MILW Milw. Rd. Camp Douglas, Wis. 1950's

ak-milw Feb 25, 2010

  1. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    Thought I would post some pic's of my progress on the layout. At the present time I am modeling the town of Camp Douglas Wis. along the Milwaukee Road in the 1950's.
    First picture is of a local freight being pulled by a RS-1 coming under the Main street bridge.


    The first thing the engineer sees when he clears the bridge is the Pulaski sisters house. All structures are scratchbuilt.




    more to follow!! Thanks for looking!!
  2. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Nice pictures. Let's see more.
  3. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    sure thing Flash

    [​IMG]Next door to the Pulaski sisters is Doc Nelsons house, another scratchbuild. When I was about 7 years old I split my lip open and Doc Nelson sewed it up on his dining room table in this house.


  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Very interesting to have such a personal connection to a modeled scene. :thumbs_up:

    Keep 'em coming.


    Boxcab E50
  5. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    thanks Ken!

    The next building on our tour is the old livery stable. This building was built sometime between 1895 and 1900. I have seen pictures of it from 1897 and thats the building I am modeling. Sometime in the 1920's the local Farmers Co-op bought the building and turned it into storage. The small addition on the side was a cobblers shop, he also fixed harness's and saddles,He was still in business until sometime in the 1950's. This building stands across the street from Doc Nelsons house and my feed mill were I see it everyday, which made it real easy to measure the whole building.
    This is how the building looks today,


    and now the model,



  6. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Very nice modeling, Andy! How much of this former MILW trackage is intact/operational these days? Lines East didn't just disappear entirely, as Lines West did, after 1980.
  7. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Hemi,
    It's all CP now. from Milwaukee to La Crosse and into Minnisota. They tore out the double main line and made it single track, also the siding for the Co-op is no longer there, it was taken out in about 1989. The crossing for the CM&O is also gone, that line is now a bike trail. The only switch in town goes to Camp Williams army base and on to the UP.(old CNW). The feed mill I operate for the Co-op is about 20' off the mainline and I watch trains all day. Most of the town and the co-op will be modeled,mostly scratchbuilt buildings. My layout will have the crossing in and the siding, since it is the 1950's.
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    What am I looking at, for the siding on it's upper story? Looks somewhat like a faux brick?

    Nice model. Looks like it's been there a long time.

    Boxcab E50
  9. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    The siding is actualy an embossed sheet metal. The sheets are 2' by 3' with oversized brick embossed into it. I couldn't find an exact date as to when this was put on there. My feed mill is covered with the same stuff except smaller brick and that was done right after WW1.
    I didn't want to model the building using stryene brick sheet so I went with the original board and batten siding. Also the roof angle on the shoe shop was lower at one time and I modeled it accordingly. I know because I tore down the chimney and you could see the original roof under that one.
    Another neat feature of this building is there are no supports holding the floor of the hay mow up. The floor is hanging from the roof rafters using eight 1" threaded rods.
  10. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    The next building in Camp Douglas is the Hudson Dealership. The dealership was in use during the late 1940's into the 50's.Here is what the building looks like today.[​IMG]

    here is what it looked like in 1950


  11. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter


    Fascinating! I have to doubt that anyone else has ever modeled a Hudson dealership.

    Boxcab E50
  12. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Ken,
    All I can say is that it was there so I had to model it!!
  13. SteamDonkey74

    SteamDonkey74 TrainBoard Supporter

    Great historic modeling there. I like it that you are filling us in on your personal connections to that history!

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