The status of N scale clubs in the Sacramento area

YoHo Nov 25, 2014

  1. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    So, as a follow on from some off topic posting in another thread, I thought I'd start this thread. I'm a member of the Roseville Roundhouse MRC. We are dual scale HO and N. However, due to a combination of life events (work, death, recession, eyesite) and some troublesome club politics, we're down to 2 active Nscalers plus a couple dual scalers like me.
    We are the only Nscale club in the Sacramento region. So, I get why we don't have members, but what I can't figure out is why there is no other Nscale club. No Ntrak club. No t-trak. It seems that there are some that Participate with Silicon Valley FreemoN which is wonderful and a great group, but why nothing local for a number of years now? Are the Nscalers in town just more loan wolf? I mean, for our club, the problems that hit the nscale side hit HO just as hard and there were additional issues in HO like the great DCC divide. Yet we are constantly backfilling membership. Why not the same with N?
  2. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    I beg to differ, there IS an NTrak club in the Sacramento area: Sacramento Valley NTrak. We meet once a month at one of the members houses and work on modules or electronics or whatever someone needs done. We are ALWAYS at the big train show at Cal Expo in January and have displayed at numerous other train shows. We have both club owned and personally owned modules so even if you don't have a module, there are things that you can help with.

    At the same time, however, we have difficulties attracting and keeping new members. It seems like there just aren't as many people getting interested in model trains as there used to be. Also with the downturn of the economy, people are just being more careful where they invest their scant extra dollars. Still we have a core group of about 6 members with another 6 who participate when they can. Currently we are getting ready for the Cal Expo show (they didn't come last year but they are returning this year) and would gladly welcome you to come to a meeting. Most likely the next meeting will be at my house (in Penryn, just up the 80 from Roseville) either the 14 or 21 of December (usually it is the third Sunday but with Christmas being that week we are discussing moving it to the 14).

    Check out either our Yahoo group or our website SacramentoValleyNTrak.Org. Let me know if there are any more questions or anything else I can help you with.
  3. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    BTW: with the rumors of the fairgrounds closing, is there any word as to what your club will be doing?
  4. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    Fairgrounds are not closing right now They're booking events for at least the next 3 years. So, why has your group not participated in IRF? Not invited?

    This year with SV FreemoN was the first Year there was an Nscale layout besides ours at this event in the 4 years I've been involved.

    The GTE show at CalExpo has in the past been really bad. I actually don't remember seeing you 2 years ago, but I remember there being no vendors and few layouts. IRF for all its flaws and it has them, is a better show in my experience. WGH is a better show traditionally, but doesn't come through every year.

    I'm glad to be proven wrong, but disappointed you to are having membership issues. Maybe the issue is that N makes it more possible to have a reasonably sized personal layout.
  5. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    We've been invited but our layout, even in its smallest form, just just too big for IRF. They just don't have the building space for us to set up. We could easily take almost half of the room in the second building (the one with the stage and your layout room). Not saying GTE is any better (it isn't) but they PAY to have us set up and run so it's worth the added effort to go (plus free admission). Either way, there never seems to be much N scale at either show so shopping isn't a reason to attend.
  6. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    Yeah, they do pay. I remember that from up in Portland. Though it basically just covered gas. It was barely worth it.

    There was some decent N selection this year at IRF. At least in my estimation. I think HO is a stronger presence, because of the Decades of Blue Box kits and more estate sales. There's not better stuff, just more Swap meet find style stuff. I mean, this year, Golden State's table was loaded with a lot of high quality custom HO engines at ridiculous prices. Stuff from the early 90s. If you think about it, there just isn't as much N from that era that would get that attention and fewer estates to pick from. That's not a bad thing for the scale though it is a rough thing for shows.

    And I hear you on space. I'm really trying to push them to expand into the outdoor space. Not that you'd want to set up outside, but we could offer it to the vendors at a discount if they provide their own cover. Or, if we got enough people, then pay the $1500+ for a party tent. Though for sure no layouts would get paid then. It's a constant struggle to balance Vendors and Layouts...though we always need more layouts now.

    I may have groused about the modules SV FreemoN brought (unfairly probably) but they had a solid layout up on that stage. Used up a good amount of space. Hard to imagine can't shrink to fit...though, the problem is that that stage is like the only rotating layout space...again, why we need to use the outdoor space.
    The Sac GTE show is just remarkably disappointing. Plus, parking isn't free.
  7. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    It can be if you can talk yourself past the guard at the back gate...
  8. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, you will see me there this year.
  9. jcox3751

    jcox3751 TrainBoard Member

  10. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    I need to bring that up to Jud and our President. I'd like to be, but we'll see. If nothing else, some of us will attend.
  11. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Peninsula NTrak will be there...
  12. atsf_arizona

    atsf_arizona TrainBoard Supporter

    To any all who are N scaler's interested in the N Scale Enthusiast' 2015 Sacramento Convention or what N scale resources exist in the Sacramento area....

