Question Z Scale Wish list

goobnav Jan 26, 2013

  1. goobnav

    goobnav TrainBoard Member

    Wish list, Robs are you listening?:

    How about an AZL starter kit. Now that the 38's are out and there is a boat load of variety cars, throw in a loop of track from Rokuhan or MTL, remember MTL started with Marklin loops and, the extra surprise a Snail Speed controller.

    This way people have everything for RTR set and are introduced to the product line and with controller have nothing extra to get except a 9V battery.

    The more simple the intro to the scale, the more likely people will buy more. I started with the Marklin set and was hooked.
  2. JoeS

    JoeS TrainBoard Member

    Good call. Especially with the track and controller. I think that would really help broden the scale. With the price of the gp's and the track and controller, heck a loco a few cars, track and controller could go for under 200. Great way to start.
  3. HirailTruck

    HirailTruck TrainBoard Member

    I would like to see more PRR, such as a 40' double door boxcar, a cattle car, decals, and some older 6 axle power, such as the SD9.
  4. BurlingtonRoute

    BurlingtonRoute TrainBoard Member

    On other forums I also brought up start sets. Both companies could profit from it. How many got their start in HO or N from a Bachmann,Life Like, Atlas, ect set? Most hobby shops I have been in have just bits and pieces of Z stuck in corners somewhere. Yes they would be more expensive than a N or HO set, but it would be a way for people to jump into the hobby with everything they need. A start set does not have to be "junk", but a nice set with the cheaper cars and engines, packaged to attract attention. All I can see is positive for all parties concerned, and do not see what hang up is to be against it.
  5. zscaler

    zscaler TrainBoard Member

    A dealer could make up a package as a starter set. Several package sets could be made up. Track, snail controller, engine and some cars. The AZL GP-38-2 would be a good choice as one of the cheapest, yet excellent engines around. Easy to DCC later if the owner so chooses.
  6. BurlingtonRoute

    BurlingtonRoute TrainBoard Member

    Would there be a "You cant use my XYZ in your start set", argument from the big companies? We seen that before. Thing about start sets the are usually cheaper than getting the parts separately. You have to deal with the "You are underpricing our product" problem, that some people have run into when they were selling things at a discount. We had seen that before too. Custom starter sets would be kind of a neat thing to do at dealer level, I do not know if anyone has ever done that.That would break the habit of new guys always buying Super-chief and UP Starter sets that they are stuck with until they decide to do their own thing. But if you sell them cheaper than the sum of all the parts, you have the folks who would buy the sets just to gut them out for parts. Definitely someone could sell a package of everything you need at model train shows, but how could you do this at a mom and pop shop?
  7. Llanerch Crossing

    Llanerch Crossing TrainBoard Member

    With the popularity of Monopoly games that are city specific, maybe a "regional starter" set would work set up by road loco & cabin with a few regional road freight cars thrown into the mix. So for example you could have a PRR GP9 and cabin with Reading, PRR, D&H, etc freight cars in the set and similar sets for other areas of the country.

    While we are dreaming I would LOVE anything DL&W and throw in some Reading, more PRR, D&H, CNJ, LNE, and LV. If a total fantasy could be arranged a PRR Doodlebug or MP54 would make my head explode.
  8. bill pearce

    bill pearce TrainBoard Member

    OK, how about this? Code 30 flex track. It could be made like Peco 55 in N, and be more durable. Ok, Ok, how about code 40?

    Then more F's. a GP35, and SD42 would be nice. And more rolling stock. Right now it looks like rolling stock is so over the map that it would be impossible to put together one freight train era specific.
  9. nscaler711

    nscaler711 TrainBoard Member

    P42's PLEASE!!! (Amtrak PH V)
    also ACe's or 70M-2's would be nice too.
    anything with the Swoosh BNSF logo... even if its a GP38-2.....
    there are tons :cute: of modern equipment but not near enough modern locomotives,

    Rob, you already have "Superliners" why not Produce a P42? or an F40PH?
    the F40PH would be rather easy since you already have trucks and the frame and the F59PHi and F40PH are nearly identical frames... body style has dramatically changed though... EMD F59PHI.HTML
  10. zfuture

    zfuture TrainBoard Member

    future products

    Almost every week we are thinking about new products. Unfortunately we can only push 5-8 new products out every year. Development times can be from 8 months to 3-4 years. This we cannot control. All this being said, we watch the different blogs and hope that we can satisfy you all down the line. Be patient, our commitment to Z is sincere. Remember that we have announced the SD45 and the F3. Also, our Mikados are not far away. The AC4400s are on the back burner, but we have initiated 3 more locomotive projects. We will reveal those at the NTS in Atlanta. Please keep the blog alive with your Z wishes!
  11. shamoo737

    shamoo737 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Nscaler, AZL doesnt have Superliners. They have Surfliners. FR makes a F40Ph, but its pricy.
  12. BurlingtonRoute

    BurlingtonRoute TrainBoard Member

    F3s?? You caught my attention!
  13. HirailTruck

    HirailTruck TrainBoard Member

    Some Alco diesels would be good as well.
  14. JoeS

    JoeS TrainBoard Member

    Kato style electrical pickup tenders.

    A homerun for sure. :D
  15. rray

    rray Staff Member

    +1 on the Kato Style Electrical Pickup equipt Tenders!
  16. nscaler711

    nscaler711 TrainBoard Member

    Actually all Surfliners are just repainted Superliners... this is also why I used quotation marks.... therefore to avoid comments as such. not trying to be a wise guy, its just all I'm saying.
  17. EMD F7A

    EMD F7A TrainBoard Member

    Part of the reason I sold off all my Z was, that there's so little equipment out there. Funny enough, the modern guys have it as good as the transition-era guys and that's only to be found in Z. I think with some good, affordable steamers and 1st-gen diesels (F's please!) your N and HO brothers would be far more inclined to venture smaller.

    Product wish list? I say streamlined passenger cars, F's, and a couple medium steamers. Funny enough, most of which are already on the way thanks to the AZL guys ;)
  18. EMD F7A

    EMD F7A TrainBoard Member

    Additionally, if some guys were to start producing 3d-printed passenger and freight cars in Z? That would be a very affordable way for us hobbyists to dive in without waiting on the major manufacturers. Even better, the more draw to Z, the more those manufacturers will sell to the RTR crowd! It's a win-win!
  19. shamoo737

    shamoo737 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The noticeable difference to me are the commuter type doors on the Surfliners and the regular doors on the Superliner. They also have different trucks. I guess we can make a Superliner looking car with the Surfliner, and it wouldnt be hard to bash one if I have the skills.
  20. shamoo737

    shamoo737 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    There are 3d printed cars. Just nobody seems to order them. Mk4d makes a great looking line of z scale cars like the Waffle car, 50' high cube, airslide, and a modern reefer. They are not cheap, but they are higher resolution then the ones used in shapeways.

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