Bachman 4-4-0's

railnut49 Dec 13, 2017

  1. nd-rails

    nd-rails TrainBoard Member

    Why complain here?
    You're blaming other people for your poor purchase decision. Take it to the seller and Eb** as a dispute, rather than emotional outbursts here.
  2. brokemoto

    brokemoto TrainBoard Member

    I have found that the Atlas runs more smoothly than does the Bachpersonn-when the Atlas runs. The electrical contact on the Atlas is not as reliable as it is on the B-mann. The Atlas stalls far t0o frequently while the Bachmann does not stall much, as long as you have the latest versions (those in the plastic box or the VERY LAST issues in the cardboard box).

    Miranda's Maxim as explained by ke goes double for small N scale power: "The poor performance of many N scale steam locomotives is almost always directly attributable to poor electrical contact."

    While he should complain to FeePay and the seller, it does have its value as a cautionary tale:

    1. Read the listing.
    2. Learn the value of things that you want to buy.
    3. Shop around. (which will help with Number Two).

    Original Poster admitted that he did not read the listing thoroughly. Had he shopped a few websites, he would have learned that the seventy or eighty dollars that he spent for the thing was too much. The Atlas Full List on it is just shy of one-hundred twenty bananas. There are e-Tailers out there that have it for ninety or so dollars. I seem to recall that I have bought most of mine new for something between eighty and eighty-five dollars apiece.

    Had Original Poster shopped around, and, had he read the listing, he would have understood that seventy or eighty dollars for one of these that "needs repair" is far too much. I would have paid twenty dollars for it on a good day (for the seller, that is)..............and I'd jus' hafta' tell that thar' seller feller today just ain't his day and tomorrow ain't lookin' none too good, neither.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018

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