    Even though I live in Florida now, you may be aware that I was part of the NMRA 2011 Sacramento National Convention committee.

    As such, as it pertains to layout tours, local model railroading contacts, etc, I'd be very happy to help direct / connect any of the N Scale Enthusiast or local Sacramento N scalers, with any of my old California / Sacramento / San Franciso Bay area model railroading friends, to help you with information / contacts, etc, whether for your club, or for the 2015 N Scale Enthusiast convention.

    If interested, just let me know how I can help.

    You can still see the X2011 West NMRA convention website at: with tons of activities, local info, etc

    And their Facebook page (that was one of my duties for 2011):

    And for example, here's list of all the layouts that were on the Layout Tours:

    As for N scale layouts, there is a gorgeous NWP 1958 N scale layout by a retired USAF captain, up in Rocklin:

    And down in South San Francisco, this gorgeous SP/NWP San Francisco / Eel River Canyon N scale layout:

    Other miscellenia that may be of help: (N scale layout) (N scale layout) (huge excellent HO layout)

    As you can see there's a ton of photos and material and contacts left over from 2011 NMRA Sacramento, so anything that I can do to help, let me know. :)
  13. Noah Lane

    Noah Lane TrainBoard Member

    As a Sacramentan, and a novice N-Scale modeler, I would love to see more happening in our area with N-Scale clubs, and model railroading in general.

    To me, FreeMoN would be the most appealing of the modular systems. Ryan W. is from Sacramento, and participates with SVFMN. I would think if there were more dudes like him, Sacramento may be able to eventually develop its own FreeMoN club. I'm not sure how it would work, but I would think occasional link ups with the SVFMN guys would be possible. FreeMoN seems to have very few rules, so I would think the clubs would gladly interchange members/modules based on...whoever is available for a given event.

    I compare model railroading in Sacramento, to my teenage struggles with finding hot horse-riding-type girls in the country. You know plenty are out there, but in rural country communities, there just isn't aren't many places where said hot country girls congregate. Sacramento surely has lots of model railroaders, but we don't know where to each other!

    Sacramento obviously has an extensive history with railroading. We [supposedly] have the most popular railroading museum in the United States (CSRRM). We used to have a few different railroad shops, but now only one exists, and it's not technically even in Sac (in Roseville). One of the other great things about Sacramento is it's central location for meet ups. We're the halfway point between So Cal and the Pacific Northwest, and halfway between the Bay Area and Reno. It just makes sense that we

    Bottom line: c'mon Sacramento! We can do better!

    If any of the SVFMN guys are on this thread, what advice do you have for us to get things going?
  14. poomfasa

    poomfasa TrainBoard Member

    I actually had a conversation about this very subject with Ryan W at the IRF in Roseville, earlier this month. There is a lack of N scale layouts and people participating compared to HO scalers. He was there with the FreeMon club and had his son participating as well.

    I operate on a few layouts, but I think they are all HO scale. The retired USAF captain that John Sing mentioned, is a friend of mine and he likes to build more than operate. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but no real organized op sessions as a result.

    One of the biggest N scale layouts in the area was Kent Williams' OWNRY (Oregon Washing Navigation Railway) up above Nevada City - fully DCC signaled, integration into JMRI, the works. This was also on the X2011West tour. You could have someone dispatch it over the internet even. As a sign of the foreboding N scale times, Kent retired so he dismantled the layout and moved away.

    As far as the "complaint", I have to admit that I'm one of those lone wolfs. I have nothing wrong with clubs though sometimes it is more fun working at your pace and making it "your railroad". In fact, I have no qualms about people coming over and helping though either.

    I had a double decker 12x10 N scale layout at my old house, protolancing the Western Pacific in 1982 between Stockton and Portola. My wife and I just moved into a house where I have a much bigger layout room, but I have so many house projects to do before I can even think about trains...
  15. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Well Noah, I contacted you a while back when you started your thread. And Ryan, well we were able to meet and he saw a bit of what me and my friends were up too.

    As for a bit of a shift, I would be all over a Sacramento Free-Mon deal! Not much else to do in Citrus Heights to do.....
  16. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    If you guys take the SVFMN approach, you also tend to avoid most of the "club politics". We proudly refer to ourselves as an anarchistic society simply because we really aren't a club; just a bunch of guys building to the standards, and then coordinating via a Google group for show participation. MC has handled the GTE and other show sign ups, for now, but others have coordinated other meet ups, including this year's IRF. Last summer, I coordinated a day of running in our synagouge's social hall.

