Galesburg RR Days - great for N scalers too

W Neal Jun 9, 2016

  1. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    Don't forget that the annual Galesburg RR Days is fast approaching. The dates are Saturday June 25th through Sunday June 26th. There will be some displays at the depot downtown which are always worth a look. I recommend the food for sale at the depot's "patio" from the Knox County Pork Producers. Great BBQ sandwiches and bacon sold by the slice! The special event is the excursion each day of steamer 765 from Chicago & return - following the former C,B,&Q mainline. (Beware the foamers!) Of course, the famous "altar", otherwise known as Thirwell or Route 10 bridge will be "open" for your viewing pleasure of BNSF's massive yard. An important reminder is that the train show has moved to a new location at the High School Fieldhouse - not the college. There are free shuttle busses running from the depot downtown out to the train show & back both days. I heartily recommend you stop by the show and purchase a railroad days poster or two from artist/railfan Ron Hatch. He is a great guy and very knowledgeable of all things train. And not to worry, there will be PLENTY of N scale to buy at the show - which is very bad news for me. See you there with my (our) N scale switching layout based on an industrial district in "the 'burg". Also consider land west of town for great places to watch passing trains. I recommend the environs of the "Cameron Connection" and the Cameron overpass itself. Peck Park in Galesburg proper is also a good place to watch trains - but again, beware the foamers. It takes all kinds, ALL kinds of kinds. I recommend taking the time for one of the yard tours. I especially recommend the "V.I.P. yard tour" for those that arrive early Friday and Saturday and can get some of the very limited tickets. There is a whole list of non train events as well - but we're foamers, we don't have time for that stuff. Either way, it is a great excuse to visit "sacred central Illinois", railfan some prototype locations nearby (and in the region), and hit a great train show. I recommend it to all my fellow N scalers!

    Visit for more info.

    Also visit ... -festival/ for info on the excursion.

    See you there!


    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
    Jim Wiggin likes this.
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Always hoping we who are far away can see some photos of the various activities! :)
  3. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    As always, I will be there and setting up my half of the Galesburg City Job N scale layout, please come by and say HI! While Wiggin Locomotive Works will not have a booth, I will have Rock Island, ICG, B&M as well as other custom locomotives for sale. This years event is more like the "Old Days" of Railroad Days, so if you long for the days of yard tours, Steam Specials, model trains, food and being a foamer, come to Galesburg THIS YEAR!
  4. rogergperkins

    rogergperkins TrainBoard Member

    . An important reminder is that the train show has moved to a new location at the High School Fieldhouse - not the college.
  5. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    I'll post some pictures in the weeks following sir. I'm tied to the show a lot but I'll try to get out some.
    rogergperkins likes this.
  6. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member



    wpsnts and BoxcabE50 like this.
  7. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    More pics from our homecoming at The Galesburg RR Days show.

    Just a couple sights along the way...

    It was fun to see this insignia on the (former) Pensy's mainline. I tried to imagine to Broadway Limited crossing here.


    Part of the fun of taking "the back roads" is being able to take a minute to capture scenes like this. We were crossing (the former) C&EI main here.


    The outdoor displays at the depot were not expansive this year, but we'll take it. I am grateful to some good folks at GE and BNSF for there participation.






    We had a look at some of the remains along the "City Job" line after the show Saturday evening.


    We "found" another flange oiler along the R.O.W. No, this one will not fall on my modules. Hey Jim...


    Remember your Robert Palmer? - "I'm looking' for clues"...


    And of course the bridge was fabulous. Less and less predecessor roads every year - as to be expected.



    I had to get a picture of this former trolley barn along main street. It will soon be torn down to make room for the road to tunnel under the Q mainline.


    Seeing this former ALCO product was fun for us. My son liked seeing it after switching on the layout using one of Atlas' S-2s.


    Following the TP&W home was great fun as well. We "had" to make stops in Gilman, Forrest, Cresent City (BOOM!), Wasted and other important locations. Seeing a working semaphore signal was quite a treat. Here is the crossing with the IC. I just can't bring myself to call it CN.

    Rocket Jones and wpsnts like this.
  8. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow, no response to this great report and images to boot? Must be a new thread somewhere everyone is piling on about something wrong in the industry.

    Great images W Neal, I had fun running the City Job with both you and your son. We had a lot of good comments at the show with only one extremely upset Mom who was angry that our layout was so high. Other than that public display of self entitled pity and rage, it was a great show. I'll post more images when I finish the download. Brian and I railfanned all the way there and got plenty of images.
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

  10. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    And the lady that thought it was OK to give one of your locos a push because it wasn't moving.
  11. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    I some how managed to bugger that quote. Jim didn't say anything in his post about the loco being pushed. I meant for it to be a response to his post.
    It's an iPad conspiracy I tell ya.
  12. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    Good pics Mr. Neal.
  13. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I tried some editing. Is it now you'd intended for it to appear?
  14. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks Boxcab.
    You made it as I intended it to be.
  15. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    Darn spell check. We were in Watseka, Ill (not Wasted - as listed). I couldn't anyways , I was driving. :)
  16. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I had wondered about that, as a place name.
  17. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Oh yeah I forgot about that! I think she was a bit drunk.

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