
BA&P 2

The local shortline heading back to Butte after dropping off one boxcar to the UP at Silverbow, MT. They just recently change the railroads name back to its original name the Butte, Anaconda, & Pacific Railway from Rarus Railway. One loco is still lettered for the Montana Western which used to run the branch from Butte to Garrison, MT with it interchanged with the MRL, but BNSF to back control of the branch in sometime around 2003.

BA&P 2
EspeeEngineer, Nov 8, 2007
Kurt Moose likes this.
    • BoxcabE50
      With some units in other colors- Any news about the paint scheme? Revival of the older styles as above?

      Boxcab E50
    • EspeeEngineer
      I haven't heard or seen anything about the paint scheme. Most of their locomotives are carry the original BA&P scheme as you can see on the Rarus loco. They have 4 Montana Western locos, the one in the pic, another gp9 painted in a white MW scheme and 2 ex UP GP38s. Patriot Rail the company that now owns the BA&P recently came out with a corporate wide scheme, but no word yet if they are going to change to that scheme.
    • BoxcabE50
      It's that ex-MW power which has me wondering. Sure wish they'd go back to a BA&P traditional scheme.

      Boxcab E50
      Kurt Moose likes this.
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