    I don't know how SVFMN came to be at first. I found out about them through Mark Watson, had the chance to run trains on their layout at a couple shows, and then felt inspired to make my own modules. If there is an interest, start building a module or two. Ryan is local for help, and I, and I am sure others from down here, would be available for advice. Don't try for too elaborate at once, get a few done, and then arrange a small get together. And let SVFMN know, and some of us might be able to lug a couple of our's up, too.

    Hmmm, When I was in college and my parents lived in South Land Park, i dated a girl from Citrus Heights.
  17. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    I know in your mind Yoho it seems there are few N scalers in the area, but keep searching and representing the scale and the modeling and they will come out of the woodwork. It took many years of a dry spell here in the Inland Empire to grow the hobby in general. I was not part of the original show N-land Pacific set up at but I think there were 8 modules and they could only run point to point.
    Even though we call ourselves a club there is no president or dues, but rather determined and committed people. We have a member in San Diego, Vegas, Long Beach, and even a Floridian who hopes to make at least one show here and there. Not everyone shows up at our once per month breakfast meetings, but when a show comes along there has to be solid commitments as our plans are very specific. The key is the commitment to the group and of course a module that meets the standard. Another key, the standards enable anyone to participate from other areas. For instance Steve from SV freemoN brought his Texas modules and ran in our open house a couple years ago.
    Start building and they will come. If they don't, drive over to the bay area and run with the SV guys from time to time. I know its quite a drive but how many shows do you intent to participate in? It is not an all or nothing deal as a plan can be based on those who committed and be quite fun and successful.

    Keep loose and light will help keep it fun.
  18. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    Every time MC calls the SVFM an Anarcho collective I want call you guys bloody peasants. :)

    Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP HELP I'm being repressed by my MR club! :)

    Which is funny, because some days...

    Anyway, Noah, I too invited you to swing by Roseville Roundhouse, don't know if you ever did.

    I'd be down with a freemoN group. Heck, I'd be down with a Freemo group too since I'm multiscale, but there's really no lack of HO clubs and camaraderie. Which is really why I'm surprised by the lack of N-scale groups.

    ANYWAY, I was thinking, are any of you guys interested in or have done T-Trak?

    Roseville roundhouse has T-trak modules. We don't often set up, but it's such a low commitment of space and resources to build one. I was wondering if we could, in the spirit of Anachro groups, get a couple people to build one and get together independent of clubs to run? We could even do it under the auspices of Trainboard or something.

    Hardest part would be space, but if you guys were interested and depending how many people wanted to participate, we could maybe even do it at Roseville roundhouse. (no membership required, but maybe a buck or 2 in the donation box)

    Would that be interesting to you guys, Start it as a Trainboard Sac area get together. Maybe discuss doing some T-trak? I've talked to the club about whether there was going to be T-trak and the N-scale convention. Nobody is sure.
  19. Ryan Wilkerson

    Ryan Wilkerson TrainBoard Member

    I'm happy to see this thread developing. As stated, I have FreeMo-N modules and I'm invested in that route to fulfill my hobby time. I have two sons who are very much into operating N scale trains and I like to model prototype locations, so it works out very well with the standard. They are young Cub Scouts playing three sports so "train time" is quite constrained. That's one reason why I haven't pursued a local gathering (club, unClub, etc). I just don't have consistent time to meet or lead the effort. I do make the time for 2 or 3 shows a year.

    I have been spreading the word locally about FreeMo-N and hope that others find it as appealing as I do. I've sent personal messages to N scalers in the Sacramento, Roseville, Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Orangevale and Folsom areas in the last few months to come to shows and see it in action.

    I have nothing against T-Track, but I'm focused on FreeMo-N so I will continue developing my module set and then I will be helping my sons build theirs so they continue to learn and grow in the hobby.
  20. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    Oy, I get that. I have an almost 3 year old and a 9 month old. right now, hobby time is mostly about being my club's treasurer. Any modelling I do feels like stolen time.

    I wasn't intending to distract anyone from their hobby goals. I just thought T-trak was a good low investment thing. Minimal cost, minimal space, minimal time.

    Plus, since my club has a loop, if only one person wanted to do one, we could still put something together and run trains.

    really, my goal was to have an excuse for a Sac area trainboard meet up. We can all just meet up at a bar and share adult beverages too. Not trying to form a new big thing.

    Hell, it wouldn't have to be only N-scale, but I think that would benefit most from a meet and greet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2014

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