our beloved scale

bigford Sep 8, 2010

  1. bigford

    bigford TrainBoard Member

    There is a resin model i want that is made in HO but not in N.
    So i wrote a letter asking if the manufacturer would consider
    making these in N scale.
    This was the reply i got from said manufracturer

    Sorry. I have no intentions of delving into N-Scale due to the very limited number of people in that scale that actually build anything. Most, from my research, are kind of like shake-the-box train runners. They have fun but they are not my market. Thank you for your interest.

    i guess some people dont read the Nscale forums:tb-sad:
  2. N-Jineer

    N-Jineer TrainBoard Member

    I sure hope they didn't pay good money for the "research" :tb-mad:

    Probably doesn't ever know the N scale forums exist - after all why would "shake-the-box train runners" need forums?

    Lucky I live the wrong side of the pond, otherwise I'd be aiming to shake his box!

    And now that I've let off steam, back to our regular schedule :tb-biggrin:
  3. National Mallets

    National Mallets TrainBoard Member

    Which manufacturer?
  4. MP333

    MP333 TrainBoard Supporter

    I wonder if he even knows there is a Z scale?
  5. Gavel

    Gavel New Member

    Send a copy of the most recent edition of N Scale Railroading to this sadly misinformed person. On second thought from the tone of his response I'm not sure we N scalers would want to deal with him. I say let him go!
  6. SteamDonkey74

    SteamDonkey74 TrainBoard Supporter

    Best if we just leave folks like this alone. If someone is going to A) be so thick as to believe that, and B) be even thicker by coming RIGHT OUT and telling a potential market that he doesn't care for their business it's time to just wave and smile and wish him a nice life on his home planet.

  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    We don't need to name them.

    That sounds more like an HO-centric attitude, than research. An archaic idea, which is long out of date. There are box shakers in all scales. And still plenty of modelers in N.

    Boxcab E50
  8. bigford

    bigford TrainBoard Member

    the thing is as a HO model this would BE HUGE but build it in N scale
    and people could really run it!!!!

    we needed alan curtis to make us one
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2010
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Unfortunately, Alan is long since retired and sold his business.

    Boxcab E50
  10. National Mallets

    National Mallets TrainBoard Member

    Good advice. We don't need or want to know. I was going to send an email linking this 'site, but no doubt that would be a waste of time for all concerned. My goodness, a forum with a level head. Thanks y'all. Ric
  11. Rossford Yard

    Rossford Yard TrainBoard Member

    Let the mfg be. Statistically, he is probably right even if some of us do make models (rather than buy them and focus on scenery and the like)

    His research sounds self done, and not comprehensive, as well as possible out of date. But, his mind is made up and he isn't going to change it. Nor would we want him to. Who needs another N scale mfg who isn't comfy with the market. We complain a lot about Walthers and others HO makers who delve into N, and I get the impression his efforts would not be all that satisfactory either.
  12. National Mallets

    National Mallets TrainBoard Member

    And therefore here's a big warm wet smooch to those manufacturers who get it.:thumbs_up:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2010
  13. Rasputen

    Rasputen TrainBoard Member

    What type of a model was it that you are interested in?
  14. bigford

    bigford TrainBoard Member

    just a piece of large modern rolling stock. i can understand
    this guys feelings BUT if 1000 people buy it in ho them i bet
    you at least that meny would buy in N. who has room for a
    345' ho car
  15. N&W

    N&W TrainBoard Member

    Most probably are shake the boxers, but I'd say a lot of us do more than shake boxes.

  16. Inkaneer

    Inkaneer TrainBoard Member

    Hey guys from what I see in this scale the manufacturer is probably correct. Yes, there are people in N scale that do build things but are there enough for a manufacturer to economically justify a line of products? Let's face it, having one product won't do it. You need to offer more. It would be nice if all the builders modeled the same road but I'm incline to believe otherwise.
  17. FloridaBoy

    FloridaBoy TrainBoard Member

    Omigosh, I read this entire topic and my first impression was pretty much in simpatico with everyone who responded, and disagreed with Inkaneer, which is of some comfort. Just kidding, Ink, I value and respect your work and input.

    But after some thinking about it, I started to agree with Ink, and started to hit myself and start some other acts of self destruction - sorry Ink, still kidding. Look, we came close to flames and both of us avoided it, allowing that we disagree with each other which heightened my respect toward you, along with your other accomplishments.

    But Ink has a point. I am a model builder, a changer, a modifier, kitbasher, scratchbuilder, and also have a lot of ready to run stuff I will either not modify or modify just a little. It all depends on each piece on a case by case basis. But thinking back over all of the years I have visited other layouts, I realize that we are in a ready to run environment. I asked the owner of an LHS today while there if they sold more structure kits or already builts, and except for the laser cut kits, already builts outscore the kits by oodles. We are just part of a larger microwave society - we buy ready to run food instead of preparing it, try looking for cake mixes, and you will find more cakes in the freezer ready to be eaten right away.

    I have my fun, repeat FUN, building and/or mofiying stuff, modeling to my taste, but not many of my train friends do much more now except for installing Kadee/MT couplers and/or dcc decoder installs. Even those guys with large layouts will install ready built stuff......very few modelers.

    It sort of saddens me. I also love building model cars in 1/24-1/25 scale, and do a lot of modifications in what I build, which is what I feel defines me in that hobby, and hopefully my work also defines me when I post some photos, which will be very soon. My children call me a dinosaur because I do things "the hard way", often, but I remind them daily that part of the fun is creating the model not just looking at it.

    So, part of me agrees with you guys, which is the modeler in me, and I know Ink is a good modeler, but he is making an observation of life around us, and this is one time I would hope we are both wrong, but I don't think so.

    My message is to those who model to keep modeling, because no matter what level you are on you have my undying respect and always will. Keep those photo show and tell threads active!!!!! I enjoy looking at every effort and spend often hours on YouTube looking at your work. Yes, I am THAT interested.

    Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman
  18. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Quite an interesting thought here. Isn't it also sad to know that you have skills, are able to accomplish things they cannot and may never be able to do? They'll also miss out in not ever knowing the satisfaction of accomplishment.


    Boxcab E50
  19. SteamDonkey74

    SteamDonkey74 TrainBoard Supporter

    There are shake-the-box folks in pretty much every scale. I would guess that their percentages are about the same in HO and N. There are more kits in HO but there are also more RTR models, so one can avoid building kits for even more prototypes. In N, there are fewer kits but there are also fewer types of models overall, so if you want an SD-10 or an Alco S-1 that runs well you have to kitbash.

    Back to the original subject, I think this particular manufacturers assertion that nobody builds kits in N scale is erroneous, but far more than that I think it shows a certain amount of myopia to come right out and tell a particular market that you aren't interested in them at all because you don't think they exist. Even if you don't think you'll ever serve that market, why would you burn that bridge? It doesn't make sense.
  20. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    I think all scales have trended to the r-t-r end, not just N. From what I can see, just as many HO scalers (percentage wise) buy r-t-r as N scalers. Athearn did away with the blue box kits because they didn't sell all that well. There are scratcbuilders, kit-bashers and modelers in every scale, but most of the trains come r-t-r. I think most of the building is structures and scenery. There are a whole lot more ready built structures in HO than N, and they seem to sell.

    I don't think this is a bad trend since many more of us have scenicked layouts than ever before. When modelers had to build everything few had "completed" layouts.

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