Ztrack & HTM Release FRED High-cubes

ztrack Sep 18, 2010

  1. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser


    Ztrack and HTM have partnered to bring FRED's to Z! HTM is internationally known for the Z scale electronics. HTM has equipped AZL TTX 60' high-cube box cars with a red flashing end of train devices.

    The FRED is made from a maintenance free LED. It is mounted to the coupler to match the prototypes. The LED blinks and is flicker free when power is applied. The FRED is powered from the rails. HTM modifies each car, and applied the LED in their shop in Germany.

    Ztrack is excited to be able to partner with HTM and bring these cars into the US. Our first shipment has arrived and is ready to ship! No assembly required. The car is ready to be placed on your rails!

    To order, visit:
    Ztrack Center: FRED Equipped Cars

  2. zscaler

    zscaler TrainBoard Member

    The implication is that it is track powered by DCC, correct? Is there a capacitor to keep it "flicker free"? On your site there is a picture of the bottom of the truck with a wiper on one axle, so that is where I figured it is DCC.
    Be nice if you said so rather than us having to figure it out Rob. Non DCC people could not use it. If it is actually DC powered, will it work on AC power from DCC? Hmmmm....?
  3. shamoo737

    shamoo737 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I was thinking the same thing, David.
  4. Z_thek

    Z_thek TrainBoard Member

    I don't see anything about DCC, it's most likely made for DC powered tracks, as an easier solution. I see some problems with the single wheel pick-up, even when using a good size capacitor. Another minor problem is the price. I think a kit version for the fraction of that price tag makes more sense.
  5. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    Is is not DCC, but pure DC. There is a capacitor in the car as well as all of the electronics to provide the flashing. Don't jump to conclusion, both axles of the car pick up power for the electronics. This is quite the design.

    A kit is not feasible in this instance. Our goal was to offer the best ready-to-run product that we could. Remember, not everyone is a do-it-yourselfer. We worked with one of the top electronic manufacturers in Z scale to make it happen and keep it as close as possible to the prototype. Price includes the cost of the car, all upgrades, shell modifications, truck modifications, parts, labor and a Euro-dollar exchange rate. Frankly, it is quite the bargain.

    For those who want to do it your self, check out the May/June 2008 issue of Ztrack. There is a how too article in the issue. Back issues are still available.

    Ztrack Magazine: 2008 Back Issues


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