Show us your recent HO purchases

Colonel Mar 29, 2013

  1. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    Depends upon the shop. Since you go to Provo, there is a pretty decent one there in Orem close to the mall.

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  2. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    I just saw a bunch of them at a table at IRF. The Fox Valkeys look great. Not sure I would pay the price though
  3. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    Joe D'amato, I really like that little plymouth you got. I have a weak spot for small power like that. It reminds me a lot of the Italian 214 that Roco makes. [​IMG]

    For myself, I had been eyeing a particular passenger train model by Lima. It normally comes in a set, often untouched from some collectors closet. [​IMG]

    It's been on my mind for a couple years as something I'd like to have to run the wheels off of on my garden railway. The problem is the price is usually too high. Someone listed each piece individually and real cheap. I put low bids on it and ended up only winning the dining car and coach. But having mismatched passenger equipment from various european railways is fine by me. At 9.99 per coach, it's nice top be able to add a bit of that color scheme to my collection.

    Wish i could take pictures of things but the camera is broken, so I have to use place holders off the web.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
  4. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    Yes, the FVM models are nice and detailed, the only downside to me was the hand rails. I ordered a 6 pin DCC decoder for it because I read somewhere I could use that in it, unfortunately it takes the 21 pin decoder. I now have one of those on the way now. I'll keep the 6 pin because I can make use of it in a MU'd unit.

    I seem to be going with sound on lead units and no sound on the others? It's working out and is less expensive anyway. I'll post some pictures of it working on the club layout soon.
  5. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Yea, I need to get out and find some LHS in Provo, word is we might be going thru to Denver again, will be a long trip, but there is a descent Hobby shop in Denver, I used to tell my wife that we didn't get paid for pulling empties. That worked for almost a week, till she saw my stash of stuff from there... Left a lot of $$ in that outfit :):)
  6. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    The one in Orem is called hobby stop. Been wanting to go to the one in Denver for quite a while now. Always buy from them online. Well nice try with the fib... This saying works for hobby stuff just like fishing gear.


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    gjslsffan and John Smith like this.
  7. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm curious, is there a European Train Enthusiasts chapter near where you live? I was chating with the Norcal guys here at IRF this weekend. They're an interesting bunch.
  8. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    I don't know of any euro modelers here and Denver is huge. Sometimes I see stuff on consignment at caboose hobbies, so it means they either passed away or have stopped doing euro stuff. Not having tons of model railroad time or space in the house, I've opted to just collect a lot of old models from the 70's.

    I did check out an online european train group a while back. It was a pay to use site, and at the time I was out of a job and had no expendable cash, so I asked the guy if he would give me a free trial membership but he was not willing to let me peek into the site. It made me think they were to snobby for me anyway. ;)

    Most of my european friends aren't on the continent, as I end up meeting a lot of brits on various forums. The brits got me curious about british trains, so I even have a tiny bit of OO scale stuff from the 70's by Hornby and wren. I really like how the old hornby stuff is so reliable.

    Another potential problem with a club would be the compatibility issue. I really like the older models. I like to leave them in original condition as well. I do little things like gauging wheels a, but mostly I keep them as is. A club might want me to swap couplers, or they might not appreciate my older models at all, since they are not true to prototype. Some people even put Kadees on their european stock; to me, that is a great travesty.
    gjslsffan likes this.
  9. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    65mustang.jpg Another car arrived, another '65 Mustang
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  10. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Picked up this rusty pipe load yesterday at the local model railway exhibition.

    gjslsffan and John Smith like this.
  11. John Smith

    John Smith TrainBoard Member

    Love the "Fastback"! JMS
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  12. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    I got the 21 pin decoder in today and installed it this evening. I even got the rail fixed. So 130 is running and looks pretty good. Here she is with BNSF 563 coming into the port to pick up cars. image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
    John Smith and gjslsffan like this.
  13. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Thats a great repair on the handrail. How did you do it? Nice looking locos BTW.
  14. dalebaker

    dalebaker TrainBoard Member

    Hi Tom,
    I used some brass wire and Loctite Super glue. I cut out the bad section and cut the wire slightly oversize. With the stanntions in place I glued it in. This is temporary till I can fabricate a permanent fix. I'm still not real happy with the quality of the rails. They are way too brittle. I contacted Fox Valley about the rails for a replacement and have yet to hear back from them.
  15. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    This reminds me I have an old loco that my son broke the handrails off when he was 2. He's now 15. I may just finally get around to fixing it. I have had the new parts for years.

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  16. StickyMonk

    StickyMonk TrainBoard Member

    I picked this up on eBay for not a lot of money it is one of the old Roco powered Atlas SD35's.



    This is how it came, it looks like someone was in the process of making it into a better model but gave up for some reason, it needs a good service and finishing off but I have all the parts below in my spares box, the hardest part will be the fuel tank but I am sure I can mill enough metal off to fit a correct shape tank.


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  17. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    I have one of those in the project bin. The issue with the fuel tank is that the trucks are also too big so the tank ends up too small compared to prototype. I've been toying with various solutions.
  18. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Here a BLI heavy mike that I recently picked up for $100. Although I operate DC only I really liked the looks of it and a mike is the largest locomotive that I would normally run on my layout.

    Pardon the jerky camera work. I have a hard time multitasking, pointing the camera and operating the throttle.
    John Smith and dalebaker like this.
  19. StickyMonk

    StickyMonk TrainBoard Member

    Nice loco, it is good being able to run sound locos on a DC layout but I found switching with them just doesn't work.

    I always enjoy seeing your layout and a video shows just how impressive it is.

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  20. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Here's a Bachmann Alco switcher I picked up. I don't really need sound, but I am a sucker for anything decorated for the Milwaukee Road. Works fine for switching for me.Again, I have problems throwing switches, pointing the camera and operating the the throttle at the same time.I wold like to turn the sound off to tell you the truth, but I have no way without a DCC controller.

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
    John Smith and dalebaker like this.

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