N scale 2'x8' shelf switching plan for your review

txronharris Feb 18, 2014

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

  2. David K. Smith

    David K. Smith TrainBoard Supporter

    I see something connecting the building with the silos, but perhaps I'm imagining things. Nevermind.


    Don't bother; I think we are arguing at cross purposes. I think you've been taking the drawing in the plan too literally, and it was conjuring an image in your mind of something that was much larger, when in fact it's merely a "scribble" to suggest that some sort of silo facility goes there. As it happens, six silos of the type in your image will fit easily--


    So let's let this rest.
  3. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    OK guys I think we get the idea...model railroaders use selective compression to create the impression of larger structures. Check. Some maybe go too far. Check. Sometimes we misjudge the scale from satellite imagery. Check. The "icon" suggests a large concrete elevator, most of which would be larger than the facility that is fueling the argument. Dead horse, beaten.

    The horse issue has taken away from a really nice plan in David's last revision. I think that would make for a really nice model railroad.

    EDIT: OK, in the meantime it looks like we may have a horse truce in the works... :cool:
  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I'd doubt that. It's all supposed to be part of ideas and input, as was invited.
  5. David K. Smith

    David K. Smith TrainBoard Supporter

    No, actually I can see where Doug is coming from. Boxcab, if you care to delete the whole grain silo exchange, it wouldn't bother me at all. I understand what you were trying to say, now, so there's no need to keep all of that unnecessary back and forth.
  6. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    Guys, no worries....I was half-kidding. It just seemed like a battle not worth fighting from either sides it seems. We were all making good points about the layout and adding value....with that I do agree.

    We're like the most reluctant team ever or something. ;)
  7. moose

    moose TrainBoard Member

    I had built this plan for my son a few years ago. He had a blast with it! We built it for N scale and used unitrack. There should be pics here posted somewhere.
  8. txronharris

    txronharris TrainBoard Member

    I've been chewing on all the advice offered and have come up with the plan below:


    It addresses all of the things I am looking for:

    A rural setting with my shortline serving the industries. I have grain hoppers, two bay covered hoppers for cement, Ortner hoppers, boxcars, centerbeams, tank cars and wood chip cars to switch so theres a good variety. Large and small industries that get cars at varying intervals so not switching each industry every time. I'll work out the particulars on all that when I get to that point. Here are the industries:

    The large grain elevator to the rear will be scratch built but look alot like the Walthers ADM kit.

    The LPG offloading will be a Walthers Interstate fuel and oil kit with some bits added forthe tank car unloading.

    The cement plant will be a Walthers Medusa Cement kit with some added conveyor belts and details to also accomodate bulk materials unloading. That gives me two types of cars for that industry: two bay covered cement hoppers and Ortner hoppers for rocks.

    The small elevator in the front will be some Rix grain bins/silos with an old style wooden building.

    The lumber yard will be a Wathers kit and that gives me centerbeams and boxcars there. I may still add a smalll siding to allow woodchip loading but not sure if there's room for that.

    The main disapearing under the bridge to the right is going to go to a removable staging cassette so trains will leave and reappear on the layout under the bridge.

    I appreciate everyone's help and insight and will keep eveyone updated on my progress from benchwork to finished project. Special thanks to David K. Smith for the layout drawings since my computer skills are about zero.
  9. moose

    moose TrainBoard Member

    Very cool plan!!! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

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