Run time

Keith Apr 17, 2014

  1. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Would not be actually.
    But, haven't done any major work.
    Carried a few thing in/out, with help
    from Mom as needed.
  2. f2shooter

    f2shooter TrainBoard Member

    I must have missed something. Hearings? Spied upon? Some interesting neighbors you have there.

    Rick H.
  3. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    It all relates to my filing for Social Security Disability in Sept/Oct last year.
    Recently consulted a Lawyer to help with obtaining benefits.
    The hearing, so I can explain MY side of the situation.
    The spying, so the SSA can TRY to find a reason to
    attempt to deny me my benefits. After a denial the first time, filing
    by myself, it was decided that I had to hire a Lawyer.
  4. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Almost all are denied the first time and requires assistance to continue. I've been denied because I already get disability from the VA. There's also a lot false claims made so there getting very picky. I'll leave the rest of the discussion for another forum.
    Best wishes with the future of your claim and layout.
  5. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Working with Lawyer now.

    Ran trains the last couple days.
    Yesterday, had the NW-2 on a narrow gauge freight train!
    Since the K-27 went down with a thermal shutdown!

    So, I put the NW-2 to work. Still gave me the chance to check some of
    my cars, and find out which ones still need major work, in some fashion, to
    run right, without derailing.

    Tonight, I ran the NW-2 again, this time, I added my track cleaning car.
    And this time, that car ran pretty good. Had some derailing problems last time.
    Was doing pretty good, until the Mosquitoes started trying to eat me alive!!
    Gotta find a way to drive the mosquitoes out!
    Was a great evening for playing!!
  6. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    What happened with the K-27?

    There are natural anti-mosquito possibilities. They do work. Try a web search.
  7. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    K-27 thermal shutdown? No bueno! A campfire helps keep the bugs at bay... And an added bonus, hotdogs, marshmallows and a chilled beverage of your choice to relax with!
  8. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Campfire, I wish!! Not something that would go over very well.
    Still, I could enjoy my drink of choice.
    Yeah, thermal shutdown. Decoder is mounted in the tender.
    Has NO ventilation holes. Yet!! So, it gets to a certain temperature, and shuts down.
    In my case, it stopped and started speaking! Saying 9-8 Degree C.
    And repeats about every 5 seconds, and keep going until decoder cools down again.
    I pulled coal load out, to help with cooling, placed on siding, in the shade.
    2 hours later, it was STILL speaking 4-1 Degree C. Got down as low as 3-8 Degree C.

    A solid Black locomotive, bright, semi direct sun and no ventilation.........

    My GP40's have done that in the past as well.
    Same reasons - Black locomotive, bright sun, temps in the upper 80's and no venting.
    Given a fix for the overheating. Now, I just need to actually DO something about it!!

    The individual that told me about it, installed a small pair of 1" fans inside the locomotive body!
    When he finished, and tried running, it took 5 minutes to cool down after fans were turned on!
    And his locomotive(s) ran for another 3+ HOURS in direct sun and upper 90's!!

    Want to modify that for the K-27, in hope that I can figure something out that will work.
    Gonna check on mosquito repellents on Tuesday sometime.
    Going to have to, if I want to run things into the evening. Shutting down by 9PM.
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    You must be having warmer weather than here. Did you try popping it into the refrigerator for a few minutes? Is there room to install a cooling fan? Something such as the processor cooling fan for a PC?
  10. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    In the mid 80's the last few days. Close to 90.
    Radio Shack makes a small 1" fan that does the trick.
    Runs on 12v DC. Could wire direct to track power, with
    a resistor to keep at, or just under 12 v. Wire in a small
    toggle switch, or slide switch to turn on/off as needed.
    Same thing with the GP40's. But, I can use a brake fan
    and DB blister vents/fan for internal cooling. Wiring in a
    small slide switch/resistor for power.
  11. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    There ya go, functional radiator fans!
  12. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Not a hard thing to do, since ALL fans on the GP40's do spin!! ;)
    Although, the Dynamic Brake fan might be a challenge, since it holds
    the control switches for the following:

    Motor - On/Off
    Smoke - On/Off
    Power - Track/Battery

    Was thinking of using the Smoke switch for cooling fan control.
    Since I can't use smoke, with the wireless control system and
    sound, as it draws enough power there, to blow up the rest of
    the board! About a $250 replacement!
    Not something I can afford to do right now!

    Bad enough I blew up the lights on BOTH the SD70MAC and the NW-2
    shortly after I installed the QSI DCC/Sound board!
    Now, I believe there are drop in board specific to both units, that could
    have saved me the lighting problems!! New bulbs to be ordered, and maybe
    a resistor wired in, to prevent the lighting problems again!

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