GE U25C and Steam

Scott Wendt Mar 11, 2013

  1. Scott Wendt

    Scott Wendt New Member

    Hi all,

    With a new GE U25C in the works for HO, the question has come up... should we consider doing the U25C in N scale? Since I am really an HO modeller at heart, and have been my whole life, I always need to default to the folks in the N scale corner for help. How many N scalers model the 60s and 70s era? What models would you like to see? Would anyone like to see a new line of N scale Steam Engines?

    Scott Wendt
    Korea Brass Co., Ltd.
  2. bremner

    bremner Staff Member

    Wow, Scott, I read about your new HO business plan, and to read this, makes me happy.

    There were a total of 12 roads that used a U25C, and I personally don't have a desire to have one. My short list is a Baldwin road switcher (like an AS616), a FM H-12-4-4 and most importantly, a SW1500. Almost every EMD road switcher has been made.

    Charlie Vik has done all of the plans for a DT-6-6-2000, and considering the roads (PRR, ATSF, SSW) could be a good seller.

    As for steam, I would LOVE to see more SP, but I can not afford them, so I model the 1970-80's. Since you do brass, would it be possible to start up a line of detail parts, especially SP lights?
  3. Ghengis Kong

    Ghengis Kong TrainBoard Member

    I have not seen an ALCo C-415 in N scale. That would be a great one since SP and Rock Island both had them as well as a few others.

    No one's ever done Rock Island steam in N scale...hint hint
    They had the largest 4-8-4 fleet in America...
  4. brokemoto

    brokemoto TrainBoard Member

    Steam: B&O P-1, P-3, P-4, P-7, Q-4, P&LE A-2a (ALCo's LAST steam). The B&O P-3 and P-4 were smaller pacifics that ran in commuter service between Washington and Baltimore or Brunswick and Cumberland.

    Baldwin road switcher? I forget which one B&O ran, but I would buy one if it were one that B&O had.
  5. TJS909

    TJS909 TrainBoard Supporter

    I'd like to see an RSD-15.

    and for steam a AT&SF 3751 class 4-8-4.
  6. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    With respect sir,and without seeing your business plan, the U25 has already been well covered in plastic in N scale already. Your time and money might be better spent in less common items in N scale.
  7. oldrk

    oldrk TrainBoard Supporter

    A U25B but not a U25C has been done. Might as well make one if it hasnt been done. But an AS 616 would be really cool also. And since you asked, how about a 2-6-6-6 in N scale in plastic.. C&O and Virginia both had them.
  8. papahnash

    papahnash TrainBoard Member

    Greetings Scott,
    I would very much like to see a line of N Scale Steam that includes the 4-6-4 Hudson and any other eastern US locomotives.
    I do not own any brass locomotives because in most cases the running quality does not justify the price.
    I will not spend $400-$600 on a locomotive that doesn't perform as well as the Kato GS-4, Athern 4-6-6-4 Challenger or the Intermountain AC-12.
    I know there are some out there that do but they are hard to find. Just my 2 cents!

  9. rrjim1

    rrjim1 TrainBoard Member

    I would sure pickup a couple U25C locos, but better yet a U33/36C. A RSD15 would be nice, would also purchase a pair! IMO we have way to many switchers in N-scale. Not interested in steam, just to old for my model railroad, I model the 1970s.
  10. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    I would LOVE to see a U25C done in N scale. I could use about 2-3 of them for the Northern Pacific!

    Neither have I but I want one. Well actually I will take 2! My favorite logging RR had one, but I would make the second one for my Dad. Here is a pic of the one I would build. 684 Chehalis 4-1978.jpg
  11. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    I stand corrected. Thanks.
  12. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    I would LOVE an AS 616. Then I could finally do the one RR that I have hardly seen anyone model. The Rayonier.

    Attached Files:

  13. bill pearce

    bill pearce TrainBoard Member

    If you're headed that direction, and you are brass, meaning low production, why not do an ATSF U28C? It wwas the SF's next to last passenger loco from GE, in 1966. According to Dr. Priest's book, it was an increased HP U25, but don't know about carbody details. It could be painted in both red and sliver and in both blue and yellow schemes. Don't know if it's any good for any other roads, but isn't this what brass is for?
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Still waiting on a phase III GP9.

    I am sure there are some Northern Pacific fans who'd like to see a U25C in N scale.
  15. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    Please note my repsonse on post #10 of this thread Ken. Yes I would LOVE 2 or 3 of them! I am sure I know others that would be up for them as well. Keith Lyons come to mind immediately.
  16. PiperguyUMD

    PiperguyUMD TrainBoard Member

    Just a thought, but this is something that could be done with either the Baldwin AS-16/616, DRS 6-6-1500 or a steam locomotive such as a 2-10-0. Why not make a reliable drive system with a few interchangeable parts that would allow many variations to be accurately kit bashed using your drives. With advances in 3-D printing, one reliable Baldwin drive with 2 or 3 axle trucks available would allow almost all of the Baldwin models mentioned to be built. As for steam, I mention a 2-10-0 because there isn't a good drive that is really available in N scale. If a large decapod drive were produced, it would allow Pennsylvania, Western Maryland, and Lehigh and New England prototypes to be modeled, simply because the dimensions are very similar. A similar approach could also be taken with a 4-8-4. A 4-8-4 mechanism that could use large and medium sized drivers would hit a sweet spot that allows a very large number of prototypes to be modeled.
  17. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    This is a GREAT idea! And yes with 3-D printing it would be very viable. From a mfg standpoint, when making products they are going to get the best bang for their buck. Look at Atlas with the GP 7/9 that has been out since 1996. They have ran and re-ran that line MANY times since then with little changes to the tooling. Atlas has got their $$$$ worth out of that production that is for sure. Yes you are right about the Baldwin locos. It would be easily done with little changes here and there to make a specific prototype. I have mentioned something along this lines to Atlas before. If models were made where the body had small locating holes for such things to be added like winterization hatches, horst air filters, and nose bells (just to name a few) I think a mfg would have a home run. The additional items (bells, winterizationhatches, air filters) could be included in the model or could be sold as accesories like detail parts.

    Personally, I would rather have these items sold as accesories.

    But then again, I am just a modeler so what do I know?
  18. Mike C

    Mike C TrainBoard Member

    Medium sized steam would be great. Seems everyone makes larger steam. Possibly a 4-8-0?????? Mike
  19. Kevin M

    Kevin M TrainBoard Member

    I would love to see a U25C in N. would this be brass or plastic? I will take mine in BN. I'm not 100% but the early U28C's are very close to a U25C and would give you a few more roads.
  20. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    I actually kitbashed a U25C in N scale and painted it in NP. I used 2 U25B body shells, lengthened a RS1 chasis, and stuck Kato U30C trucks under it. While it is not 100% correct, it is close enough for me.

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