Rainier Great Western Const Update

RGW Feb 19, 2007

  1. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    I knew you are old enough to get the reference..... have a good Thanksgiving Mike!
  2. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    I think we just dated ourselves. Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler, what a great show for Sunday nights. Those were the days. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Dale.
    BNSF FAN, BoxcabE50 and dalebaker like this.
  3. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett TrainBoard Member

    I fondly remember that show, my mom, dad and I watched it every week. Years later one day at work our crew were talking about how Jim always got into some kind of trouble and Marlen talked about insurance. We were making jokes about Jim's situations and laughed all afternoon. Remember tears in our eyes from laughing so hard. Great times.

    BNSF FAN, dalebaker and RGW like this.
  4. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Oh yea. Great memories for me too, Wild Kingdom. Maybe after the Lawrence Welk Show huh? And then the Wonderful World of Disney.. Yep, spent many a Sunday laying on my grandpas carpet floor in front of a really cool color TV! I was the remote control, he told me what channel and how loud and I did as I was told.
    BNSF FAN, dalebaker and Joe Lovett like this.
  5. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    Yup, guys and we had 3 whole channels to choose from! Those were the days!!!!
    RailMix, BNSF FAN and gjslsffan like this.
  6. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Wasn't dat uh nice-uh, wunnerful, wunnerful...
    BNSF FAN and dalebaker like this.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Ha ha ha. :D All those memorable shows. No matter how few were the channels, at least they were shows worth watching. When compared to now, my TV will last forever with it's minimal use. And we can often buy DVD sets of those show, to enjoy whenever desired. Nice. Sunday evenings, after watching a couple of real football games, then time with trains, came wholesome TV. Usually capped off by (when Walt was alive and had control!) Disney.
  8. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    "And thats the way is".. I"m Walter Cronkite. ...... Then 59 news channels. Yuk.
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The Huntley-Brinkley Report; Edward R. Murrow; Paul Harvey. News. Now we get "stories." I agree. Yuk.
    BNSF FAN, dalebaker and RGW like this.
  10. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    After a couple of weeks off due to the virus, it was back to work last night, even though we were still several crew members short.

    Wain began ballasting the staging tracks and mainline near South Seattle Yard.



    Meanwhile I cracked open one of my many Doyusha 737 kits and began by tearing off the tail, then addressing imperfections in the window molds. I ended up using two coats of Mr Dissolved Putty to fill in the depressions left behind in the injection process.


    It was a good start.

    Later in the evening I joined Rey in creating line schematics for the layout. They will be useful in creating our first operating session. I'll put up more on that soon.

    That's all for last night. We'll get our momentum back as we go forward. Thanks for checking in. M
  11. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    I had noticed the updates were a bit slow. I hope you are way better now!
    Why is it that everyone’s ballast looks so much better than mine!
  12. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    I resemble those mutual of Omaha and captain puget reference
    RGW likes this.
  13. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Last night's work session was again impacted by covid. In fact, I'm not sure when all of us will be getting together again as a group. In the interim, those who can participate will.

    Reynold came in very festive and in good humor. He started by working on a CNW center cupola caboose.


    He then started cleaning track in Maple Valley.


    Wain continued to make progress on the staging wall. He added two more sections of rock wall and put down the ridge cap.


    After that he continued ballasting the mainline along the rock wall.


    As for me, I worked on the 737. Getting the window panels painted and installed.


    I also put in the cockpit supports, which I use solely to assist in alignment. Only half the support was glued on as I still have work to do on the fuselage before gluing the halves together.


    The last item for the evening was fabricating an insert to act as a closure for the tail section that was removed. It is a piece of 015 styrene cut to fit. It is glued to one half of the fuselage. I then bend it slightly, put the two halves together and rubber band it.


    I let it sit this way for a day or two to conform the insert. When we are ready to glue the fuselage together the opposing side of the insert will be glued as well. The next step in this process will be to fab and install the tail mount. Then start filling in the gaps with Tamiya white putty.

    Well, that's it in a nutshell. We sincerely appreciate your interest in the RGW. As always, thanks for checking in.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    BoxcabE50, BNSF FAN and Joe Lovett like this.
  14. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Love it very nice

    What brand and scale are the 737 again
    RGW likes this.
  15. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Merry Christmas from the WNW to the RGW crew's
    RGW likes this.
  16. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    It’s nice to know Santa has a hobby that keeps him out of trouble! Merry Christmas RGW Crew!
    I hope you all are well again soon!
    RGW likes this.
  17. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    I use 1/100 scale Doyusha. Which makes it roughly 12% smaller than HO. To trick your eye into believing it's correct, we use 75ft flats instead of 89ft, which just happens to be about 12% less, so it looks prototypically correct.
    dalebaker likes this.
  18. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Cool thanks
    RGW likes this.
  19. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Another short staff night at the RGW. Did I mention covid sucks? Well it does. None of my guys have had it, thank goodness, but all of us are old enough to fit into the high risk category, so several of the guys and their wives, want to minimize get togethers. I get it, but I miss my friends. Oh well, off the soapbox.

    I made good progress on 737 #2.


    Both halves are now glued together, the entire fuselage has had its first sanding, Tamiya white putty has been put where needed and the tail support has been added. The white putty will take some time to dry before it's ready for final sanding, so I hope to do that over New Years. Finally I trimmed off the nose and cut out the replacement piece. The remaining fuselage in this area needs to be sanded square and plumb before I add the nose cap and sand it to fit.

    Wain completed the painted rock wall along the staging tracks and added the top cap.


    He then modified the end of the staging area, taking off a piece of wood that stood as a bumper for derail purposes. He then inserted a real bumper at that end of the track.


    Once that was in the books he went back to continue the ballasting of the area.


    This is really looking good guys.

    Rey worked on the CNW caboose, but he took it home for some adjustments and I didn't get a shot of it before he left. Sorry about that. Next time for sure.

    Well fellas, Happy New Year to each and every one of you. All my best, Michael.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  20. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Nice to see any progress under these covid issues
    RGW likes this.

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