
A second GP30 for my Guilford roster

I wanted to have a second GP30 for my Guilford roster (yes, I know - Guilford never had this model), so I repainted and decaled a Proto2000 GP30 with high short-hood. In my 'modeling-world', the GTI acquired 15 GP30 from the SOO Line in 1981 (numbered as ST130-144). In 1982, additional 15 High-Nose GP30 from the N+W entered the GTI roster (they became ST145-159). As some others, my ex-N+W GP30 remains black and got only the big white 'G', the new roadno. and the letters 'ST' on the front- and backhood.

A second GP30 for my Guilford roster
Saint_Anger, Oct 17, 2010
    • mikelhh
      I like your thinking - and your painting.
      That's a very plausible scenario for Guilford :thumbs_up:
    • Saint_Anger
      Thanks for your comment. I'll try to post some more pictures of my two Guilford GP30's with some better lighting in the next days...
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