I finally made my own bridge piers from 1x2" and 3/4 " half round dowel. Came out great. But I painted them with " old concrete " which looks too green..Can I take same paint and get away with adding say, 1/3 flat white and re-paint ? Wood is showing through paint anyway. I could call it primer and paint over it...OR, is it fruitless and that I should buy standard concrete color (and maybe not Floquil )l for this job ?
I had an old, old Floquil jar of concrete I used for concrete roads and loved the color. Got a new bottle of Floquil concrete to finish up the roads and was very disappointed with the new mix. Seems too brown for roads. Looks more like wet concrete.
Nice layout and pics Rick...I didn't mean jar was old ..I meant the name of it/type is "old concrete" and think I'd have been better off with just "concrete" color which is what looks like you have on your street, no ?
I painted a bridge with Old Concrete and thought it looked too green also. I sprayed over it with a rattle can of Testor's Aircraft Light Grey and weathered it from there. Much better than the Old Concrete look. I guess just don't spray anything on too thick an it probably won't be a problem. Greg Amer The Industrial Lead gregamer.com
The "old" Floquil paint I was referring to was marked RR82 Concrete. The new one is Floquil F110082 Concrete and to me has too much of a brown tone. (But I am the last one who should be discussing colors since I am told I am color blind! ).
Rick I have the same problem but I would mix the two colors and not worry about it. Since Old Concrete has all type colors in it anyway I think you'd be good doing that. LOL Could be my own colorblind self showing through again but I would think so. A sample picture couldn't hurt to help decide
This is what I use, too. I think it looks much more like concrete. If I want to do brush painting, I use Tamiya Deck Tan (XF-55), and then weather.