RBrodzinsky Aug 26, 2009

  1. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    [PLEASE NOTE - Due to the change in Trainboard software, many/most of the image links in this thread were broken. Please visit the RailImages media for me, to see the photos -- Rick]

    In my prior thread, I showed the construction and finishing of my train shed to house the JACALAR railroad. While I had hoped to be much further along by now, life intervened (as it has a habit of doing), so we finally got a chance to start the benchwork this past weekend. As a reminder, here's what the eventual layout will look like:


    Here's a wide-angle view, looking towards the area to the right of the drawing

    All the bench top is cut out, and here you see a pieces of it sitting on the support structures (isn't attached, yet)
  2. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Here's a picture of the bench, where the yard will be


    This picture shows some detail on the construction:


    The turn-around areas will have legs extending to the floor, rather than simply having wall support. The 2x4s on the wall are mounted to the studs, and then the braces are mounted, via the 1x1s, to the 2x4s. All exposed wood will be painted, when complete.
    I'll put 3 inches of blue foam on top of the bench.

    The area between the 2x4s will be where the main bus wiring will run, with connections to lead to the feeders dropping from the track between each of the wall supports. I'll also be able to easily mount some shelving onto the lower 2x4, for power supplies, etc.

    The last hurdle will be the drop-in bridge across the doorway.
    DeaconKC likes this.
  3. Powersteamguy1790

    Powersteamguy1790 Permanently dispatched

    Looking good Rick.:thumbs_up: Have fun !
  4. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Thanks Bob. What's amazing, is everything fits together, almost like I had planned it! LOL Before we got too far along, we had all the bench top pieces in place, and I verified that reach was correct, particularly into the two deep corners. Works like a charm.

    Should have the bench done this weekend, and then onto the foam and fascia.
  5. Powersteamguy1790

    Powersteamguy1790 Permanently dispatched

    That's what careful planning does Rick. Once the bench work is up, the foam and fascia installation is easy. One suggestion to consider. In the area where the turntable is going to be, just cement the three one inch pieces of foam to your plywood base on the perimeter only.

    Your track plan will change to some degree as you start to lay out your Unitrack. That's to be expected.
  6. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    That benchwork certainly looks stout!

    Keep the photos coming.

    Boxcab E50
  7. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Yeah, it is a bit over-engineered. The friend who helped me design and build it, who does construction, went a bit overboard. He kept thinking about O-scale trains, and couldn't quite get how small N are and how little weight really needed to be supported (i.e., more weight in the benchwork itself, than on top of it). Since it was free labor and design (and someone who had all the necessary tools that he could bring to the house)....

    But, at least I know that if I lean on it, it won't come down! :mbiggrin:
  8. Jerry Tarvid

    Jerry Tarvid TrainBoard Member

    Great looking bench work Rick! :thumbs_up: It is nice to see that you have gone the extra mile and put the finishing touches on the interior of the train room. Nice job! Enjoy! :tb-biggrin:

  9. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Thanks Jerry, it really is nice being out there. Over the past few weeks, I've been out there, sitting at a card table, doing the Neolube on some of the track pieces, when I've had time and just needed to "zone out". Didn't make a lot of progress, but was also getting used to being in the shed, and it felt good. Also played with how to change the appearance of the unitrack.
  10. johnh

    johnh TrainBoard Member


    I was looking at your previous thread and noticed all of the blue foam. Where did you get it? I have been trying to find some over here in Manteca and can't seem to find a supplier (unless I want to order a whole carton).

  11. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    They carry it at Pacific Supply Lumber, in Oakland. I also learned, after getting it, that the pink foam is at certain Home Depots in the Bay Area. I now know that one can get it at the Union City Home Depot. It is about 65% the cost of the blue foam from Pac Supply.
  12. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    New Progress Today

    Made some major progress today, despite the heat. Won't finish until Labor Day, though. Three sections are "complete" (as to the bench). Still need to finish the two sections with the turnarounds

    Here are the new pictures of the benchwork coming together:

    This is looking at where the mountains and river will be (on the right), town and industries left and back

    Another view of the town/industrial area, with the exit part of the yard

    And here's the yard from the other side, looking towards where the roundhouse will be
  13. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    This picture shows the base section of the drop in bridge - still need to frame it, and the turnaround benches, where the matching interlocks for the bridge will be

    And, for those that like to see the undersides:


  14. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Benchwork is basically done!

    We completed all the structural work on the benchwork, today, and even started to get some of the fascia up, before running out of steam. I had also gotten a lot of the underneath sections of the previously completed bench painted (that which is visible).


    Here's looking at what will be the town area, mountains to the right, yard to the left. You can see the vinyl flashing which will be attached to the wall for the backdrop.


    A little bit more of the yard area, with fascia in place (still need to glue the joints, sand and paint, of course)


    To-be mountain area on left, turnaround where roundhouse/turntable will be straight ahead (plus mess). We printed the turntable area, at 1:1, to make sure none of the bracing will interfere for when I cut the hole.


    Where the bridge goes:

  15. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    And Here's the Bridge!

    And here is the bridge, in place. This is a lift-out bridge, not hinged.



  16. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Bridge Construction Pics

    Here's some detailed pictures of how the bridge is put together.

    I plan to wire the track for the bridge by connecting to the main buss using molex connectors. I will also bring the feeders from the 1.5' to 2' of track, on either side of the bridge out, using molex connectors, and connect them to the bus under the bridge. That way, when the bridge is out, so is the power to the tracks leading to it.

    Wide side, underneath - which sits on the following picture. Notice the slight bevelling, to allow the frame to slide on easily


    And here's the narrow side


  17. Powersteamguy1790

    Powersteamguy1790 Permanently dispatched

    Looking good Rick. Very nicely done.:thumbs_up::thumbs_up:

    I see you're going to use the Vinyl Roof Flashing for a back drop.
  18. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Out shined again!

    Jealous I am.

    Looking mighty fine, mighty fine. Did I say? Yep, I did.

    Have fun.
  19. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Thanks, Bob & Rick.

    My goal for the weekend is to get the remainder of the underneath painted (that which will be painted), the fascia up and the vinyl flashing up. I liked how well it looked on the JJJ&E, I decided to go for it, as well.

    I do have a 20x27 inch photo of Donner Lake, looking from the summit, with the tracks off to the right, which will be the backdrop between the window and door in my mountain area. You can even see one of the snow sheds, looking carefully. We're mounting in onto the flashing, which we will then mount on the wall.
  20. Jerry Tarvid

    Jerry Tarvid TrainBoard Member

    Well done Rick!:thumbs_up::thumbs_up:

    You’re making wonderful progress on the bench work and fascia. The lift out section looks to be a perfect fit. Way to go!:thumbs_up:


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