
Landmark tree

OO scale

Landmark tree
mikelhh, Apr 2, 2007
    • John Warren
      Your work is top notch, enjoyed all of your scenes. Would you mind if I ask about your trees, Are they wire wrap, the roots are fantastic. John Warren
    • mikelhh
      Thanks, John. Kind of you to say so. This tree is based on a twig from the garden, but when I do them with twisted wire I cover the trunks and major branches with DAS clay to hide the spirals, then paint them. Finer branches are a mix of twigs and coconut fibre [hanging basket liner] This one's main branches are fine twigs, some of which were inserted and glued into recesses I carved into the trunk.
      Roots on this one were made with DAS clay after I planted the tree, then painted to match the trunk.
      Wherever it's used it's best to paint the clay with white glue before it dries or it shrinks a bit and doesn't adhere. It's perfectly sound after gluing, though.
      I hope that's some help.

    • BoxcabE50
      That looks great. :D :D :D

      Boxcab E50
    • mikelhh
      Thaks, Boxcab :teeth:
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    Apr 2, 2007
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