The Clergy and Railroads!?! ... An article from across the pond.

Roger Farnworth Nov 14, 2020

  1. Roger Farnworth

    Roger Farnworth TrainBoard Member

    I was asked to give a talk in 2020 to a clergy discussion group in the UK on the subject 'Clergy and Trains'. This group had decided to have its annual outing on The East Lancs Railway and I was to be the after dinner 'entertainment'! It did not work out, for obvious reasons in 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic altered everyone's plans!

    However, as a result of the request, I began to study what was available online and in the press on this subject and the place it takes in the wide range of interests available to the clergy. ... Whether my research counts as original research, I very much doubt. However, you might find what follows of interest!

    Kurt Moose and BNSF FAN like this.

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