Mark Watson

I'm getting very close to finishing my "New" 4-4-0! Tonight she arrived at the paint shop and got her first burst of new paint! I'm going to let this set overnight then tomorrow I'll go back and touch up all the bells and whistles and such.

I'm getting very close to finishing my "New" 4-4-0! Tonight she arrived at the paint shop and got her first burst of new paint!  I'm going to let this set overnight then tomorrow I'll go back and touch up all the bells and whistles and such.
Mark Watson, Jan 25, 2010
    • WPZephyrFan
      I can't wait to see the end result. Personally, I like Russian Iron, that kind of gunmetal blue color for older steam locos. What color do you have in mind?
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    Mark Watson
    Jan 25, 2010
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