a 10x4 room so my own body heat eventually warms it up.

    I put down some ground cover on the hillside on the bottom level end section also the main/runaround/yard lead come together. I am ordering a custom made curved #6 switch from a friend, but I wont get that until next week sometime, so that holds up any track work I could do this weekend.
    I also have several GP7 detail parts on order from an unnamed Trainboard sponsor, but like usual its been two weeks and they are just starting to fill the order so I can't start on my geeps.
    I need to get the last section of roof on my rolling mill, but I am waiting until I get some items that I can paint to look like machinery and install those through the ceiling first.
    I got stuck 9 Rock Island boxcars through a evilbay sale that went bad, I salvaged 3 as is, 3 more I can repaint into MOW cars (Can't use wood boxcars w/ wood ends & Andrews trucks & K brakes in service in 1968) and the other 3 went out in the garbage this morning. Did save all Kadees and metal wheels, so that came out in a wash.

    I had a five day weekend with all kinds of free time, but there are so many little things holding up everything else. Kind of frustrating, really.

    I could weather the tie strips I do have glued down and repaint the roadbed, that's about it.
  5. Senior Chief

    Senior Chief TrainBoard Supporter

    How about ripping it all out of a 11x12 room because your Daughter decided she was moving back in with you along with her kids?? I am forced to move it into our florida room (which is bigger) but have to re-engineer quite a bit of the benchwork and some of the trackwork in order to make it work. Thank God I was only in the beginning stages and I have room for transition modules. Ugh
  6. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    E Jefe, Good luck! Florida rooms are notoriously unreliable for maintaining temperatures, so hopefully it won't shift around too much after you get done.

    With my wife's best friend her today and tomorrow, an amy parents arriving Sunday for four days, I don't expect to get much done. If I can cut and glue the foam sub roadbed to the new benchwork, I"ll be ecstatic!
  7. retsignalmtr

    retsignalmtr TrainBoard Member

    In between doing necessary yard maintenance and preping my house for some structual modifications I should be able to get the other yard end module for my T-Trak layout completed and start on the two middle modules.
  8. retsignalmtr

    retsignalmtr TrainBoard Member

    In between necessary lawn maintenence and prepping my house for some structual changes I should be able to complete the other end module for my T-Trak yard and begin on the middle modules.
  9. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    Our daughter is 21 and still in college, but last year when she stayed at school with a lab job for the summer, we missed her. It's going to be a strange feeling when she's really gone for good. She'll be going on to grad school, though, possibly close by. Hopefully, it's a mixed blessing for you.

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