N scale "What's on your workbench?"

Mark Watson Oct 28, 2009

  1. Run8Racing

    Run8Racing TrainBoard Member

    LOVING that house boat !!! What is the main color ???

    Don't usually judge other people's stuff, but the red vehicle needs just a bit more work to make it N scale !!! :)
    Massey, DeaconKC, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  2. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member


    Thank you! The color is a custom mix - tru-color train paints. white, MKT green, UP gray, Maersk Blue and BNSF green. The instructions call for "sage green" which I had no intent of duplicating but I had these paints leftover from my Old Dominion Broom build (a few pages back) where I was able to get that color you see by combining the roof and siding paints which were also custom mixes.


    LOL on the red car. I would love to have an N scale Dino for my layout. That thing has been hanging out in my work room for over a year and it's almost done... woo hoo!
  3. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I received a few more items yesterday for completing the scene of my Old Dominion building and have been assembling and placing them to make things look less sterile. Osborn crates and wire spool along with the GC laser skids and the Tichy barrels (still need paint) I posted up in the recent purchase thread previously. Also, I found some dust collectors in cast metal one of which is now attached to the side of the building by the spool as seen in the pic below. Once the barrels are painted and placed I just need some odd weed patches here and there, a couple of vehicles and then I'm done I think.

  4. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I think it would be interesting for some to include where I started with the layout modifications to accommodate this building. Up until a few weeks ago there was a series of plaster mounds that I had to remove. I was never happy with them to start and they were actually the second mod to that section since first build as that entire area up to the red lumberyard buildings had been demolished in a previous move. The plaster to make the mounds was a different formula than I had experience with and didn't sculpt the way I had become accustomed to.

    So here is prior:


    And where things are at now:

    Last edited: May 9, 2023
  5. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    If that is a kit for the building, what is it called? Very nice work with the other items next to it. Looks really cool!
    freddy_fo, Hardcoaler and BNSF FAN like this.
  6. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Hardcoaler, BNSF FAN and in2tech like this.
  7. Massey

    Massey TrainBoard Member

    It’s not been a good couple days around here, so I decided to take a mental health day today. I was planing on getting some scenery done but before I could do that I needed to solder the new section of track to the old and then I could get busy. Sounds easy right… yea we lost power around midnight last night and didn’t get it back till after 2 this afternoon. Had I not taken a mental health day I would have been SOL anyway as my computer would have only lasted a few hours. Oh well.

    So I couldn’t completely do the area I was planning on doing the other day but that’s because I’m missing the switch I need. The old one was simply not going to ever really be happy again. It should be here in a couple days. I left a border around the roadbed that will be sceniced when I get the parts. One advantage to this was I was able to get in the canyon better and that is now all done. Around Kitt Transfer is also now done. And of course, more to come soon.

    IMG_5299.jpeg IMG_5300.jpeg
  8. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    @freddy_fo the new building looks much more realistic, just seems to fit better.
  9. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    painting garbage dumpsters an garbage truck.

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  10. Massey

    Massey TrainBoard Member

    The worst part of all this is having to wait a few days for everything to dry so you can continue without messing something up. My next steps are to move the layout away from the walls and get the back side, just below the mountains and then back around to the front. I will finish up at the culvert and the last step for me will be to pour some water.

    Here is yesterday’s and today’s results. I got the track in the canyon ballasted and the edges sceniced, then I put the switch, Bridge and a small section of track on the top area. Yes, this bridge is different, I like the plate girder style better as it is less distracting and it is easier to clean the track inside.


    And the overall of the finished areas.
  11. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    That is coming together real nice Massey.
  12. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    It is looking very nice, I think you made a wise choice on the new bridge, it looks "right" in that spot.
  13. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I've been waiting to assemble this flat car with wrecked load till I could find some appropriate scale chain to replace the included PE "chain" that came with the kit.

    I just got in some blackened 45 link per inch brass chain so getting to work. I was able to fab eyelets for the anchor points using .008 wire.

    I think the chain looks pretty decent and glad I was able to find some this small as there are a few more projects needing this stuff.

    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  14. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    I think it looks good I think I used the same chain for loads on the QUAX flatcars MTL produced-all boxed up now for my move so I can’t show any photos. But I’ve got some left over that I plan on using as chains for my loads DODX flat cars when I get around to it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Hardcoaler, freddy_fo and BNSF FAN like this.
  15. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I'm putting together a couple more structures but these will be for an upcoming layout. This here is a "shim shed" from GCLaser and really pretty nice. Mostly cardboard construction with the only wood being the chest attached at the rear of the building. The siding is a type of paper veneer that has the details in relief which is glued over the cardboard base structure. At first I thought it was thin plastic based on how it felt in my hands as I was working with it but as I applied water based glue (titebond) it started to curl which tells me it is paper. Not a problem though as it laid down perfectly with a little momentary pressure. I did have to sand down the cardboard base structure a little bit to ensure all the corners lined up nice and tight without gaps.

    The closeup photos show flaws with how I laid down the shingles but from standoff it looks passable. I need to clear coat but have another structure kit to go alongside it from the same manufacturer first.



    This is the "tool house" kit next up in the queue also by GCLaser. The thick tan carboard is the base structure which is mostly covered with the panels on the white sheet to the left of it. Roofing material pre-cut into strips on the very left then window glazing, chimney, vents and parts to finish off the electrical box details in the bag on the very right.

  16. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member


    Hardcoaler, BNSF FAN, MK and 6 others like this.
  17. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Tool house (center) is done and now I've moved on to an interlocking tower by laserkit. Back to mostly wood on this one and it too is very nice.


  18. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    That looks like a fun kit. Although much is different, it's general shape and appearance reminds me of the SAL's station at Catawba, SC. [02/1991, station since razed. :( ]

    1991-02 Catawba SC - for upload.jpg
    BNSF FAN, SP-Wolf, DeaconKC and 4 others like this.
  19. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member


    Cool pic! Thanks for sharing. When I served in the military back in the early 90s we still had a lot of buildings with similar architecture. Makes me kind of nostalgic.

    Fun kit for sure and the price not too bad considering how much n scale structures are selling for nowadays.
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
    Hardcoaler, BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.
  20. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    The wall facing the tracks tells quite a story. A failed foundation shifted the clapboards and the eve of the roof. The boarded up window is the same size and the two next to it, but set lower in the wall. The patched siding around the side door and window indicates a once-larger opening, closed in with the door and window, and sheathed with narrower clapboards; perhaps the wider clapboards were no longer available. Was it repaired after a fire? Or was it an old freight room and door, remodeled for an office or something else? Was there a freight dock stretching all the way to the tracks?

    Such subtle clues as these tell stories for those willing to look and listen.

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