Airbrush Cordless Rechargeable?

in2tech May 27, 2023

  1. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Exactly, as a member of the newly formed Rechargeable Airbrush Club, or RAC, we will stand by or little quiet airbrushes as club members :) One item in our club document is NO compressors allowed. We will meet quarterly, or maybe even semi-annually cause we don't use our airbrushes much, doesn't really make sense to meet more often :)

    First meeting topic:

    Rechargeable airbrushes, cause they are so quiet. We will see who's airbrush makes the least noise :)

    Have to say I was laughing as I was typing this :)

    Alright who want's to be a member of the RAC? Some reason I feel like that is a military group? Am I wrong? Maybe I am thinking of the RAF? Is that one?

    RAC current members:

    Mike VE2TRY

    I didn't say we were a large club :)
  2. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Not a large club, but an exclusive club!
  3. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    RAC? Not military, but trains! It's the Railway Association of Canada!:cool:

    I'm in so long as there's free coffee at the meetings.:coffee:
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  4. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Of course it had to already stand for something. First meeting, consider name change :)

    Free coffee and donuts :) I mean there is ONLY two of us :)

    I thought there were more people on here that had these rechargeable airbrushes? Guess I am wrong?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
    BNSF FAN and Kurt Moose like this.
  5. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Yay! :coffee::)

    If Amazon's stock of them increments downward, I suspect there will be more coming... ;)
    BNSF FAN and Kurt Moose like this.
  6. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Almost there. The Rechargeable Airbrush will be taking a break! Rudder goes on last. Once I put it on, I can't flip it over easily to work on the underside of the Academy 1:72 F-16A. Have a few items to touch up, and try to add the gear doors. Airbrush did an excellent job and was perfect for my needs. Quick painting, quiet, and great cover compared to a brush, and charge time was great for me, as I only work in 15-30 minute sessions. Could have used some different color's for bombs and missiles, but don't have them yet.

    First FULL project with Rechargeable Airbrush, almost complete. Not bad for a newbie to airbrushing I don't think. Way better then when I painted them with a paint brush and cheaper paint. I'll post a picture of it on the wheels after they dry well. Even did a decent job on the decals this time :)

    Kurt Moose, Sumner, BigJake and 2 others like this.
  7. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I'd give that job a two-thumbs-up!(y)(y)

    That's very encouraging for my prospects for this airbrush. You just proved it's totally able to do more than just spot jobs and weathering.:)

    Be glad you don't see me hopping up and down with glee. It ain't a pretty sight...:eek::ROFLMAO:
    BNSF FAN and in2tech like this.
  8. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Alright and here we are at the end of the Academy 1:72 F-16A project. There are a few items left like the doors to the back and front landing gear. I'll get to them later down the road. Can't see them anyway! And now time to take a break. Put away the table, the airbrush, etc...


    I have to say, I can't believe the difference from a paint brush and an airbrush, for me at least. It looks so much better then ME painting with a brush. Rechargeable Airbrush, great for small projects like this.

    See that little Needle on the nose. Enjoy it, won't be long before I break it off :) Already glue it back together once :) Need to glue the right wing on a little better.

    Thanks for following me on this journey!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
  9. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Nice work! That bird really looks like it means business.:cool:

    Tell me about it... It's just like those little sunshades over the cab windows of some locos... :ROFLMAO:
    Kurt Moose, BNSF FAN and in2tech like this.
  10. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I snooped around the net today and found a nearby - very nearby - LHS that actually stocks... in store... wait for it... paint!!!:)

    I had no idea until today that this one even existed. It's even nearer than the one I usually visit.

    My targeting sensors are locked onto that one for this weekend. First evaluation visit! Cross your fingers! :cool:
  11. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Hopefully you can get at least one bottle. I swear by the Vallejo Model Air paint for airbrushes. You don't want that rechargeable airbrush working any harder then it needs too. Also, I would get some Airbrush Flow Improver and Cleaner, which I do not have yet the cleaner! So far Distilled Water has worked fine.

    Good luck, and have fun!
    BNSF FAN and BigJake like this.
  12. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Good local hobby shops require regular care and feeding!
    in2tech and BNSF FAN like this.
  13. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    They do carry that!:)

    Oddly, that's the same theme used by my stomach this morning before breakfast... :cautious:
  14. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    I'm processing that right now. :whistle::)
    Mike VE2TRV, in2tech and BNSF FAN like this.
  15. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Unfortunately, my doctor is telling me otherwise (regarding my stomach's wishes.)
    Mike VE2TRV, in2tech and BNSF FAN like this.
  16. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I went, I saw, I bought paint. :)

    Vallejo, no less.

    I stuck to earth colors, figuring that scenery and weathering will be a good starting point to practice using the new toy. Getting things dirty is a low-risk activity - when I was a kid I got myself dirty without even trying... so I must be a natural... :ROFLMAO:

    I like the place and the guy running it. He has a good attitude and is really up on good customer service.(y)

    To quote some terminating guy, "I'll be back".:cool:
    in2tech, BigJake and BNSF FAN like this.
  17. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I forgot to mention, yesterday, in my excitement, that my airbrush should be in by Tuesday the 11th.

    Christmas in July!!! :)
    in2tech, BigJake and BNSF FAN like this.
  18. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    You have pictures of the colors you bought? Your gonna be busy next week playing with your new toy, I mean tool. :)
    BNSF FAN and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  19. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I'm sticking to my plan to start with water on newspaper or paper towels, to get the hang of the critter. Then I'll start playing (messing around). with the new toy

    Didn't buy much, as I'm starting. I'm going to stick to scenery and weathering, and a some vehicles or structures. I will go back once I've mastered it enough not to make a mess or ruin anything.

    As for colors, I got some surface primer in German Panzer Grey; Tan Earth; Mud Brown; and a couple of outliers in case I want to experiment, Yellow and Red. Those last two might be interesting for vehicles. I also bought some Tamiya airbrush cleaner. Didn't find any flow improver, but the info I found on it is that it contains alcohol and some other stuff. Next time (some time during my vacation starting next weekend) I'll ask the guy to order some.
    BNSF FAN, Shortround and in2tech like this.
  20. Glenn Butcher

    Glenn Butcher TrainBoard Member

    When I get mine, same thing. I've got a collection of 'discrepant' parts I've printed for the steam locomotive, after I get a bit of basic practice I'm going to use them to develop technique. Particularly the shiny coat I need for the boiler, that'll also be about paint choices and sanding.
    BNSF FAN, Mike VE2TRV and in2tech like this.

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