I was thinking the same thing. Nose lower than the FT's, and the twin radiators lock it in as a DL-109. If the rads were different, Baldwin Babyfaces would be contenders. But the photo above nails it. No mistaking that Otto Kuhler styling!
CN Brandt Maintenance Truck hauls ass to clear for M338 just west of Winthrop, IA. Had a nice P3 horn. February 2, 2023
From the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library, M&StL at Gowrie, IA and Estherville, IA. I am infatuated with old photographs like these.
At one time, on a branch between Hope and Rockwell City, Gowrie was also served by the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern interurban line: Later, when that branch became freight-only, the FDDM&S still interchanged with not only the M&StL, but also the C&NW and CRI&P.
I love branch lines. So much history from when railroads reached every conceivable destination to ship grain.
Wow! Had an extended family member from Gowrie! And grew up in Carroll for a while when the 'Louie' still had nightly trains rolling on the overpass crossing Hwy 30 there! Very neat to see them photo's. Thanks!!
A Salute to our Law Enforcement Agencies across the Nation with CSXT’s “Spirit Of Our Law Enforcement” Unit, CSXT 3194. Unit leading UEXCDG 02/04 into Morrison, IL destined for Dana, IA. February 4, 2023 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Chased this train from Glendive to Forsyth. Here it is just east of Miles City, between Shirley and Tusler,
Trains could look small in their far West Texas surroundings. This train photographed in Paisano Pass in 1885 is a case in point. It undoubtedly had to be stopped and positioned just right so that it could be centered in the photographer’s view, with the light just right and the drama kept high with the big rocks soaring overhead. The effect worked well! Ken E. Stavinoha Collection
I thought you'd enjoy the M&StL shots. Neat stuff for sure. Found eight more that might be of interest. Keithsburg, IL Klossner, MN Marshalltown, IA Monmouth, IL, Costello Tower, crossing of the CB&Q
Monmouth, IL Morton, MN St. James, MN. Crossing of the C&NW, tower erected 1914, closed 1948. 12 Levers, 2 Spares. Tara, IA
Awesome, detailed pics! When JWB III went over the Milwaukee Road from the Twin Cities to Seattle, he took pics the whole way, and they're in a book now that I have! Some of the places he took pics, you can't find anywhere else.
I love these old pictures of the railroads in little towns, too and often look the towns up in google and try to figure out where the pictured stations or other structures may have been. I have a friend in St. James so I sent him the picture of the tower, although he may already have it since he is interested in railroads, too. Doug